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Ka ro ri n December 11, 2023 2:14 pm

okay, prediction: Jooin is gonna have a chat with yahwi and he is gonna help him figure out his feelings. My bet is that Jooin will understand Yahwi's perspective a bit better after pushing Cain away out of fear and confusion (A.K.A. exactly what Yahwi did to Jooin). I have no idea who he will end up with at the end but Jooin needs to confront himself and take an honest look at how he feels if if want to get a happy ending with someone.

Ka ro ri n July 11, 2021 12:17 pm

i'm not sure why people are so confused about the pianist's feelings... They are indeed not stated clearly, but from his behavior it is hinted quite heavily that he likes our main character. He is the one who gave his number, he asked him to spend 1 hour with him EVERYDAY. I don't know anyone who would do that. There is without a doubt a very strong attraction betweeb the two. It is difficult to make a proper analysis now because verylittle is said directly, but the pianist doesn't seem to know how to navigate his feelings and he appears greedy to me in the way that he touches mc and how he demands for time with him. There are obviously a lot more that we still need to discover but I do believe that pianist already have profound feelings for mc.

    Marie123 July 12, 2021 12:08 am

    I honestly think people are reading to much in the words and not the context to the what the author is giving. It’s VERY clear the pianist is interested in the MC its clear he’s attracted to him and wants him desperately. He fuddled his words yeah but the sexual tension he has for the MC is off the charts.

    Ka ro ri n July 12, 2021 3:29 am

    Yes exactly! When he asks main character to "not look at him with those eyes", he is MELTING! Even though there are a lot of things that are still unclear or undefined, that's undeniable. I think you are right about people reading the words too much, the words being the insecurity of mc not believing that the pianist could like him... that the emotional perspective of mc and not the reality of the situation

    Marie123 July 12, 2021 4:15 am

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Are people not seeing the look on this man face when he walked in the room and he saw the MC undress my God he looked in pain and ready to ravish the MC. I came to the comments expecting people to be talking about how hot and intense he is only for them to be talking about a condom and words he obviously doesn’t mean. He practically begged the MC to spend 30 minutes with him. This guy is not a bad guy IMO.

    Ka ro ri n July 12, 2021 12:05 pm
    Yes! Yes! Yes! Are people not seeing the look on this man face when he walked in the room and he saw the MC undress my God he looked in pain and ready to ravish the MC. I came to the comments expecting people t... Marie123

    i'm under the impression that pianist dude is not used to having such intense feelings and doesn't know what to do with them or how to express them... He might be experiencing similar insecurities to the main character as well. Maybe he isn't used to be with another man and that is why he seems so clumsy? I guess we'll figure it out along the way...

    Marie123 July 13, 2021 5:11 am

    Maybe he’s always liked men but couldn’t express it. He’s wealthy, talented, popular, and highly coveted so maybe he’s struggling with keeping up with his image but as you said it will get resolved and I’m looking forward to the rest of the story. Thanks for the chat.

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