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Uzumakii December 29, 2019 5:37 am

Rich ukes? the seme doesn't have to be poor but more so than the uke & also doesn't have to be that big a deal in the story maybe one day the seme just comes to the uke's house and is like "uwu your house is huge" idk that'd be nice to see its always the other way around so...

Uzumakii December 29, 2019 5:33 am

Rich delinquent uke recs!!!

Uzumakii December 23, 2019 4:31 pm

really PRETTY semes that are sadistic but the uke loves it. or just pretty semes...

Uzumakii December 18, 2019 4:58 pm

any bl Manga w/ cross dressing seme troupe it can also be a one time thing in the Manga as long as it happens

Uzumakii December 17, 2019 8:24 am

A bl about how a kid was homeless and sleeping on the roof of a school in a tent and the other kid went up to the roof to kill himself (I think) but roof kid stopped him and thee other kid would start visiting the kid on the roof and brining him food and such and they got really close... later on they got seperated and i believe they promised to reunite but yeears later the roof kid ended up dying achieving his dream (i think it was to climb a mountain... i think) or something like this it was kinda short & really sad.

Uzumakii December 2, 2019 9:48 pm

is berserk worth it? where should I start ? are there any animations ? if any where should I start with that?

    Oyaaaa! December 2, 2019 9:54 pm

    Berserk is the best manga in manga history...if you decide to never read it you'll just miss out in life. It is an incomparable gem where every chapter keeps you on your toes. I highly recommend it. If you want to start, I suggest you to first start with the manga which has 359~ chapters. Afterwards you can watch the animation of 1997 which is quite nice(still not as great as the manga) but still good depiction of the golden age arc on it's own. Then I would recommend to watch the three CGI netflix movies of berserk. And please...I warn you PLEASE....LEAVE OUT BERSERK 2016-17, it is just so bad.

    So yeh, once you start reading the prepared to be rocked :) (and be prepared for hiatuses) The manga is running since 1989...for thiry years now..... we might die before we see the ending lolol have fun!
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Uzumakii December 2, 2019 11:24 pm
    Berserk is the best manga in manga history...if you decide to never read it you'll just miss out in life. It is an incomparable gem where every chapter keeps you on your toes. I highly recommend it. If you wan... Oyaaaa!

    lol thanks i'll definitely try it now. hopefully it lives up to your review(≧∀≦)

    saru December 3, 2019 3:02 am
    Berserk is the best manga in manga history...if you decide to never read it you'll just miss out in life. It is an incomparable gem where every chapter keeps you on your toes. I highly recommend it. If you wan... Oyaaaa!

    I 100% agree with this (don't even try the 2016 anime); however, the series is definitely not for people who prefer to distance themselves from violent topics and that's fine!

    Uzumakii December 14, 2019 11:16 pm

    Don't know if you guys'll ever see this but...Thank you.

Uzumakii November 27, 2019 8:55 pm

popular good looking semes who thinks they could get whoever they want(a nice popular senpai maybe) but one nerdy, or lonely person(uke) is not interested what so ever and seme becomes interested or they become entangled because of that.

Uzumakii November 25, 2019 4:05 am

watching the future diary anime (in the early episodes) & can I just say yukiteru is sooo pathetic & annoying i feel bad for yuno! does his character get any better or at least smart & less pitiful?? rn all he does cry and cowar at every situation while all the users are calm & has accepted their situation, he's always criticizing yuno when she saves him all the time, she's always advising him (and she's always right) and he never listens despite her warnings always being correct & saving his butt plenty of times! (lets out all the breath i've been holding)

    ShevTheMoose November 25, 2019 4:07 am

    just let him die i guess

    fluffymonster234 November 25, 2019 4:24 am

    but you need to ask yourself did he ask for people to try and kill him yuno has experience in killing people he doesn't so of course he is going to be a coward when it comes to fight and killing and she chose to save him because she loves him not the other way around and yes he will grow some balls in the episodes

    Uzumakii November 25, 2019 4:35 am
    but you need to ask yourself did he ask for people to try and kill him yuno has experience in killing people he doesn't so of course he is going to be a coward when it comes to fight and killing and she chose t... fluffymonster234

    Well thank you for the latter answer.

    Nyandatte?! November 25, 2019 6:17 am

    future diary...those are some words I hadn't heard since 2011 and I wish it would have stayed that way :v

Uzumakii November 22, 2019 4:58 am

shy, blushy semes.

    hHmmMmm November 22, 2019 8:03 am

    I really have a lot but omfgggggg I really hate my brain cus I can't remember ANY single title even tho I could remember hundreds
    But hell i do great at school, easily remembering anything I studied thoroughly but tis hell ima head out

Uzumakii November 20, 2019 3:30 am

does anyone know any apps or site where i can watch kdramas or korean reality shows(i like produce 101) with subtitles. (chinese dramas are welcomed to) and recommendations of what'd you'd recommend. Please, thanks.

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