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I had to toss my phone because my husband snuck up behind me and said what's that?
( ・∇・)


Bow-chika-bow-wow all over the house
Er, castle lol

I NEED dimples to die, STAT! I'm tired of him!

Whoever you are lady, slap that mom for me!

I read this in 1 day! I'M SO HOOKED!!!! I absolutely love it! I can't wait for her to find out that the Duke is Lime

I'm a sucker for blondes with red eyes
(人´ з`*)

Sometimes you just have to get away from the bl/yaoi scene. I like this story so far
( ^-^)

This is k-drama material (≧з≦)
Adaption now!


The tides are turning!
Taeseo is still a fine specimen

He"s so sweet and caring (人´ з`*)

It's going on a year. Let's keep our fingers crossed y'all!

I caught up right in the middle of smexy time!!
Btw, his mother needs to burn in hell already!!!!!

Sebàstian'sLeftGlove created a topic of Jinx

See y'all in season 2!

Gotta wait until I get home (人´ з`*)

Everything about this manga is refreshing. I haven't read anything like this in a long time. Boy ya, boy ya, boy ya know, you know I got the feels. Boy ya, Boy ya, boy ya know, I know you feel it too

I didn't think the kid he was tutoring was gonna be a problem!

This never came off as a wholesome lovey-dovey story to begin with. I never expect side stories, especially a "what if" scenario, to add anything to the story and if it does, then ok go off. This is pure fantasy and non-canon. It's feeding the shippers out there. If it's not feeding you, just don't read it

Sebàstian'sLeftGlove created a topic of Jinx

Coach is the goat! I'm glad he finally got tired of his shit!