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mlngth created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Cheating. I don't care if he doesn't like black haired ML the same way he does but they are dating, so it's cheating. Gonna drop it now

First he stuffs his mouth with steak, later he stuffs it with cock ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

mlngth created a topic of Crucial Point

Jisung gets fucked in a toilet where people are literally hearing them and it is so "hot and sexy", but here they are only standing in a garage doing NOTHING and the ML is "sick and weird". Cool cool

mlngth created a topic of Instant Family

The cousin is disgusting and pathetic.

mlngth created a topic of Boukoku no Emanon

Am I the only one that thought he didn't sleep WITH them but only slept in the bed with them? Like a body pillow? Or am I too naive?

mlngth created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Why do I even come back to this? Rated it 5 stars, but after the sides i had to give it 2. Just sad.

mlngth created a topic of Gig of the Day

I have to admit - i don't hate the seme one bit. He is entitled to draw a line at sex and he never said they were a couple. He treats our baby boy well and without wanting things in return (aside from the sex of course). Of course I want him to fall haaaaaard for my cute little baby! I just wanted to say he isn't a red flag in my opinion.

mlngth created a topic of Double Trap

Jinsung really is the hottest little twink slut EVER

mlngth created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Aren't they supposed to be university students? In a sense of fucking ADULTS? I loved the first couple but now I'm only asking myself if the author had even on social interaction in their whole life? Because no one acts like those two.

mlngth created a topic of Single Not Ready to Mingle

Went from 4 stars to 0 for me

mlngth created a topic of Honey Bear

Guys please look at those big ass grippers near the end of chapter 28

mlngth created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

I like to read about psycho semes

mlngth created a topic of Jinx

This could be the perfect point to end the series - a freed Dan (finally some backbone) and a boxer feeling like shit ლ(´ڡ`ლ) now potato side stories pls

mlngth created a topic of Limited Run

My eyes were fucking BLESSED

mlngth created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Tak is an asshole - was, is and will ever be. But c'mon, my brain starts to rot when I hear Sanho talk or think. He is so over the top and just so so loud (but not in a cute way). I find them both so unbearable

First Under the Green Light update and now thissss


mlngth created a topic of Double Trap

You can do it Honey! Go take the shit WOHOOO ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

mlngth created a topic of Single Not Ready to Mingle

Everytime when there is an asshole seme I ask myself "is he worse than bitch boxer?" No? Well I keep reading