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NightmarishLand created a topic of Waterside Night

Ouch, I feel bad for Heesung. I wish he'll find his own love someday

NightmarishLand created a topic of Gig of the Day

He can try and be an athlete with how good he runs lmao hahaha

Both are so funny xD

NightmarishLand created a topic of Gig of the Day

Lmao, the literal chasing the (future) wife hahaha xD

NightmarishLand created a topic of Night Song

Nooooooooooooo huhuhu it can't end here (/TДT)/

Can somebody explain to me why the cop person wants to protect the association? They are abusing people, what's his deal?

NightmarishLand created a topic of Gig of the Day

Lmao, the double misunderstanding xD

NightmarishLand created a topic of Love in Orbit

The amount of people on the slot machine freaked me out lmao...

This is going to be painful later on...

NightmarishLand created a topic of Instant Family


Fuck you (Fuck you), fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So, please don't stay in touch (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

NightmarishLand created a topic of Love in Orbit

I wonder if the dad has already passed away and the mom can't take that fact so she wanted to recreate him through their son?

I know you can't place the same human morals to an alien but it's still maddening how they treat ML...

NightmarishLand created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

*puts Anya smug face

So how's the plan? Thrown out the window?

It really had a good premise but if author-san wants to draw and write about p*rn, just don't be shy and just do it, stop pretending it has a plot.

Also this ironically feels like shoujo rather than yaoi, only that our MC has a d*ck

NightmarishLand created a topic of For you 99%

"My name is no, my sign is no, my number is no, uh
You need to let it go"(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

NightmarishLand created a topic of Half of Me

I only hope Heejae won't interfere this time... Tbh, I don't have much hope in Heechan exposing him cuz everybody seems to like dancing around the issue, it's starting to get a little frustrating.


Is going to be a love triangle?

NightmarishLand created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

*eats popcorn

Okay sure simp(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

NightmarishLand created a topic of Night Song

Cuddling cuddling cuddling so cuteヾ(☆▽☆)

NightmarishLand created a topic of D:AZE

Now kiss(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

NightmarishLand created a topic of Half of Me

Fuck this chapter, I understand that MC doesn't have any interest in people in general that's why he's that clueless of people's feelings but it doesn't negate the frustration I'm feeling right now... I just want to go inside that world and choke the life out of that damn pink haired cheating stalker twink...

Fuck fuck fuck!!!! MC I'm begging you so bad, stop approaching that fucking bastard. He approaches you because he wants to know about Minjae but won't speak to you what happened between them? What a load of shit. He's scared you won't tell him because once you know he's a load of crap that rivals a smokey mountain, you will makes sure he won't get near him but fuck fuck fuck. MC's lack of understanding won't even care, at the moment, about the hurt and trauma Minjae is having right now (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

I'm frustrated as fuck right now, I need to read or watch something cute

NightmarishLand created a topic of SPY x FAMILY

I wonder if this ends where Anya pulls of a Nagisa... She becomes a teacher or something rather than a spy or assassin when she grows up.... After all Loid and Yor(+Yuri) did all of this in order for kids not to walk the same paths... Like it's cool to imagine Anya becoming a spy or something but it really defeats the purpose why Loid became a spy and Yor continues to become an assassin when Yuri already grew up.