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Local simp December 25, 2020 5:55 am

Any bl/yaoi with yanderes? Thanks in advance.

Local simp October 20, 2020 2:59 am

Im researching on blowjobs and all that shit for art reasons (i swear art reasons)
Anything with good blowjobs?
Also some good heart wrenching consentual (is that how u spell it?) sex scenes?

CanIDie? May 10, 2020 7:56 am

looking for this manga where the mc is like a business man and he has a wife and everything but i think its failing, anyway, the seme is this jobless dude who kidnaps the mc and locks him up in a room.
the seme was kidnapped when he was a kid in place of the mc because mc as a kid wasn't pure enough or something to the kidnapper. after like 20(?) years the kidnapper lets the seme go but had Stockholm syndrome so he like found all these stuff related to mc and decides to trach him and kidnap him.
when mc is kidnapped, seme rapes mc who is trying to escape and stuff, but realizes that hell starve before escaping so he teaches seme on how to land a job and 50 (?) years later they're like married or something.

sorry for the bad explanation/english but if you find it then thank you.

CanIDie? April 17, 2020 12:19 pm

I'm trying to look for this bl/yaoi manga where a guy is in love with his best friend. The guy views his friend as an angel until the best friend quite literally turns into an angel. Now, the guy is pretty possessive, did some messed up shit for his friend. So when his learns that his friend turned into an actual fucking angel and will leave him, he starts to oh I dunno... Fuck his friend because he thinks that if him and his friend does something sinful then he won't turn into an angel and get taken away. Also, the best friend loses one of his senses every day/chapter I think. And i remember something about seven day or one week...
Anyway, if you guys find it, I'll really appreciate it, thanks.

CanIDie? December 3, 2019 3:06 am

I'm looking for this bl where the seme is this cute looking high school kid who seems innocent and stuff but in reality this bitch is pretty fucked up. The uke is another high school kid who wears glasses and he's all frustrated and stuff cuz he looks feminine but he wants to look manly. Anyway, the uke and seme get to know each other all the while the seme is trying to fuck the uke, then it's summer or spring break whichever one it is, and the seme goes from shota to daddy and now all the girls are thirsty for him. Also the seme has the ability to make guys gay and has this scary looking bodyguard but in reality the bodyguard is a sweet cinnamon roll.

CanIDie? November 29, 2019 9:19 am

Are there any manga/manhwua similar to Shame Application?

CanIDie? November 2, 2019 1:43 am

The thing about reading bl and obsessing over it is that it's hard to read non bl manga with two dudes who are close because you only think about shipping the both of them even though you know that the ship will never happen.

    bangchanism November 2, 2019 2:42 am

    Or worse, you ship your male friends secretly and decide who's gonna be the seme and uke.

    kamisama November 2, 2019 3:45 am
    Or worse, you ship your male friends secretly and decide who's gonna be the seme and uke. bangchanism

    My friends do this a lot

    Mero November 2, 2019 3:48 am

    I love reading sports mangas cause of that shit tho. So many ships. They may not happen for real but dang the ships are great. In the Prince of Tennis anime they even gave us some highly suggestive gay scenes for fan service. I live for it.

    That One Autistic Kid November 2, 2019 4:38 am
    Or worse, you ship your male friends secretly and decide who's gonna be the seme and uke. bangchanism

    That’s just wrong ngl

    Mero November 2, 2019 4:49 am
    Or worse, you ship your male friends secretly and decide who's gonna be the seme and uke. bangchanism

    I've actually done this in high school along with my friend. We got two of our male classmates we really shipped together and made them wear these large pin up buttons that said "I love my Uke" and "I love my Seme". I still have the "I love my Seme" button with me lol.

CanIDie? October 14, 2019 2:05 am

I have 3 science assignments that are either due midnight or late but the teacher hasn't graded them. I'm procrastinating cuz I have no idea what to do and my peak big brain performance is 11 pm.

    Legoshi October 14, 2019 2:21 am

    which grade are you in?

    PearlySkies October 14, 2019 4:50 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! shinks de coup

    Bitch you aren’t even using the term sjw right

    PearlySkies October 15, 2019 6:21 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! shinks de coup

    How the fuck do you use the term bitch wrong, you literally couldn’t even think of an ok comeback. If your gonna try to be edgy and insult people at least try to use the right words so you don’t make yourself look stupid instead.

    PearlySkies October 16, 2019 12:10 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! shinks de coup

    Trying to insult someone by cursing at them incoherently is the kind of stuff a middle schooler would do. I’m not gonna beef with someone who can’t form a sentence. Oh and calling someone witty is a compliment so thanks.

CanIDie? September 13, 2019 8:10 am

Can I get some soul cleansing manga to purify my dirty soul.
Or anything mermaid related? Lol

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