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mlngth created a topic of Double Trap

Nah I don't like the twink version of him. Maybe he lost his male hormones from having this gigantic pussy looking ass. Before he looked like he was able to confront his boyfriend head on and now he looks like those BL meme couple bottoms where the, sing "what the fuck did you do to my buuuutt". Neitherless I'm sad that the story is over

mlngth created a topic of Under the Green Light

Nah I don't accept this

I think his hair now is the most suitable for him! In the flashback he's hot, but also looks a bit too flashy for his simple-minded character. The hair now suits him so well.

mlngth created a topic of The Foul

I am so sorry but I don't understand one thing. Can someone please summarise it for me?

mlngth created a topic of Slammer Dogs

A little bump on the belly? You call that a LITTLE BUMP?? That's a whole ass second belly brother

mlngth created a topic of Rain Advisory

Damn I'm still not over this position in chapter 9 where he half fists him like damn chef's kiss

mlngth created a topic of Under the Green Light

How about you shut the fuck up BrAnDoN

mlngth created a topic of Steel Under Silk
mlngth created a topic of Love Sick Dog

Go fuck yourself "noona"

What the fuck Woowon. I thought now that he could've DIED because of the shitty father (who can please just die) he would grow some backbone. But nope. I even thought about dropping this after these last few chapters. I don't care about the cliffhanger, too. Woowon is just spineless and there's nothing I hate more than people like that.

mlngth created a topic of Backlight


mlngth created a topic of Fight Club
mlngth created a topic of Gig of the Day
mlngth created a topic of Under the Green Light
mlngth created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

This 180° of the people here.. never saw something more embarrassing. The rapist gets a slap? Oh noooo too much! Y'all are just dumb.

mlngth created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I just skip every piece of monolog from Sanho. How can a grown man be this annoying? And we don't talk about Tak, hate that bitch.

mlngth created a topic of Instant Family

I always forget this is an omegaverse

mlngth created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I would die for the little brother. The "retard"-letter on his back? Whoever wrote this - i will throw that little fucker child on the road into a fucking bus.

mlngth created a topic of Secondo Piatto

Damn Tae is the biggest green flag ever to exist

mlngth created a topic of Majo to Neko

Couldn't care less for the second couple in this one. I haven't read the other one yet, but I hate them here. So I don't even know if I want to read the other one