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shes VILE like???? breaking the heart of the man you murdered in a previous timeline AFTER you use him to get control of your house in the current timeline? so delightfully evil. and then she stole his discovery from the past TL and used that to propel a public disengagement? and even after all that she still has the balls to go to his house and went "im so bored lets have casual sex every so often" LMAO ruthless.
i love the ml too. hes definitely pathetic head over heels but hes not the usual whiny tsundere or whatever. hes treading his own moral conflict being crazy for the girl who admitted to have murdered him in a different timeline, while also thinking yea thats a bad bitch no wonder i died lol but i dont want to lose to her now even if i want her haha. theyre so exciting!

cassio is an asshole, still is per chapter 38 BUT among the 3 men, hes the only one who got busy with brains, i wonder if thats why ophelia chose to entrust emilia to him and not the tepid tempered raretis, even though in hindsight itd have made sense for ophelia to put emilia in the care of someone with least visible conflict with her. cassio is smart and live off stimulations (??? sort of). hes borderline a sicko but hes not dumb at it like the ponytail. in passing, i feel like cassio and ophelia are both very similar characters. theyre blunt and kinda twisted, bitter, but also incredibly protective. ophelia has been seen showing that she can be genuinely affectionate with emilia, and i think in time cassio can be a sincere person too, hence why ophelia chose him for guarding emilia post her passing.
i saw spoilers saying that raretis is the ML but honestly i find it very hard to believe, although maybe its also for the best for emilia. but right now though, cassio is so interesting and their interaction is diabolical and complex and their chemistry is flying sparks everywhere. i just feel like even though ellodi is the exact ophelia lookalike, cassio is literally the spitting image of ophelia, in terms of personality and perspective

THIS WEBTOON IS SO CRAZY???? literally plowed through the 74 chapters in one sitting now im getting goosebumps all over damn this was so GOOD I NEED MOARRRR

and dominick is her first adoptive son like...hes her dick grayson the way he took charge of the younger ones (???? even though theyre all probs old af) and now hes out here taking another lost kid into the wayne manor (her shop) lmao

having a dumbass as ur only child while ur ambitions are through the sky LMAOOOO my head be hurting with the empress every time her son opens his mouth my god

that the sia formerly in camillas body is living well. in that live sias body is wealthy and well liked, i hope she gets to start afresh as well....and another thing: wheres their mom!!! ik she quite probably passed away already but damn no mention whatsoever not even between the two of the siblings like lol maybe there will be a tearjerking arc with her moms ghost??


he needed to be honest with himself and her. he doesnt love FL. if he had, he wouldve let her go, marry those previous girls from powerful families and be absolutely formidable emperor so tht she can live without fear and away from politics. instead he confidently clung to her, shackled her to him, drag her around like a dead horse and only make her lose her sanity day by day. this webtoon needs a psychological tag

everytime emperor is shown to be cute and soft with his interactions with cezanne just for him to be a damn psycho with i think he needs to die

likening rashta to natasha (the mistress in this webtoon) is such a misjudgement. rasha couldnt even plot well with her single braincell. this mistress is actually an anne boleyn/giulia farnese type shit shes so clever and cunning and a good match for FL like yea shes not a bumbling idiot, shes a real villain and im so hyped for her downfall

like what if the book world is part of a hypnotherapy subconscious thing she took to process her ptsd and grief? irl ahran has no memory of it cause thats part of the therapy??? lol cause i mean she did say that shes becoming so emotionally involved and self-realising ahhan in the novel, when that is just her getting in touch with herself. she did only start repairing/rebuilding burnt bridges (w her school bff and mom and half brother/family) after she gets sent to her book and her novel character helped her understood her irl relationship way better. a silly thought but IDKKKK just sayin

thisBarbielovestorant created a topic of TWO HEIRS

nothing can make me hate women exercising their power. and for what its worth....this is literally on him like??? i bet empress knew what ML is like cause she married his older bro and that man (who is emeror mind you lol) is dumb in love with her. she got the man-puppy of that family experience firsthand i think she knew what shes doing. and hes kinda not sober bc of the manipulation gem (although sis in law doesnt know that) but yea miss queens a bad bitch im with her. im also with riella. im also with chloe (palace botanist). im also even with princess charlotte, even though shes being ridiculous rn but ehhhh nothing exactly hate inciting. theyre all, including the monster maid and the late grand duchess are different flavors of women w power and i love that about this webtoon!!!

estelle was a living weapon. she had no friend (essentially, her friendship with khalid is onesided, the rest is camaraderie), no family, no love, no life. her only purpose was to be used by the crown ruling the kingdom. she was groomed and later maybe, taught to be willfully ignorant of what being human means, bc shes her king's useful weapon. if she started having feelings, learning the folly of human kind, learning anything at all, she would start becoming human and cease becoming a tool. in a way, ironically, shes an ultranationalist (lol) and not a patriot. she didnt even knew how the people fared in her now gone kingdom bc her loyalty wasnt to the people, it was to the crown.

ig this was quite incredible writing bc it revealed how unreliable of a narrator estelle is and i personally as a reader didnt even thought of doubting her side of the story bc ig i was trope blinded and already focusing on revenge for khalid. meanwhile he was actually the patriot estelle believed herself to be. he did sacrificed her for the good of the remaining people, he had more humanity than estelle as a weapon did. its a good read

like wym the actual contract/fake relationship only happens after 100+ chapters they really laid out everything else before going to the romance and while it might be a bit frustrating romance wise, well for me, I LOVE IT LOL. ive grown so fond of tara i wish her the very best and i know she actually can achieve that bests herself, i love her

theres so many panels with his shoes on the ground LIKE every time they battle, the srtist slips one panel of the priest's shoes and just change the background like it was snow, then dirt ground, then cobblestones its a funny gag jm ngl lol

at that point phineas is already experimenting on himself a lot. mias probably scared shitless about losing another family member and having to grapple w the fact that the same death is waiting for her too. FL comes with a theory and i knew she was trying to help, shes salvaging the little hope left, but after witnessing ur uncle experiment on himself all his live to cure the family curse....the idea of someone experimenting their unfounded hypotheses on their already dying body might be a blow to an open wound for her and she was trying to get phineas comfortable for his dying days, not be a lab rat. i guess she wanted phineas to have a dignified death instead of death from a failed experiment.

i get MC's efforts, hell its natural and normal for her to still try, but i also get mia's lashing out. this whole family is just generations of unsolved griefs and peretshati was the newfound solace, but shes not a cureall.

all in all i wish that her theory is right and phineas is saved

being a korean romance webtoon MC gotta be exhausting with all ur love interest making your professional and social life harder at every turn lmao. i mean shes caught between 2 superiors and she doesnt even have a good colleague amongst her coworkers cause these 2 being hardasses. ig the ML has a more innocent motive than the second ML, but still everybody in that office knew shes gotten anywhere cause 2 people in power position crushing on her and it overshadows her own hard works...not for the weak ig

ml isnt that important in this lol. maybe bc hes written to be so terribly emotionally stunted, but you take him out of the equation and the MC would still be able to hold the story, with extra trials and tribulation and longer arcs ofc, but the story would still be there. i kinda like that, hes a sideshow, not the highlight. whenever he makes me frustrated i just skip reading the part with him, et voila! the story's unaffected! im not missing anything! thats a good stage to center MC in a character-driven story for me!

thisBarbielovestorant created a topic of Demon's Wish

i didnt see the smut tag and im kinda really invested in the plot cause its so interesting??? high society for creatures of the night is so creative and it will take a lot to make this boring, which in sofar it has been the opposite. im so close to not gaf about the smut now cause the story is engaging lol and im curious about FLs dad, the bunny she has, the blonde guys story etc haha

i want to strangle the ml so bad omg!!!! ive avoided all these kinds of fuckass bottom of the barrel ML webtoons knowing theres nothing to it but idk why i read this one today learned my lesson

im sorry but cecilia dupree and dorothea is already stealing my heart. theyre doing their best with what the world has given to them being born girls. very hopeful and probs naive of me but i wish they can have a triad with FL cause theyd be unstoppable!!!