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Cannnnn created a topic of Be My Baby

I hope they stop showing us their sex scene, like we get it they fuck so much but can we move on to the story.

Cannnnn created a topic of Be My Baby

Is chubby in the room with us?

Cannnnn created a topic of Megumi and Tsugumi

I need someone to make megumis dad a cum dumpster, or a miracle happen and he turned into omega cause ain't no way I can handle his attitude anymore.

Cannnnn created a topic of Wolf in The Cage

These comments are so weird. Like just the look of the poster and title you can already tell this isn't gonna be one of those cheesy wholesome love story. It's like coming in a cave and expecting to see a retriever but instead saw a bear. There's even a "mature" tag.

Cannnnn created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy
Cannnnn created a topic of Fight Club

Caseoh what are you doing here

Cannnnn created a topic of Hagoromo Kitan

Should have stayed in mrm cause these comments ain't giving

Cannnnn created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Just finished chap 3 and all I could think about is how gross this main character. He just proved to that homophobic asshole that gays are sex crazed pervert bastards. When I finished reading first chap I really wanna stop, but I heard this story is good so I keep going maybe I'll like the story later on, but the mc have so much audacity, like you're the one masturbating on someone else bed why are you the mad one, gets pissy when homophobic wants him to move out.

I really like homophobic to gay tropes, but with an mc like this idk..

Cannnnn created a topic of Demon
Cannnnn created a topic of ARTS MANZ

If red hair get his ass ram then maybe I can forgive him

Jin you idiot. If charin say you fuck him FUCK HIM. I would have made that man pregnant

Cannnnn created a topic of Projection
Cannnnn created a topic of The Dawn Split The Night

When he started trusting with no ass it reminds me of frog ass

I want the tiger to bttm though but whatever the story cute

Cannnnn created a topic of The yakuza and the widower

I chose to read this than doing my assignment, and now I'm regretting it.

Cannnnn created a topic of CUFFED!

I thought I'll see angst instead I just got irritated. I was rooting for the second guy, but when he and mc started fucking I lost interest now I hate all three of them.