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cumquartz did ( All 1 )


cumquartz's experience ( All 0 )

cumquartz's answer ( All 5 )

about question
5'11 baby   1 reply
04 07,2021
about question
basically   reply
04 07,2021
about lmao
I was once hit by lightning   reply
18 06,2021
about eaten out
11 01,2021
genuine answer: depends on what the person does, how good they are, normally sensory overload? but feels diff for everybody soo   reply
11 01,2021

cumquartz's question ( All 1 )

04 07,2021
I was recently sexually choked for the first time, and I gotta say, I dont get it. Like I didnt hate it or anything, just didnt do anything for me. Whats the appeal?

Sidenote, stupid day that was, had a big fckn hickey on my neck a day before my bachelor's exam with important state people.
04 07,2021

People are doing

did read 1000 manga or more

1000 in 4 years, i mark as already read after finishing the avalable chaps then drop it if i dont enjoy it anymore

58 minutes
did read 1000 manga or more

i have indeed read over 1000, but thats probably bc i went thru a phase of only reading oneshots.

1 hours
want to do read 1000 manga or more

I may or may not have took a pause in my reading, but Im only at 223, 171 if you count non-doujin and exclusively BL

5 hours