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NightmarishLand created a topic of Love in Orbit

Okay you know what, I need a showdown between the asshole and the mother... Cuz I think both MC and asshole needs to hear something from mom the hard cold truth what an asshole the asshole is and MC needs to wake up what an asshole the asshole is, cuz it's about time.

NightmarishLand created a topic of Waterside Night

Fuck, that mother fucker just find ways to literally ruin Euihyun's life.... A literal fucking soul sucking bitch! Fuck you, hope u lose you fucking penis cuz you don't deserve to reproduce more just so they could suffer in your place you fucker (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Damn, I must read the novel faster now to caught up in this arc...

I started at the beginning because everytime I try to start where the manhwa is at now, I'm lost at what's happening... Also the novel and the manhwa have differences too.

Just like Yerim and Myeongwoo order of being introduced in the story... Myeongwoo was introduced first in the novel.

NightmarishLand created a topic of Megumi and Tsugumi

Ngl, i hate how he's trying to bend backwards over this sexist man... It's fine if he wants to improve for the better but not because of this POS, I'm seriously here for uke's parents to throw hands. I hate people like him

NightmarishLand created a topic of Family Mate

Damn, I came back after a long while and the mother is still infuriating. I hate how this story doesn't even acknowledge what she did was abuse towards his son. Fuck.

NightmarishLand created a topic of Someone Like You

Damn, they stayed in that position until morning, that will be hell on the legs ( ̄∇ ̄")

I remember sleeping in that position too but with my upper body bent over a pillow cuz my headache was so painful and it was the position where it was tolerable, but my legs suffered for it ahahaha

NightmarishLand created a topic of Norainu no Yoru

What? Is that it??? Where's the continuation????

NightmarishLand created a topic of Puppy Love

It said to be continued and not the end right? Can we have at least one more so I can see seme's family going down? Getting a slap on the wrist is not enough, I want to see them groveling on the ground (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

Lmao, I won't be surprised if those alphas were blackmailed that their families would do something bad with those two. Typical plot bunnies for the drama (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

NightmarishLand created a topic of Little Mushroom

The manifestation of "it's illegal to be this cute"

NightmarishLand created a topic of Cozy Obsession

You know, it'll be a crazy plot twist if the normal world is actually a whole hallucination of the MC as coping mechanism due to his trauma. Like he wished for a world where there's no A/B/O. Then he came back to reality and end up confusing what reality he belongs or something. Will make sense why people from this world and his world are exact copies... Kind of a wild theory.... I pretty much got this idea from unseen immortal hahaha

NightmarishLand created a topic of PASSION

Around chap80

Omg.... Taeui!!!!! I'm internally screaming in frustration... It's fucking stupid wtf???? What kind of a good decision to actually hide with the brother of the person you're hiding from??? Not to mention a perosn who have guests coming in and out, are you not even afraid that some info will be leaked about you? It's like advertising that you're there!!!!! Argh!!!!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 I don't fucking care if Taeui gets caught but at least he was smart about it..... Ahhh fuckkkkkk

AHAHAHAHAHA he lost his freedom card XD

Yes that's right, rest okay...

Also damn.... Yoohyun. I guess it was foreshadowed ever since the cuckoo bird was mentioned.

NightmarishLand created a topic of Little Mushroom

Chapter 22 and 23 are the same (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

NightmarishLand created a topic of Be My Baby

Aishhhh, they're both dumb lmao

NightmarishLand created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

*bites hand(⊙…⊙ )

Are they.... Srsly going to make a ring with a jewel that big? Cuz uhhhh... Just no... Nope.(⊙…⊙ )

Omfg, it all makes sense now... Why he's so obsessed with Rishar but still... What duty, u mf. What about your duty as ETIENNE'S FATHER? Where u fucking bitch? Can't even fucking manage to protect your own son from your scheming wife cuz you're a coward and weak! Weak in terms of resolve. Yes tell him Rishar, tell him!!!

Dispose both of them btw. Take those trash along the way(⌒▽⌒)

NightmarishLand created a topic of Mirror of wishes

The plot twist will probably be that they are the same person so it will end up in a good note but I can't help myself get reminded of a similar plot (plot where one guy ends up manifesting) where this guy has one sided love then ends up hallucinating(or just supernatural) his crush and the end is just depressing lmao (I forgot the name but it's a JP bl)