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" So Fucked " in what way? IN WHAT WAY BABE!!! IT BETTER BE IN BED

Wait lmao I just realized he said AHJUSSY instead of AHJUSSI IN THE LAST PANEL WHAHHAHAHAH

I need more chapters please for the love that is all milk! So we got a cuddly-looking bear, a large cute dog, and a crazy cat. ( ̄へ ̄)rieheiejjekwbej HOT UNCLE ALERT

When you've read countless BL's of different couple troupes then you'll actually find it very easy to spot who the top or bottom is (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

My standards for men are Carcel and that man from Daytime star... I'd rather live with a cat than be married and miserable. Like I basically have almost 35 to zero expectations like korean women to their men :v

Castellan.... they murdered a man and made him a monster :( QoQ noooo

I knew this manhwa seemed familiar. FRrom what I remember in the novel the novel is of excellent quality and not exactly your typical revenge kind of story and it portrays more of a realistic setting.

Wow... Maybe dan should keep a recorder to himself at all times because all these mofos are getting ridiculous. SUE THEM FOR ALL THEIR WORTH. TF YOU MEAN SEDUCING YOU BALDING ASS

Igris_theDarkKnight created a topic of Sugar Rain

Im honestly horny and sad like wtf. The art is too scrumptious

Shet. I regret reading this one measely chapter goddamnit. ISTG IF SOMETHING HAPPEN TO THE BABY BROTHER I WILL COMBUST

Igris_theDarkKnight created a topic of Solo For Two

I came here expecting this was gonna be a cute fluff despite the depressing kinda art style and because a saw a vid of them hugging after Sasya's performance and Karel holding a bouquet of flowers and now Im here like WTF

Yeahhh unless the castle is stable there is no way anyone without a wall to lean on will crumble under its weight and the brother is crumbling. No child should ever have to live through that and because of that I hope he somehow finds something or someone that can help him through whatever he is going through but unless he leave the castle I doubt that'll happen. I feel like traveling the world and living for himself might make him a lottle bit better.

Oh my is the baby bunny with the daycare teacher?

The Chibi's at the end are always adorable

Igris_theDarkKnight created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Im definitely scared for season 2 but no matter, I have a fork and a spoon and ready to gouge some eyes

The kids feet is like the size of ML's freaking thumb!

Igris_theDarkKnight created a topic of Our Sunny Days

If my man aint like the both of them then I don't want them

The new art is good... but why is this like one of those long ass chinese manhuas now? The expressions mc makes is not as dull as before but it has its charm and now I can't seem to adapt to his new features

That redhead lady really just copy pasted herself but a different gender