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Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Jinx

jaekyung even glaring at dan while the mans asleep… JK HE AINT EVEN CONSCIOUS LET THAT MAN SLEEP.

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Payback

how am i supposed to live, laugh, love when payback is on a hiatus???

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Risky Vice

he’s a ten but he's a murderous mafia boss with the most putrid, grey dick this world has ever seen

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Jinx

dan needed this. homie needs the wakeup call. it’s tough being in love, especially when you’re aware that the person isn’t good for you, or good in general, but it gets so much worse when that love you have for them starts to dilute & manipulate your view of who they are. he was well aware that jaekyung was an awful person, but now his brain is doing backflips to try and justify all of jaekyungs nastiness. he’s working himself to the bone to get a gift for someone who hits him, screams & curses at him, and who takes pleasure in raping, assaulting & humiliating him. he really hasn’t done anything remotely nice to dan for any reason that could be considered “pure,” he always does things with other intentions, never with whats best for dan in mind. there are many bls like this, and, i’ll admit, i still read many of them. but oh my god, it gets so frustrating. honestly, i think this CAN be realistic in regards to abusive relationships; a meets b, b is charismatic towards a, a falls in love, b is abusive, a can’t wrap their mind around that & continues staying with & defending b. i’m sure that there are situations irl where people still fall in love with someone who is abusive from the immediate start, but in situations like dan’s it’s hard to believe he would- even while acknowledging that this is a work of fiction. i guess the overwhelming power imbalance makes it more believable, but still. i have so much empathy for dan.. still, he needs this wakeup call. again, this is a work of fiction, but in real life sometimes people NEED harsh wakeup calls, because people like jaekyung WILL NOT GET BETTER. i know how this story end, they’ll end up in love, but in a perfect ending my boy dan is r u n n i n g for the hills. stories like this should be labeled as horror imo. change the tone of this manhwa a little bit- instantly a horror. i dunno, i could suspend my belief a little bit if it was labeled differently, but such is life. sorry for my old person rambling, i’m still gonna continue reading, but you can absolutely consume media while criticizing that same media. and my ass is gonna be critical. doc dan, my boy, ya gotta run bruv.

honestly, i don’t care at all that this manhua is super cliche. it’s cute & silly, and sometimes that’s exactly what i want; just pure fluff. it’s needed to balance out some of the vile things in so many other bl’s.

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Meteor Orbit

bro i don’t fw the harem genre i am someone who loves to read/consume media w a main couple… with that said BRO PLEASE BE HAREM I KNOW ITS NOT BUT PLEASE LET MY MANIFESTATION CHANGE THE ENDING

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Instant Family

how ml gettin ma boys pants off but not his shoes..? like are mc’s pants so loose that they just slide off over the shoes? are mc’s feet freakishly small compared to the width of his legs? are they spendin like 5 mins struggling to get mc’s pants to go over his shoes? or, probably most funny to me, are they taking his shoes off, then taking the pants off and then putting mc’s shoes back on his dogs?? these questions plague my mind.

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Demon

I feel like the way the artist draws the characters is a style thats becoming especially popular, but the way they choose to color is very unique. i really like the way the artist bends, as well as the vibrancy in the color choices; i absolutely love mute coloring, but i think they way they blend + the contrast between colors makes everything look so lively. additionally, the artists facial expressions are so good! so expressive. i’m not sure who the couple is going to be, but i’d be very interested to see an mc be the more possessive type. recently there has been an over-saturation in manhwas where the ml is absolutely psychotic and the mc ends up falling in love even though they’re being actively abused to an extreme. i love fluffy stories, i also do love angsty stories, but sometimes things can be quite repetitive.

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Colorize

i feel a bit bad saying this, but it seems like the artist doesn’t have a style of their own… the art is kinda all over the place. there are panels that look like they could be from totally different manhwas. also, sometimes the art looks sooo good and then literally in the panel it’ll look sooo bad. it’s very much a turnoff ☹ i’ll keep checking back occasionally, sometimes art improves or becomes more consistent as the story progresses. plot seems cute at least.
*edit: i don’t think the artist is bad at all. the cover is beautiful. but i don’t think they’ve developed their own style. like the cover is awesome, they have some panels that are really cool and have a similar vibe to the cover, and then there are other panels where characters are very crudely drawn and the proportions are extremely off, and then there are some places where characters are drawn well but it’s like the artists style completely switched up, like the panel when mc is looking at ml’s application- the application picture looked like it could’ve been from an entirely different artist. the art just doesn’t flow well. it has me wondering if this is the artists first time illustrating. as someone who does art, i totally understand that drawing and illustrating a manhwa are totally different. it’s way difficult to illustrate where everything flows, the art and proportions are consistent and where the characters look natural. i really like the cover, and there is definitely some promise, but as of now its hard to get into the story. the art switch-ups are jarring sometimes

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Cry Me a River

head to shoulder ratio of ml towards the end of this chapter made me giggle a little

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Jinx

how is this mfer getting even worse..? i just know the author took so much inspo from painter of the night, bc neither of the other ml’s in their manhwas have been like this.


Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Dreadful Night

OKAY not to excuse ml, because he’s mad shady, BUT he didn’t know about this plan until after he got back, so its not like he killed the killer just to have sex with mc, he just didn’t correct him

Marie || nini <3 created a topic of Jinx

I’m sosososo aware this is a fictional story, but the stress and second hand embarrassment this has caused me..! as soon as i got the the part where heesung was walking towards the open door my ass had to put my phone down and take a lap. i’ve read some reallll outta pocket shit, but jfc jaekyung is fucking testing me. still haven’t read the last part of ch 33. gonna take me awhile to work through the embarrassment. holy shit. dan, my fictional baby, i so wish i could write you an ending where you’re able to get the fuck out of this jank ass relationship and maintain a happy life with you grandma. fuckkkk. #fictionalcharactersdeservepeacetoo #killme

removing myself for reality, i could see how having your name on the person you desire and vice versa could be sexy… in real like though i’d rather chop off my own hand than have a lover’s name on me.

dude is so so so awful but my god is that man FINE