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Cannnnn created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Maybe that teached killed himself (I hope so)

What happened to the girls? Did he just ditch them?

Cannnnn created a topic of Slammer Dogs


Cannnnn created a topic of Twin Game


So if anyone is curious the twins is not the main character but you'll still see them often. I don't understand japanese so I didn't really understand the raw chaps, but I can tell you the twins love is very deep, I don't know if it's brotherly or more than that, but they kissed two more times and they were more passionate than the first chapter. The main character also fall inlove with a trans girl? Or a cross dresser? I don't really know but it's the fem with freckles, the plot twist is that they have a dick. Anyway it's still good.

Cannnnn created a topic of Form of Sympathy

I want the r18 version so bad

I still have no idea what impregnable fortress means

Yall plss where can I read the raws?

Artstyle looks like it came from straight manhwa I like it

How long is that dick lmao
I barely understand the story

Cannnnn created a topic of Milk and Honey Flow

Mpreg with big tummy most mpreg habe flat tummy and I hate it

Oh finally my dream came true. I thought I'll never ever see those two side story, I've always been curious how they ended up having that relationship! This the kind of poly stories I want where 3 of them likes each other and not just 1

Now why did he say he's not gay. I hate that type of trope "I'm straight but you're special"

Cannnnn created a topic of Plaything

Yall answer me seriously. Did he actually fuck his sister? Or he's just fucking around. I just finished chap 8 and I ain't reading this anymore cause wtf was that

Cannnnn created a topic of Kouguu no Omega
Cannnnn created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon
Cannnnn created a topic of Brother and Brother

It's literally in the title, why are y'all complaining

Cannnnn created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Get that weird man away from theo ToT