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mangkko created a topic of Phantom Busters

I glad someone picked up(?) phantom busters! I've seen the artist on ig and was really interested, I'm wondering how different this will be compared to the other shonens

mangkko created a topic of Ai wa Kane Nari

mangakas always gotta so something weird man

this was the funniest and cutest authors note i've read in a while

mangkko created a topic of Define The Relationship

honestly, despite the rut this chapter was pretty tame imo

mangkko created a topic of Jinx

kim dan made it out alive but at what cost lmao

it's funny bc she's saying all this while still not knowing kian's real name LOL

mangkko created a topic of What It Means to be You

some of yall just need to read the story lmao

mangkko created a topic of Egoism Heat

1. Idk how i haven't read this yet
2. Besides the rape (idk why mangakas feel the need to illustrate it), this story was actually really good! The characters were good, and so was the art!


mangkko created a topic of High Pulse

would've been more of a surprise if he actually presented as an alpha

mangkko created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

idk why i'm surprised that haru still wants to go when neungsoo gave him reasons A through Z and beyond about why they shouldn't go and boom, here we are bro told you his life story and trauma my guy

mangkko created a topic of Waterside Night

bless the translator, i love you forever

mangkko created a topic of Waterside Night

does anyone know what the clothing/styles in this story is based off? it's so unique and pretty!

mangkko created a topic of Yours to Claim

no side stories pls, no side stories pls

mangkko created a topic of High Pulse

damn is being a beta or omega THAT bad in this universe?

mangkko add manga to list favorites


  • Author: Yukihiko sano
  • Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Fantasy
mangkko add manga to list favorites

“I’m dreaming of a soap opera like love." Wooshin Hyung replied with that line on t...

  • Author: Chaegu , Chaegoo
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Comedy / Webtoons