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Based on the raws, where Seo an's brother tells Woowon something about him not fitting Seoan's side and some other shit making woowon feel less, we can foresee Woowon going into the entertainment industry wanting to be "worthy" T-T which will probably lead to him spending less time with SA and meeting new people, which all will lead to trouble for them I want it cos I love angst lol but at the same time I don't cos my babieeees

Kuku created a topic of Pure Love Operation

I couldn't pass chapter 10 cos I can't stand MC being pathetic and not dumping that trash of a boyfriend and sister. Anyway, reading the comments I kind of caught up with the story, even so, can someone spoil me if Eunhyeok ever had feelings for that trash ryme? Hope not. Is he already in love with MC in the current chapters so far?

Kuku created a topic of Limited Run

This story is honestly really good that I don't understand how it is rated barely a 9.3, it deserves at least 9.6. Anyways, The chasing arc just started but it seems like is going to be oh so fantastic. I really wanna see JH dying for YO's love. It's going to be so satisfying. I do want a happy ending for them, bc even tho JH was an asshole before the 'break up', he always treated YO well and if it wasn't for his secretary, things would have probably been different between them. Anyway, there's no turning back in the harsh words he said to Yeonoh, words that even he himself believed it as true, and that's why is gonna be so delightful seeing him eat those words, and it has already started! He can't go on a single day of his life without thinking about YO, which I fuckin love ayeee!

Kuku created a topic of Limited Run

Does someone remember if that shit ever raped Yeon-oh? I know he forced to give him head, but I don't remember if he ever raped him? I think yes? But I'm not sure. I'm asking this just based on that bastard's comments at the end