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Nichuchu created a topic of Profundis

Story telling feels a little off in the sense where it's all over the place with time skips and plot holes. It doesn't really feel cohesive, especially when it was very plot driven then all of a sudden everyone is getting their own reverse harem route. Then we get thrown back into the plot RIGHT after some very heavy scenes which I definitely would've liked to explore a little bit before rushing into a HUUUGE plot point. S2 is a rollercoaster.

I feel like the characters all have very strong personalities and their relationships could be delved into a whole lot more. I feel like because it's based off a novel, there are a lot of things that couldn't be explained with just art and dialogue unfortunately. We can't hear everyone's thoughts so we're all just witnessing horrible events unfold and then it's questionable how everyone emotionally processed it. I'm an overthinker so I need my reassurance!

Side note: I wish there was more development between the two brothers!!!! He is enduring so much for the sake of his brother and yet the only thing we know about big bro is his name and he's clean. Even now older brother needs to be saved and yet I just don't give a fuck if he lives or dies unless its because of plot development. Sigh!

Nichuchu created a topic of Nerd Project

everytime this uploads I go feral this is SO YUMMMYYYY

Nichuchu created a topic of Nerd Project

I click.. hoping for a new upload even though I know better

Nichuchu asked a question

The deets:
Black and White art
Western based story
Comedy, romance, action

MC casually strolling down the street and then all of a sudden gets roped into a robbery caused by ML and his team. ML wears like a cat or a bear mask (cant remember) ALL the time and is the quiet and sadistic type. MC is funny and twinky, likes to wear crop tops and do little fashion shows in his room, he's very charming and goofy. ML likes to drop by MC's balcony and scare the bejesus out of him like something out of twilight.

That's really all I remember.. it was soso interesting! I wanted to know more but I started reading when it was first being released.