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Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Flip the script

that mans shlong drags on the floor when he walks. homie has to shove that thing into one of his pants legs. he’s packing an extra 5kgs of pure dick.

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Payback

my baby :,(( im so glad he finally let himself cry

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Jinx

god fucking dammit man.. dan can’t catch a break, jfc

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of The Tosa's Master

Should i question the logic of bl? the answer is no, yet here i am; questioning where doha is using the bathroom… his dinky ass bed cage doesn’t have anything so like… whats the homie doing while master boy is gone for work… how my boy showering… like wassup w that…

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Jinx

45 chapters and i don’t think there’s been a single moment where jaekyung was shown to have literally any affection towards dan- nothing. even in other manhwas where the ml is awful, doing things arguably worse than jaekyung, there are at least moments where their eyes linger, or a “badump” and the ml’s confused reaction, or an unconscious smile… jaekyung just seems the same as he did at the beginning. if this were the same exact story but it ends in dan escaping i would be more understanding, but i know that they’re endgame. jaekyung is going to have some kind of dumbass redemption arc & they’re going to be in love, and, at this point, it just absolutely does not make sense. i can’t stand jaekyung. i get dan, i understand why he’s so infatuated, but jesus. so frustrating.

also sangrok literally the hottest ml ever, argue w a wall

noo babe, you’re too sexy to kill yourself

OMG. i finished the novel a few months ago, i had no idea there was a manhua!!! so fricken cute, i love being able to actually see the characters:) i know that the manhua can’t be 100% novel accurate & include all the details, but this is pretty close! one of the only details from the book i wish was added was when baby was questioning whether or not zhang ming liked him back, he realized zhang ming’s wechat pfp was a picture of his (baby’s) shadow that zhang ming took during their group beach trip!! so cute. i still like that his pfp in the manhua was that pic, but it was cute when in the novel baby realized lol. also, at the beginning w the house elf nickname, baby went home to watch the hp movies & was upset & zhang ming had to reassure him by saying “you have to keep watching, he’s so cool later.” it’s such a fluffy read, i really recommend it.

blushing n kickin my feet n twirling my hair rn

reread for the 3rd time bc of the authors new release, as well at the official date for season 3… still, sososo good! i’m so excited, i’ve been here from chapter 1!! i truly hope both jeoh & sangrok find true peace & happiness; i want them to fully escape this life. i have faith in jeoh, i don’t think he’d end up like ms.jeon. i think above all, power & revenge were her greatest concern. i think jeoh yearns for the same, but i don’t see him as the type who would sacrifice others the way ms.jeon did to him. she was a victim who quickly became the abuser. i’m both anxious & excited to see how this all plays out, i just hope a happy ending is in the boy’s future. sangrok has never known love or trust or stability… i don’t want him to be a pawn anymore. i want his happiness more than anything. until season 3 babes~

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of The Tosa's Master

the “inside” shots always make me laugh bro

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of The Tosa's Master

bro!!! i’ve always thought this artists style was pretty, but omg??? i saw someone had said this is short, like 7 chapters or so, so maybe the artist was given more time to work on each chapter- idk, but i can SEE the effort that was put into this. the art looks great; the faces, bodies, proportions, consistency… everything. & the coloring looks so good. i know they took time rendering everything. its so pretty. i am such a sucker for art.

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of 2020

i, like i imagine most others, do prefer high quality translations, but i can acknowledge the fact that i’m illegally reading most of these manhuas/mangas/manhwas. outside of actual paid translations (like through lehzin, etc.) & translation groups, many of the uploads we’re provided are translated as a hobby or passion project. they’re not always perfect, sometimes far from it, but under these circumstances i’m happy with what i get & i appreciate the effort. if it’s something i really can’t understand, i drop it & hope for a better translation; if it doesn’t come, there are hundreds of other stories. it just is what it is. i appreciate all the uploaders & translators. doing what the lazy, monolingual bitches like myself could never do.

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Gotchu! Island

if im ever dreaming of fucking a goat i think it would be best if i was euthanized because… what

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Jinx

every chapter i’m left one of two ways; screaming and throwing my phone across the room in disgust, or going “well… that wasn’t the worst thing jaekhyung has said/done…” i was expecting it to be pretty bad this ch, i’m glad it wasn’t… but, i also feel like this was a setup for the next few to be pretty bad. ugh. dan is acting delusional, but at least he’s aware, i guess. considering he was a virgin, and sex with jk is all he’s known, there’s a part of me that’s glad he was able to have a semi positive experience, but then jaekyung had to be drunk to treat him like a person, and i know this is going to make it all the more difficult for dan to get out, or, at the very least, set and keep boundaries. ugh x2. truly curious how the author tries to redeem jaekyung. i’ve come this far, so imma finish, but i find it hard to believe there would be any redemption arc for jaekyung that would.. fucking redeem him. like idek what he could do. maybe he could turn to alcoholism… i’ll probably be a jaekyung hater until the end.

thoughts so far: the art has definitely deteriorated over the course of the manhwa; i think it still looks good, but it’s nowhere near as detailed as it once had been, though there are still frames every now and then that live up to earlier chapters. honestly, i wouldn’t hold it against the artist. it happens. they’re very obviously talented, and i imagine with growing popularity & the grueling deadlines that so many web manhwas have, they probably don’t have the time to put their all into every panel. it still looks nice. the characters are still attractive, though, sometimes, the way characters eyes are drawn makes them resemble the girl lizard from rango. it’s jarring, but also really funny. i love rango. the next thing, i’m very stressed because of all the characters, and i have had a hard time understanding their actions. i have to remind myself that this would have been set hundreds of years ago, so as unrealistic as this story is, the politics of it all probably aren’t too out there. still, i am stressed. ray would do well with meditation and mindfulness sometimes. even with the stress, i enjoy the story. there are many manhwas set in a similar time, most of them nowhere near as interesting. last thing; i love christian. he my ride or die fr. he’s my best friend, he’s my pal. he’s my home-boy, my rotten solider. he’s my sweet cheese, my good-time boy. i know he isn’t end game, and i don’t necessarily hate jiskar, but i wish he was.

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of 2020

little man is so yappy. like a chihuahua. i like em.

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of High Pulse

BRO WHY IS HE SO SURE HES EVEN GONNA PRESENT AS AN ALPHA?? LIKE ITS NOT EVEN A GUARANTEE??? ALSO, SPEAKING OF GUARANTEES, NO RELATIONSHIP IN GUARANTEED TO LAST, THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU GO INTO EVERY COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP WITH THE BELIEF THAT YOU’LL BREAK UP (unless that was your intention when you entered the relationship) i can understand him some, but i’m SO incredibly frustrated. he should have never agreed to be in a relationship if this was his mindset. he is under the belief that he is being selfless, but, in reality, he is being incredibly selfish. if this was such an issue, he should’ve been firm with his boundary and waited until his birthday. he’s insecure & needlessly dragging the seme along. i can only feel so much pity.


the whole “i’m going to make him love me & then abandon him too,” is so stupid, especially because he doesn’t even remember fully what happened. like what makes you think it was him who abandoned you? or that something else didn’t happen? homie followed you down from the mountain, and i’m assuming he’s in trouble with the child, who i think gave the white tiger his powers, for falling in love with a human- his punishment being in agony on the mountain, and the bet being a way for the tiger to redeem (?) himself, or try and fix the situation. i’m not sure. anyways, brown hair dude is acting stupid. they all are.