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GHOST's feed

GHOST asked a question

First time I'm doing this. IDK if anything will fit what I'm looking for, but I'll give it a shot.

Looking for reccossss

Shit I enjoy:
BL, mature, action.
Preferably full color / webtoon style.
I like a bit of angst, but it's not needed.
BDSM, Sadism/masochism, bondage or whatever kinky shit is a huge bonus.
I really love works with hella dynamic art styles, gritty and action packed.
Complex story lines that keep you engaged. Sex and such is like a nice bonus, but the focus is on the story and/or relationship development.

NO rape, bestiality, underage anything, generally abusive (in a non-kinky way) relationships, bi / female included sexual stuff (Just makes me a bit uncomfortable as a gay trans dude.)

Heavy topics are perfectly fine, and even sometimes good. I read grimdark shit, so if a character has or actively experiences assault or abuse, but it is not romanticized / fetishized, perfectly fine.