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snail created a topic of Jinx

please mingwa we just got a glimpse of how cute jaekyung can be please let them fall in love faster this was such a good chapter after everything Dan has been through he needed to enjoy himself

please mangaka let them kiss we deserve it we’ve been patient

snail created a topic of Define The Relationship
snail created a topic of Jinx

i understand everyone saying how did dan fall in love with him but Jaekyung has done a lot for dan granted the sex and humiliation he put him through is not excuse able but we have to remember these are complex characters we don't even know much about jaekyung and his background. I’m not excusing his actions but also there’s glimpses of compassion he has when it comes to dan and it doesn’t seem like it bc he’s definitely not the same person he was when he first met dan, i just love mingwa and the way she develops a story so i hope she can somehow make jaekyung a redeemable character

snail created a topic of Semantic Error
snail created a topic of Jinx

i gotta give mingwa so much credit she has been able to make me DESPISE a character so much LMAO

snail created a topic of Chigireru Kubiwa
snail created a topic of Rivalry

okay healthy relationship okay communication!!

snail created a topic of Semantic Error

and she slayed and sangwoo is fucking DUMB like bro you’re already dating a man

snail created a topic of Mr. 100% Perfect
snail created a topic of Jinx


snail created a topic of Under the Green Light

seeing this in my updates is A TREAT IM SO EXCITED ヾ(☆▽☆)

snail created a topic of Mr. 100% Perfect

this muzzle is really doing it for all of us huh LMAO ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄