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MaskedChild created a topic of Who Stole Empress

5 chapters in, and I hate it. Everything about the begining plot was extremely rushed, so there was no time to get to know our FL before the betrayal of her spouse. The FL literally states their intent to get revenge on their evil for the sake of being evil spouse. He literally put her parents heads in front of her, and she clearly had the intent to make him pay.

So how the absolute fuck did she go from wanting revenge for her family to wanting to kill herself so desperately? Like, if you are about to die, and have no say in surviving, it makes sense to just give up. But if you manage to survive, you don't just magically become suicidal, especially when the man who killed your parents is still fucking alive.

Her being suicidal almost feels like it was only put there so that ML could rape her, which is stupid, as he had been raping her the whole time up to that point.

As it stands, the characters never got adequate time to become characters, and we have not had adequate time to create a bond to the characters given to us, so all the things that have happened in the last 5 chapters feels rushed and hollow.