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the redrawer tried their best but the dicks are still so fucking funny

Sagitter answered question about question
try increasing the number in the url after newtoki
Sagitter answered question about video games
You get used to it lol, each failure doesn't hurt as much as the last. I also rotate through three gachas currently (Azure Lane, Nikke, and NU:Carnival) to get me that dopamine hit often LOL. Helps that Azure Lane is super generous with rolling materials so after a year or so of playing, getting every new character is very easy. If you really li......

Usually I can expect what the gap moe would be but my prediction was totally off for chapter 6

Sagitter created a topic of Backlight

Being 6ft tall and only 156lbs with a body like that is crazy…

When he asked if he was sexy I literally couldn’t keep reading the scene

Sagitter created a topic of One Shot Love

It’s like I took off my glasses

I think mc will be the bottom bc that's just been the pattern so far but those last panels got me questioning myself

Sagitter created a topic of MADK

It’s literally my birthday today (12/12) no gift is topping this holy shit

Sagitter created a topic of Debut or Die

I'm so used to MTL I didn't even notice the TL was bad until I read the comments

Sagitter created a topic of Kimi Dake ga Hontou

I was rooting for the female twin at first but now I’m not sure how to feel. They both are kind of ass but the male twin is less worse I guess???

Somehow I thought it would be like a full on cloak but I guess they gotta show them legs lol

Sagitter created a topic of Debut or Die

i hope the stage comes quickly TT

I’m guessing the other prince is intentionally sabotaging his chance for the throne? Probably either because he knows he’s unsuitable for the crown or he wants to fucking over his mother’s plans (more likely)

Sagitter created a topic of My introverted boy

I don't get it she's basically THE quintessential Korean beauty. V-shaped face, large eyes, pale skin, shiny hair, rather skinny, thin nose, etc etc, what in the world do they want????