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wicketginger March 5, 2019 11:25 am

That ending fuck! There was no need for that at all. Why!?! I've been coming across so many of these manga with these random out of know where one shot endings. Why put that in there!?!
This is yaoi so why are the two friends not ending up together!?! Why is there a marriage without a divorce with the two getting together!?!
An opening was given to us when he asked his friend if he disapproved he would end it. That was his friends way of saying he wanted to be with him; albeit in a cowardly way. Doesn't that show that he doesn't actually love that woman or want to marry her if he could say it was his friends choice if he got married or not and if he didn't want him to marry he would end it just like that? That right there tells you everything. He doesn't want to marry her. He's probably just doing it now out of obligation. They will end up divorced because of this.
Damn I'm so mad. I'm trying comfort my self here.

    Hyuna - Rose May 14, 2020 12:27 pm

    Instead of comforting myself, I think I would just burts out crying because od his friend's smile in the end while holding the petal. Damn! Mangaka always knew how to make their readers cry or mad.

    Hyuna - Rose May 14, 2020 12:27 pm

    Instead of comforting myself, I think I would just burts out crying because of his friend's smile in the end while holding the petal. Damn! Mangaka always knew how to make their readers cry or mad.

wicketginger March 3, 2019 12:23 am

Rememeber when Haru chased Ren back to Canada in the first few chapters?

In later chapters, Ren is remembering that when he got back from camp, Haru wasn't there. When Haru did get back, he was sullen with ruffled hair and smelling of perfume.

Did he really go fuck some girl even though he knows he's in love with Ren!?!?

I know it was the anniversary of his parents death but did he really do that!?!

I'm super pissed if that actually happened.

    Tobe March 7, 2019 10:24 am

    Same here.. It really pisses me off when Haru was being a jerk to Ren. Our Ren doesn't deserve to be treated like that. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Tobe March 7, 2019 3:36 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! wicketginger

    yeah, IKR? Gah..Haru is way overconfident of Ren's love for him that he's just taking it for granted.

    I hope, someone else tried to steal away Ren from Haru, and Ren would start to like back atleast a little, so that Haru would feel threaten.

    Perfect candidate for that is Akira, same age, same class, acting like a Tsundere and definitely has a thing for Ren. They start as a cliche story as well though, like having the more you hate the more you love kind of plot.

    Tobe March 8, 2019 2:31 am

    I know and I get it that he wants to cherish Ren cuz he's still a child when it comes to "sex" thingy.. But come on, the way he treated Ren is almost like he's only toying Ren.. Getting sweet and such at Ren when it's convenient for him.. Taking granted Ren's love for him.

    Ren has given him everything and yet Haru's a real jerk to the core. He doesn't need to scare Ren like that when it comes to sex. Just take it slowly so Ren would get used to it. But the way it is right now, putting a boundary line in between them, to not crossed the line doing sex and only just do flirting.. What the heck is that?

    Only toying with Ren? Waiting for Ren to reach atleast a legal age? The way Haru treated him, Ren already knows.. that when the time comes.. Haru would definitely get sick of him and leave him behind after all. I so admire Ren when he told the doctor and Natsuo before leaving the apartment back then saying, " I know that someday, Haru would definitely leave me and get his own family, but.. as for now, I'm gonna play along with what Haru wants while I still have the cards left in my hand till the end."

    Ren knows, and he's cherishing every single moment he still have with Haru.

    Akira's a good pair for Ren.. He's really watching Ren from a distance. Being mean to Ren just to get attention from him coz he knows if he doesn't he won't be taken seriously coz Haru's in the way. Akira should try to make a move to Ren and try to steal him away from Haru. Someone should teach Haru the lesson, the hard way.

    For Natsuo, yes, he is indeed fond of Ren.. But he has a thing to the doctor, so it's a no.

    Tobe March 8, 2019 5:21 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! wicketginger

    You certainly need to re-read this from the very beginning. For me, I don't know how many times I've been re-reading this, too many times to count.

    Akira was not the one who did all those things.

    Haru's car smashed by his ex-co-host senior that holds a grudge to him. the cafe window's broken by the fiancee of Natsuo's guy customer. It was an identity mistaken, the woman thought it was Haru since he's the first to use that alias in the host club and was very popular, but the woman doesn't know that there was two Natsuo, and Haru's cousin, the real Natsuo was the one who entertains his fiance at the host club.

    Akira was the one who is bullying Ren at school. But later on, when Ren, Juuzen and Akira got in the same class at their second year, during a conflict in their class while on a break, Akira admitted to their whole class, in front of Ren and Juuzen that he quite like Ren a lot. Everyone is shocked in disbelief coz it doesn't show at all. Then realize, the things Akira did to Ren was an act just to get his attention. Then, on the day of the Valentines day, Akira bake a chocolate present for Ren and gave it to him personally, still in a bullying way. Akira was also the one who keeps warning Ren about not talking about Haru too much because people would criticize them. Akira also guard Ren against their Teacher whose profession really is a child Psychologist, and warned Ren that he shouldn't open too much to that Teacher.. Of course, still in a bullying way. Akira really does watch Ren from a distance.

    That child Psychologist Teacher, I feel somethings off about him. I don't know what is his scheme but he keeps on digging Ren's past eversince he showed up. That made Ren remembers a fragment of his past and his childhood psychological trauma to come back.

    Anyway, I also think that somehow.. Ren would remember his past. I really do want to know where he comes from, whose family he came from, what's he doing in Canada. I feel like Ren came from a wealthy family with a big name but there's a conflict that happened that is so complicated so he was separated with them.

    And Ren has a very high IQ. And just think about this, Ren gives you a diffirent vibe, right? Like he acts very dignified, proud and has a stoic expression, the gaze Ren would give you if you stare at him. Even Haru can't stand to fightback Ren's gaze when he is being serious, Haru always felt anxious and creepy everytime Ren does that to him. Thats the feeling that you would get if you saw or got to meet a very high profile person or from a royal family right?

    Tobe March 8, 2019 6:47 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! wicketginger

    Haha yeah right. Akira is like an immature grade schooler for bullying Ren just to get his attention. It's kind of irritating when he bullies Ren but at the same time amusing when you think carefully why he keeps doing it.

    And its kinda cool of Ren when he defeated Akira in their Judo/ Karate class ( I forgot which one sorry) in just one swift move. Their class entitled that " The Dark Ren " because everyone in their class treated Ren as " the Fairy ". And Akira's first challenge to Ren was an easy win too. Haha it makes me want to say to Akira, " Serves you right, jerk. "

    But you know, I would also like to have an another twist like, what if...

    Ren's remember his past and forgotten all about Haru. Just like how Haru did it twice to Ren. So that Haru would also know how badly it hurts when you've forgotten by your most precious person. I wonder what would Haru do if Ren really did remember hihs past and forgot about him. Would Haru chose to stay with Ren like how he did to him? Or rather, he would think it would be for the best?

    If he chose the latter, then I hope, Ren leaves Haru for good and be with Akira instead, if ever Akira tries to steal him away from Haru.

    Tobe March 8, 2019 11:07 am

    I only thought of that though, that WHAT IF after Ren regains the memories of his past, he would forgotten all about Haru.

    And the way how Haru he's treating Ren, I guess he would chose that it was for the best. Even though in the past chapters, that time when he picks up Ren from school cuz he has a fever they were inside the car yet Haru keeps flirting with Ren..

    He told Ren to call him onii-chan in a cute way, if he did they'll just definitely BE JUST BROTHERS. Haru said so to himself at that moment that, AT THE DEPTH OF HIS HEART, HE DEFINITELY DOESN'T WANT THE TWO OF THEM TO BE JUST BROTHERS.

    And I think that, if that happens, when Ren regain his memory of his past but forgotten all about Haru.. If the Kaidou Brothers introduced themselves to Ren it would be like, that they're parents adopted Ren as their own brothers.. REN WOULD DEFINITELY ADDRESSED HARU BY CALLING HIM "ONII-CHAN".



    Tobe March 8, 2019 11:13 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! wicketginger


    He clearly says it to himself that time when he was pushed by the crazy obsessed bitch who strangled Ren before. On that rainy night, on Haru's birthday.

    I was so speechless with that thoughts of Haru. I mean, how could he think of that to OUR REN?

    Tobe March 9, 2019 1:21 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! wicketginger

    Yeah right.. That teacher made Ren remember the fragments of his past. And because of that Ren is regressing to his childhood psychological trauma every time he remembers his memories.

    Actually, if this story ends up Haru and Ren can't be together, i want Akira to be with Ren.

    And every time Haru does something so stupidly to Ren because he's being a hardcore jerk to him, I felt whatever Ren feels. I was the one who is hurting for Ren. It's just too... I can't help my tears from falling, seriously.

    Tobe March 9, 2019 6:23 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! wicketginger

    And that's why I'm seriously waiting in vain now.. I wanna know the next update,, they said last year in their last update that..

    They'll going to release a new update every month starting Jan 2019. But still have none.. What the heck is going on?

    Tobe March 9, 2019 9:12 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! wicketginger

    it's really frustrating that, in every good story, that is which they hardly releasing or making an update.

wicketginger March 3, 2019 12:20 am

When is Haru finally going to have sex with Ren!?!?

Every time Ren gets serious about sex, Haru tries to scare him out of it.
Then, when Haru puts a finger in, Ren freaks out.

I just don't understand.

wicketginger March 2, 2019 8:44 pm

The teacher makes it sound on the roof top that he had an actual relationship with jutta.

When we see the story of him and jutta, he pushes him away and make it clear he doesn't want anything with him and that there will never be anything between them.

I'm confused. Is the teacher considering the rape as having a relationship with jutta or did he actually have one with him later?

When jutta tells his brother they had sex, is he lying and considering the rape the sex since his brother doesn't know that or was there a real relationship after that.

Can anyone clear this up?

wicketginger March 2, 2019 7:56 pm

I feel like celebrating to see Maya in shambles.

Also, I think Ruka is nervous. He viewed Maya like himself who would not let love get in the way of his ambition but he's learning that he's wrong.

He has totally underestimated Maya and his feelings for Nemu. I bet Ruka will try manipulating things to keep Maya like he always does. I'm hoping since things are so bad right now and he thinks Ruka is the cause that Maya won't fall for it.

I read a story where the love the two characters had for each other was underestimated and it got the manipulator killed.
Just saying.

    Bruce March 2, 2019 9:12 pm

    Im glad im not the only one feeling a little bit glad that maya is being wrecked by this situation. Hahaha. I was honestly worried that there might be something wrong with my brains for feeling that way, so i reread the whole thing again coz i need to know whether maya deserved this or not and i have forgotten how long this ruka things been going on and damn its been so long, i wonder why ruka's not getting kicked by a horse yet.

    And i think maya actually does blame ruka a little bit, if only to have someone at fault, because of the way he reacted when he realized the phonecall was just from ruka. I know he's just disappointed that it wasnt nemu, but there was something about the way he reacted that made me think that he was extra annoyed that it was ruka.

    i dont think he could treat ruka the same way again after this and that would make him see how manipulative that fartwig actually is. Atleast thats what i hope. T_T .

    I mean i dont think maya deserves his heart shattered like this, but nemu's heart has been slowly breaking since the day this rukabitch decided that he needs maya's body to be 100% percent again like some shonen jump super villain.

    Sedemina March 2, 2019 10:10 pm
    Im glad im not the only one feeling a little bit glad that maya is being wrecked by this situation. Hahaha. I was honestly worried that there might be something wrong with my brains for feeling that way, so i r... Bruce

    What?! All you’re points were what I’ve been thinking too.. I’m relieved that Maya is in pain but at the same time it also hurts.. I just love this story

wicketginger March 2, 2019 6:02 pm

Has Maya never said he loves him!?! That can't be true. I'm too lazy to re-read this. Can someone tell me wether or not this is true please.

    Izumi-Chan March 2, 2019 6:05 pm

    He has never said it until now

    Rodphin March 2, 2019 6:06 pm

    He has not. I reread it and he came close before they were dating, he stopped at “I Lov..” When Nemu would say it (usually during sex) Maya wouldn’t reply or he would just say “Yeah” but I mean you can tell he showed it with his actions. This was the first time he said it loud and clear
    (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Shreese.Uzumaki March 2, 2019 6:09 pm

    Believe it or not, it's actually the first time. Nemu says it all the time during sex and Maya usually says Me too, yeah, or hugs/kisses him out of embarrassment. When Nemu tells him to say it too, he says things like "yeah I'll definitely say it" or you can expect a man to say such embarrassing things", then Nemu repsonds, I'm a man too with a cute puffy face.

wicketginger March 2, 2019 5:12 am

Where can I find the other manga that are about this pair?

    ReneeAlexandra March 6, 2019 6:37 pm

    almost all shingeki no kyojin/ attack on titan djs are about eren and levi, so it's easy to find.

wicketginger February 26, 2019 2:15 am

Chapter 5 pg35-37

Can someone explain this to me.

So I get that he literally slept next to the female co-worker and used her as a body pillow one time but then was he going to have sex with her since he had those condoms or did he already have sex with her?

This quote confuses me, "it was because of your boring policy that I couldn't get any so what has to come out came out"

It pissed me off that he was even getting invoicled on any level with that co-worker because he had just made a serious love confession not two days prior and he's already looking for comfort somewhere else. It's stuff like that that makes me think his feelings weren't real if he can do that.

    Grital April 4, 2019 2:05 pm

    I honk some part of it was because he was used to living like that, finding someone to sleep beside so that he could fall asleep, that’s why just after he confessed he was ‘unfaithful’. For what he said I under stand until after get any, I think another reason he slept with others so easily is because he was having a strop after being turned down just because they guy wanted to avoid awkward situations after breaking up (his policy)

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