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Kuku created a topic of Night Fragments

Meh, find it funny how the author is trying to redeem Yoen. Honestly couldn't care less about him and his excuses, he still messed around with his brother's crush. And Aryka is always thinking about others first, I really wish he could lose his memories and vince has to make a hell of efforts to win him back, and even then I will still not be satisfied

Kuku created a topic of Night Fragments

I also feel is way to forced the 'I don't care if you commit suicide' lol, with ' Idc if you die' was enough and credible. Whatever, couldn't care less about yoen, he's still a bitch who fool around with his brother's crush and whatever he says that 'it just happened' is not true because even aryka said that when he wanted to talk about vince yoen would just evade him,fucking trash. Honestly, with the way things are turning out I don't feel comfortable with them ending up together anymore, not after knowing that Vince didn't give a shit about Aryka in his human self. If they somehow end up together, I hope is after Vince suffer a lot and really get over Yoen, and as I said before, if Aryka goes back to his human self I hope he forget about Vince.

Kuku created a topic of Night Fragments

The only thing I want is for Aryk to be happy, he fucking deserves it. I hope that old man do some of his magic shits and make Aryka forget about Vince, so Vince can go and fuck himself and cry and regret all on his own, I don't care about him anymore tbh. As I said before, the mere fact that he couldn't care less about Aryka even though he met him before he had met Yoen makes me mad as hell, fuck, they even were in the same club and Vince had no fucking clue and was drooling all over Yoen, and still is. Nah, Aryka deserves someone who notices him from the very beginning and is sure about his feelings, not some co-dependant asshole who only is with him bc Yoen is not there anymore. I really don't know what is going to happen, but if they're going to be together, Vince'd better suffer a whole life before deserving Aryka

Kuku created a topic of Night Fragments

I fucking knew it! Yoen only approached Vince because of Aryka. Motherfucker, I hate him so much, something always felt off about him, he caused both of them pain and it was all because of his inferiority complex. I feel so sad for Aryka, he loved someone who couldn't care less about him even tho they had met before Vince meeting Yoen, whom he ended up idolize him. I don't even know if I want them to end up together, if they do, I want Vince to fucking do better to deserve Aryka, to realize the fucking real bitch Yoen is and to make it up for Aryka who I'm sure suffered because of them when he was alive. Ugh, this really made me so sad

Kuku created a topic of Contradict

Aaahh I really like this manga. Can't wait for next chaptersss

Kuku created a topic of Night Fragments

Fuck fuck fuck was I riiiiiight? So aryka did love Vince as a human AAAAAA and yoen did probably get close to vince for that reason. Fuckkkk I've never like Yoen from the start and it making all sense now, that's why in earlier chapters yoen was 'bad' in Aryka/Vince' dream, it was not just a fucking dream, Yoen WAS like that in real life indeed

Kuku created a topic of Night Fragments

Random thought, what if aryka (as a human) was in love with Vince and Yoen knew this and that's why he got closed to Vince (taking into account yoen didn't get along with his brother aka aryka) ughh can't wait for next chapters

Kuku created a topic of Night Fragments

Fuuuuuuck, Aryka is definitely Yoen's sick brother T____T my babyyyy, I've never liked Yoen, he always gave me fucking off vibes and it seems like it was for a damn reasonnnn

Kuku created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I feel so fucking sad for cirrus. He's been mistreated his whole life, his dad neglected him, his teacher abused him, and he had to grow up all alone on his own living a shitty life at home with his dad and stepmother, when he finally found comfort on someone aka Skylar, Skylar hurt him in the worst possible way and there's no fucking justification for the words he said to cirrus "I know chanil won't date me and that's why I'm dating you" you can't fucking tell that to someone you're in a relationship with, and even worst to someone like cirrus, that must had destroyed him, and cirrus didn't deserve that, and on top of that he hit him like hell. Damn, I wish they would separate and heal on their own and hope skylar will regret and feel like shit for what he said and even so hope they don't get back together and regret that for the fucking rest of his life

Kuku created a topic of Night Fragments

I thought Aryka was going to ask something like "do you see me as a replacement for Yoen?" cos hell it looks like that. It's sad because is obvious Vince doesn't love aryka in that way, he only became totally dependant of him. And as he's painfully grieving Yoen he just doesn't want to be left behind by the only person who stood by his side after all the Yoen's shit. I love this author and her stories, but idk if this was her intention or she just couldn't convey the message properly cos I can see that most of all don't buy the 'love' vince allegedly feels for Aryka but see most of a emotional dependence =(

Kuku created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

It's so fucking disappointing that jinwoo kiss him and touch him again while he's asleep /drunk. I really thought he had learned the lesson, but as soon as he got the chance he fucked it up again. So disappointing. Anyway, he should be glad Dojun didn't realize anything and should finally learn to fucking behave. I like jinwoo so hopefully he won't do something as shitty as that again

Kuku created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Ugh I love them!! This was hot af

What is wrong with people judging WW? He has a trauma, he himself knows that it could have been so easy to say 'no' but he couldn't cos somewhere inside him he still feels love towards his Dad due to the little but good memories they made. That's why he said 'I hate myself', he knows what's better is to cut his dad out, but he just can't and he hates himself for that, belittling himself in they way. He went through so fucking much, making him feel insecure and with low esteem. Try to be a little more understanding, is not that easy to cut out that person you once made good memories with, even more if is your dad.

Kuku created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Ugh, people who don't like the main couple can fuck off. Both couples are really good, I like them all, so I'm really excited to see how both relationships develop. Even tho due to the raws we already know the main couple is probably gonna have some trouble due to that asshole assistant. What I like about the main couple is how they communicate, so hopefully they can solve any misunderstanding

Kuku created a topic of Kiss the Bride

Wth did I just read? This story makes no sense at all, the plot is all over the place

Kuku created a topic of My Suha

People need to understand that no one is justifying Dohyeok's actions. He IS indeed a son of a bitch, but what you can tell from his background is that he doesn't know any better sadly, that's the way his grandma raised him, he's a fucking pampered arrogant human being, all fancy stuff while growing up but love. So of course someone who didn't receive love wouldn't know how to give it back, even worse someone like him who was raised without values to get things whatever means it takes. Their story is toxic, but I hope he can somewhat change, at least enough to stop blackmailing or abusing of his power to hurt innocent people. So I hope his love for SW makes him a more decent human being, which I think it can be possible. This kind of story is not my cup of tea, but somewhat the dynamic between these two caught me in and I do want a happy for both of them.

Kuku created a topic of Stay With Me

I kinda don't like it how Bom tries to hide his past flings from the MC. Even though he even uploaded some of his previous relationships on his ig with titles as 'mine'. I wonder who that person was.

Kuku created a topic of December

Can someone summarize this for me? I've read some chapters but nothing much happens and I want to have an idea of what is the story about, plss

They're cute af. But Idk, I just didn't feel the "falling stage" for Juheon, like he found sunbae annoying af and then suddenly falls in love for smth he said, it was kind of forced, like I didn't felt it. I think that part could have been better executed. Anyway the story is kind of plain as well until the end of this season, hope season 2 brings more drama to the plot. I really like them both tho, they're cute together

Kuku created a topic of Define The Relationship

I so fucking love my boooooyss!! They're so hot what is it that 'something' that tastes better? Let us see!!