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mangkko created a topic of Love in Orbit
mangkko created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

no fucking way, we're back in the FUCKING BUILDING

mangkko created a topic of Honey, I'm Going on Strike

is it me or is cassia looking more... childish? i knew she's relatively young, but i could've swore she didn't look this young before

mangkko created a topic of Jinx
mangkko created a topic of Define The Relationship


mangkko created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits
mangkko created a topic of Waterside Night

taeju is slowly (quickly?) becoming the greenest red flag atm <3

mangkko created a topic of Yours to Claim
mangkko created a topic of Define The Relationship

i hate the people responsible for the wait

mangkko created a topic of Love in Orbit

these two do be fucking

mangkko created a topic of Jinx

damn regardless of what happens next, Dan is gonna suffer

mangkko created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

yeah whatever theyre cute, but what is going on LOL

mangkko created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen
mangkko created a topic of Gig of the Day
mangkko created a topic of Jinx

from one bad guy to another yikes