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mlngth created a topic of Jinx

How can there ever be progression now? This chapter could habe been his chance to redeem his horrible behavior. Dan's getting on my nerves, too like damn stand up for yourself. I'm dropping this now.

mlngth created a topic of The Tosa's Master
mlngth created a topic of The Tosa's Master

Both trash so they deserve each other

mlngth created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Never read shittier side stories in my whole entire life

mlngth created a topic of Limited Run

I don't even know what to say. Disappointing.

mlngth created a topic of Dreadful Night

I can't describe this feeling but I think Bada cannot be trusted. Not because he is the bad guy, I bet he IS playing the game but not because he wants to. But sometimes MC could be mentally ill after all he has seen. Like how he can't remember the brigde for example. Maybe he is just numb to some things cause of how often he did these things but maaaaaybe he got some serious problems with what the reality is and what it isn't. But that's just a theory. Either way I'm hyped for the next chapter!!!

mlngth created a topic of Petit Mignon

I'm gonna shit myself wtf how can something be THIS cute???!!!

mlngth created a topic of Jinx

I don't know what he's playing (MAYBE he is actually drunk because he literally never drinks) but I hope this bitch ass leaves Dan tf alone

mlngth created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Can someone explain why literally EVERYONE is so damn fucking beautiful that it hurts my eyes Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

mlngth created a topic of Bye Bye

Please don't get me wrong. I like unproblematic couples whose relationship works. But here everything was TOO perfect. Seme had absolutely no reason to love Uke so much. The whole time I had the feeling that something negative had to happen now. (For example, some ex of Seme's shows up, as the bodyguards implied). I also have other questions. 1. why does Uke have no personality? He's all insecurities and his entire circle of acquaintances is literally the worst and he doesn't care AT ALL???? 2. what does Seme do now? Is he a gangster? I understand NOTHING.
After that, I thought the miscarriage was going to be some form of plot, but even that was immediately resolved and everything was just so "perfect" again after that. All in all, the story wasn't even close to the worst thing I've ever read, but it was so disappointing that I still felt that way.

mlngth like topic of Full volume

wait, was that vibrator in his tummy? Like actually in his tummy??

mlngth created a topic of Jinx

There is literally no progress at all. It's just getting boring

mlngth created a topic of Full volume

That is so me and my boyfriend i offer him my tiddies on a bad day, too

mlngth created a topic of High Clear

Somehow I'm getting bored with this manga

mlngth created a topic of Full volume

Did you all even read this chapter? There is a whole ass panel where Beom whispers to Dowon what nasty shit he wants und it wasn't a bag but his shirt from the previous chapter. So it was full consent und planned as well... those comments with "yellow flag"... please learn reading or at least learn looking at the pictures damn

mlngth created a topic of Red Hood

Flie queen makes me a lesbian I swear

mlngth created a topic of Double Trap

I just can not understand why everybody hates the second couple. I love them and i didn't find them interuptive at all. Their dynamic is less toxic than the dynamic of the main couple (ohooo all problems are solved with sex EVEN THE SCHIZOPHRENIA). So i enjoy seeing them

mlngth created a topic of Our Sunny Days

The panel with him leaning on his arm?? I FUCKING GIGGLED

mlngth created a topic of Peach Boy (Yooyoung)

How bad can a translation be? I can't with this shit

mlngth created a topic of High Clear

They both still suck on a monecular level (not the kind of suck we see in the next chapters). I mean look at the situation: red haired dude can't tell big tiddie dude doesn't like him even after this whole ass confession? Is there something wrong with his brain? And a "huh?" from big tiddie dude doesn't explain who these other people were. I can tell he didn't cheat but he should atleast remember meeting them and tell red haired dude what it really was. Like this thing wasn't the whole ass problem they were fighting. But now it's being completely ignored