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fufufuchan January 2, 2016 6:26 pm

Beautiful. Ive reread this a couple of times, yet its impact never wanes. I wish to find love like this in real life.

fufufuchan December 26, 2015 3:42 pm

It's so damn funny and ridiculous. I quite enjoyed it. Weirdly enough, I wasn't bothered by the art. I've seen worse.

fufufuchan December 26, 2015 3:02 pm

Im so glad sensei changed her mind abt Udou being the seme. Uke Udou is just too adorable and sexy.

fufufuchan June 25, 2015 9:00 am

This is gonna be a threesome, right? A-xi, Jian Yi and that black haired dude. Coz that would be fucken adorable. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    WTF June 25, 2015 11:31 am


    fufufuchan June 25, 2015 11:37 am

    Bwahahhahaha. Yup, I am! Anyway, check out the tumblr where it's first uploaded. There was a speculation that the title '19 days' was derived from the name of those three characters. Well, whether that be true or not, I still ship it.

    WTF June 25, 2015 12:00 pm

    Oh. Sorry for the harsh reaction. I love threesomes only in some VEEERY special cases. I couldn't wrap my mind around what you had just said for a moment, haha, for I believe that the two main characters have a very special relationship which doesn't have to be shared by anyone else. It is cool, you know, your opinion and all that.
    But crazy is fun, so you must be a veeery fun person (winks)
    But dude, that speculation was BEFORE Zhan Zheng Xi's name was revealed. And there is no meaning of one, nine or days in his name. Notice that those who started the entire speculation said that this could only be confirmed when the guy with the brown hair (Zhan Zheng Xi) had his name revealed.
    So that must have been all speculation. If it were a threesome, then the summary would not have been given by Old Xian as the one above - 'the cute and funny adventures of a boy and his best friend'.

    fufufuchan June 25, 2015 2:03 pm
    Oh. Sorry for the harsh reaction. I love threesomes only in some VEEERY special cases. I couldn't wrap my mind around what you had just said for a moment, haha, for I believe that the two main characters have ... @WTF

    No worries, I wasn't offended at all. :) I've read the blog before, but it's really just today that I got too bored to really read what's in there. I came across the theory and immediately went gaga about the idea of a threesome. I guess I got too excited to examine the facts thoroughly. I like the interaction between Jian Yi and Tian-something, and I'm kinda hoping to see more of them. I tend to really like the side characters, eventho many authors don't seem to give too much effort on them. Oh, but I do love the main pairing here. They're the most adorable thing I've seen lately! Now that I think about it, I don't really fancy any interaction between A-xi and Tian. Maybe what I really want is not a threesome but an A-xiXJian Yi with a bit (or a lot) of TianXJian Yi. I love that weird dude so much, he's so shippable to anyone. Ah, sorry I started rambling. Haha
    Hey, thanks for clarifying that. Tho I'm sad my ship won't be able to sail at all, atleast I was saved from false hope..?

    Guru Of Awesomeness June 27, 2015 12:52 am

    Dude, we're lucky if we get any legit Jian Yi x Zhan Zheng Xi action.
    Let's save that for the fanfics, yeah? :3

    WTF June 29, 2015 5:13 pm
    No worries, I wasn't offended at all. :) I've read the blog before, but it's really just today that I got too bored to really read what's in there. I came across the theory and immediately went gaga about the i... fufufuchan

    You got your wish in ch 115, dude.
    ...are you a mystical astrologer or seer or something?
    ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ So ready to see a jealous A-Xi.

    fufufuchan July 5, 2015 7:27 am
    You got your wish in ch 115, dude....are you a mystical astrologer or seer or something?I FIND MYSELF LIKING HE TIAN ALL OF A SUDDEN.PERHAPS HE WILL BRING THE A-XI AND JIAN YI TOGETHER OR SOMETHING? ⁄(⁄ �... @WTF

    Hahahaha Ive been reading for quite some time. I think I've picked enough to guess how these things go. Funny how people hated the idea at first. Now they want a 3sum, too. Fucking hypocrites! Were all perverts here! Hahahaha jk. I totally agree, I think/predict He Tian would make Spiky hair dude jealous.

fufufuchan June 12, 2015 6:32 pm

Random thought: Isn't it easy to cheat on this game? Like, by bringing fake cards that look like the ones they're using? Lol jk (just in case someone lash out on me for being stupid)

    wendyb June 12, 2015 7:07 pm

    i would totally cheat if i was playing

    not really June 13, 2015 7:05 am

    because if there are more then the same cards then people are going to suspect something and there going to ask you where you found it and if its not in the same place that the put, then it i hate to be u

    Anonymous June 14, 2015 6:01 am

    Maybe the cards are special XD

fufufuchan June 12, 2015 1:25 pm

This shit really hits through my heart. It's effn hilarious yet there are moments that are seriously sad, sweet and just precious. I love the subtlety and the realness in those moments. So many emotions in just few pages.Their friendship is so beautiful. Dammmn y don't I have a friend lyk that irl?? (╥﹏╥)

fufufuchan June 9, 2015 10:08 pm

Somehow in the manga Levi is not as stoic as I thought he was. Lol. Can someone please tell me, is the manga about levi made into an anime already? I read somewhere that there were really plans about it, but I didnt stay updated.
So anyone can turn into titan with that thing? Yasss Levi titan! But yep, he could die. Still I kinda believe Erwin's decisions. Damn, Levi would a great loss not only to the survey corps but to the humanity. Im sure they have considered that. Maybe Levi could pull it off?
And titans are humans, thats established. So eren, annie(spelling), ymir, historia and the gang are special coz they have consciousness. ?Lol wut am i saying. Their batch is so fucked up. Maybe one day Jean would become a titan, too. Also, Hange is a man.? I know hes supposed to be interpreted however by the reader, but that gave me a peace of mind.Ymir's a girl, right? Lol.

    Sakura June 11, 2015 2:00 am

    Yes, the spin-off about Levi has been made into an OVA. Just Google "shingeki no kyojin no regrets English sub" and there you go.

    Anyone can turn into a titan by injecting that titan serum. However, I've always thought that it would turn one into a mindless titan. You gain consciousness only when you, as a mindless titan, have eaten another shifter human/titan. I'm pretty sure about this.

    Unless I've seen the original Japanese scan, I can't tell you whether hanji was specified as a male. Japanese pronouns can be genderless or often omitted, but in English, we need a third person pronoun no matter what in order to address someone in some situations. As such, it's up to the translator's choice which pronoun he or she prefers based on what gender he or she perceives a certain character in the story to be. In Japanese, you can't really tell a third person's gender easily.

    Yes, Ymir is a girl. I've been curious about how her name is actually pronounced, btw.

    fufufuchan June 12, 2015 10:41 am
    Yes, the spin-off about Levi has been made into an OVA. Just Google "shingeki no kyojin no regrets English sub" and there you go. Anyone can turn into a titan by injecting that titan serum. However, I've alway... @Sakura

    Oh my, thank you so so much for clearing everything up! I've asked a lot of questions, you're so patient! Thankkkss. :-)

fufufuchan June 8, 2015 6:45 pm

For some reason, I was shipping kazuomi and katsutaka. The black haired dude looked like a neko. I think I would have enjoyed this more that way. Hahahaha.
Instead of pursuing the kids, they should have just fell for each other. (≧∀≦)

    anonymous February 9, 2016 10:09 am

    ? They are not attracted to each other. So why would they wound up with each other?

    Are you telling me that YOU are attracted to just ANYBODY? That's why you think those would just end up together even though they are obviously not attracted to each other? Look at who they fall for, they fell for different types of personality from each other, how'd you expect them to end up together?

    Just because they are gay, doesn't mean they would fall for ANYONE. So quit with the bs.

    fufufuchan February 21, 2016 9:36 am
    ? They are not attracted to each other. So why would they wound up with each other?Are you telling me that YOU are attracted to just ANYBODY? That's why you think those would just end up together even though th... @anonymous

    Woah calm down. Thats just what I think. You can have your opinion, I can respect that. Just... Lemme have mine, too. Jesus

    Francis August 8, 2018 1:25 am

    I'll be okay if the senpai were dated as long as yuki and keade would still be dating

fufufuchan May 30, 2015 3:04 pm

The art is really cute. I dont have much problem with girly drawings of uke, I guess I just dont like it when they act too girly ? Like, I love Corsair and the uke's way prettier than the girls! But yep, this one's kind of no different from reading shoujo where the girl likes being done from behind. Anyway, the plot isnt gold either, its cliche and no character devt whatsoever occured. If it was pure bizarre(-ness?) with just lots of hot yaoi sex, I might still even appreciate it, because obviously the author made it for that reason alone (sex) and the readers can easily understand that. This ones suppose to be cute and fluffy, but it didnt achieve that (for me). But well, we've definitely seen worse than this!

    Ayu-chan June 15, 2015 9:12 pm

    I was thinking the same, you're right.

fufufuchan May 26, 2015 1:54 pm

Because of the comments, I only read chapter 2! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Idk guys.. I mean, this is a watanabe asia classic. That kind of "fucked up-ness with lots of incest and dayum 3/4-some sex" is like, her style. Like, I give sensei her own category, just like how ogawa chise, nakamura asumiko, sakyou aya and all other great authors have theirs. Whatever your mood is, youll find your beloved author to satisfy your cravings. And her works are perfect for me whenever I feel like reading weird/nonsense hot sexful yaoi. Idk y dis got long lol.. In short, I enjoyed it just as much as some of you guys did. :)

    iamxrae December 7, 2015 5:54 am

    Just wanna say, I didn't not-like it, because yes, it's this mangaka's style - she can be all over the place with sick, crazy, lovey, cute, and all that, it just made me sad. Not one of the characters in chapter 2 was happy. It was hot, sad sex.

    fufufuchan December 7, 2015 1:15 pm

    I can definitely see where you're coming from, and I agree it was a sad hot mess. Its a matter of preference, right? (=・ω・=) I liked it because at that time I guess I was in the mood for something violent..pure sex kinda thing. Its probably after rereading Katekyo and super lovers for the nth time that I needed a breather from too much fluff lol. Yep, the plot's not golden, but it fulfilled what I needed. Wow that sounded bad, that i came here not for the plot. But yeah, sometimes its the other elements that get me. This time its the art and sex. Sorry for replyin im bored

    kai December 17, 2015 2:13 am

    Can yal explain chapter 2 to me. I dont understand any of it ( ̄∇ ̄")

    fufufuchan December 17, 2015 12:55 pm
    Can yal explain chapter 2 to me. I dont understand any of it ( ̄∇ ̄") kai

    Ooh, Im not coherent, but lemme try. This is gonna be long and confusing. Assuming that the translation is accurate, here are some facts(?) I got.
    ~Hachisu —the little guy; his twin's Keito; orphaned; witnessed his parents' death when he was 7; he looks like his pops Ren, acc to Shion
    ~Ren— the real papa of the twins; cousin and lover of Shion
    ~Kira — wife of shion but hates the fucker because he doesnt love her; seduced Ren, which resulted to the twins (lol wut)
    ~Uncle Shion — he killed Ren and Kira in revenge; the source of all evil
    ~Keito— the other twin; loves Hachi; hates Shion but gets fucked by him for Hachi's sake (not sure about this one)
    ~Miroku —the most normal out of the bunch (I guess); loves Hachi; looks like Shion acc to Hachisu; he also wanna kill Shion
    So, yeah. Shion is fucked up. He had a wife(Kira) whom he never loved, and a lover(Ren) who also happened to be his cousin. In revenge, Kira seduced Ren, then had conceived the twins. Shion the fucker thought he had the right to feel victimized after all he'd done to them (to Kira, especially), and killed them in revenge. He took in the twins. The brats all knew that Shion killed their parents, but Hachi still loves him. I dont even know why, it wasnt expounded that well. He obviously loves sex, as seen in the intro of the story. Maybe one reason's that he likes having sex with Shion (I swear he did say that!), despite being aware that the man's just fucking them for his selfish death-transcending revenge for what their parents had done to him. That's basically the gist of it. Im sure I made lots of errors here, so read it again if you want.
    P.s. There's a confusing part here tho. Hachi actually says in the narration that he's not blood-related to Shion, eventhough he apparently is, being the son of Shion's cousin. BUT maybe the author just meant theyre simply not biologically like, pops and brats. Do ignore this part hoho. And miroku remains a mystery to me. I think he's shion's brat, but he calls him uncle. He cant be ren's Lol.

    kai December 17, 2015 1:52 pm
    Ooh, Im not coherent, but lemme try. This is gonna be long and confusing. Assuming that the translation is accurate, here are some facts(?) I got.~Hachisu —the little guy; his twin's Keito; orphaned; witnesse... fufufuchan

    Okay thank you!!! I was so lost reading it that i started mixing the characters names up and was just plain lost. So at least u gave me something to think about and understand lol(≧∀≦)

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