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Persephone November 6, 2023 12:37 am

Author/artist is a bit of a perv in my opinion. It makes me uncomfortable with how much they’re sexualizing under-developed/child like bodies. Yes I understand the age of the devil is prob super super old and that there are under-developed people in rl BUT they seem to be purposefully making the characters they’re sexualizing child-like. Saying that the devil isn’t “a woman” but also isn’t “a girl” and also including the r*** scene of the child at the beginning. It’s just sickening. Prob won’t keep reading but if you’re okay w things like that the idea of the story isn’t too bad.

    Cheeseycow November 6, 2023 2:43 am

    That's the wording I was looking for chikd like or undeveloped bodies since people just say they're super old thankyou and I agree 100% the concept was nice so I may stick around but if too much happens I might leave again

    Persephone November 7, 2023 5:24 am
    That's the wording I was looking for chikd like or undeveloped bodies since people just say they're super old thankyou and I agree 100% the concept was nice so I may stick around but if too much happens I might... Cheeseycow

    No I totally get it! It’s just kinda unsettling, and I def agree I’ll prob read a few more chapters but honestly it’s a hit or miss at this point all due to the character art and stuff.

    magic November 9, 2023 1:28 am

    I agree that it's really uncomfortable, but she is the devil god of "taboo" so maybe it's intentional? The assault of the childhood friend at the beginning was super unnecessary though.

    Persephone November 9, 2023 7:31 am
    I agree that it's really uncomfortable, but she is the devil god of "taboo" so maybe it's intentional? The assault of the childhood friend at the beginning was super unnecessary though. magic

    When I was first reading it I had to do a double take bc I was so caught off guard with it. And yeah being the devil of taboo it could be intentional, I could def see that, but it’s weird that the artist/author would see something like that as simply “taboo” and not as something more wrong??? Idk what word I’m looking for

    CaiChiCat November 16, 2023 7:04 pm

    I've seen many women with similar looking bodies however in the end of the day you do you and author does whatever they do

    Persephone November 17, 2023 9:05 am
    I've seen many women with similar looking bodies however in the end of the day you do you and author does whatever they do CaiChiCat

    That’s why I said I know there are people with similar bodies irl, its the fact they also describes the devil as not an adult woman and then I’m also talking about the scene at the beginning with the assault of the child best friend. I also said that if you’re okay w things like that to read it, I was in no way trying to deter people from the story, I was more so giving a TW and stating my own feelings.

    SleepyBean December 23, 2023 10:10 am
    I've seen many women with similar looking bodies however in the end of the day you do you and author does whatever they do CaiChiCat

    bro this CaiChiCat is an actual white knight for pedos, please get checked into a mental hospital you are ill

    Persephone December 23, 2023 7:35 pm
    bro this CaiChiCat is an actual white knight for pedos, please get checked into a mental hospital you are ill SleepyBean

    glad someone else feels the same

    CaiChiCat December 24, 2023 9:30 pm
    bro this CaiChiCat is an actual white knight for pedos, please get checked into a mental hospital you are ill SleepyBean

    More like I'm the victim myself and I despise people calling something pedophilia when it's not.

    SleepyBean December 24, 2023 11:45 pm
    More like I'm the victim myself and I despise people calling something pedophilia when it's not. CaiChiCat

    if you're the victim (of what) then why don't you get therapy instead of going online to look at lolis

    Persephone December 25, 2023 5:34 am
    More like I'm the victim myself and I despise people calling something pedophilia when it's not. CaiChiCat

    Never said author was a pedo, said they were a bit of a perv.

    CaiChiCat December 25, 2023 4:48 pm
    Never said author was a pedo, said they were a bit of a perv. Persephone

    A perv towards children IS pedophilia, you dint have to say it outright to mean it. That's hiw amazing languages are, you can say things you dint mean and you can make others take a hint in what you mean, it's literally taught in class.

    SleepyBean December 25, 2023 6:08 pm
    A perv towards children IS pedophilia, you dint have to say it outright to mean it. That's hiw amazing languages are, you can say things you dint mean and you can make others take a hint in what you mean, it's ... CaiChiCat

    if you're as smart as you're trying to be then why can you not put two and two together that this is fucked up. "small child like person gets r*ped in first chapter" "continued themes of small child like people doing promiscuous stuff" are you blind or just daft

    CaiChiCat December 25, 2023 7:04 pm
    if you're as smart as you're trying to be then why can you not put two and two together that this is fucked up. "small child like person gets r*ped in first chapter" "continued themes of small child like people... SleepyBean

    More like I understand that this is fiction and that I'm in sound mind. Those who aren't in sound mind can't distinguish actual fucked up shit and fiction. You only care about this because it's a Japanese cartoon, just like everyone else. But if it was an American live action drama then you'd be aaaall fine.

    SleepyBean December 25, 2023 8:05 pm
    More like I understand that this is fiction and that I'm in sound mind. Those who aren't in sound mind can't distinguish actual fucked up shit and fiction. You only care about this because it's a Japanese carto... CaiChiCat

    ??????? stop pulling at straws

    Persephone December 25, 2023 9:33 pm
    A perv towards children IS pedophilia, you dint have to say it outright to mean it. That's hiw amazing languages are, you can say things you dint mean and you can make others take a hint in what you mean, it's ... CaiChiCat

    I never said a perv towards children either. I said under-developed and “child-like” bodies for a reason. The fact youre connecting that to pedo*****a as well must mean there’s some truth in what I said no?

    Persephone December 25, 2023 9:36 pm
    More like I understand that this is fiction and that I'm in sound mind. Those who aren't in sound mind can't distinguish actual fucked up shit and fiction. You only care about this because it's a Japanese carto... CaiChiCat

    In any form of media sexualizing under-developed bodies and child-like innocence is wrong. I as a victim as well am made entirely too uncomfortable when anything even remotely similar takes place. And fiction can be “actual fucked up shit” irl and fiction are obviously different but just because someone uses art and writing as an outlet for the fucked up shit they think about doesn’t make it not fucked up. That’s like saying the people who follow the “look but don’t touch” rule aren’t disgusting.

    CaiChiCat December 26, 2023 1:29 am
    In any form of media sexualizing under-developed bodies and child-like innocence is wrong. I as a victim as well am made entirely too uncomfortable when anything even remotely similar takes place. And fiction c... Persephone

    Then you must not like furries then right? Or yaoi? Or yaoi that'd a part of the omega verse? Or fanfic hentai that involved fictional minors? Or achieve stories that involve characters using mystical powers to make people have sex with them? I need to start looking at people's lists on this site before starting an argument cuz 9 out of 10 times they are a hypocrite. "I read stories of minors having sex but I draw the line at loli's" actually just being on this site is a dead give away. Ofc you might not read this and do the whole "dint bother reading, have a good life" bs OR your gonna feel shame that I actually took a look at what you are reading that involves rape throughtout the story or characters under age having sex and actually finished them(so you can't say you started reading Lilith cord or diamond ace hentai and realized "oh no its problematic!" And dropped it because you, in fact, finished them). So this will be my last reply cuz clearly I'm arguing with someone who picks and chooses what to be triggered by something and only pretending to be morally just.

    SleepyBean December 26, 2023 4:55 am
    Then you must not like furries then right? Or yaoi? Or yaoi that'd a part of the omega verse? Or fanfic hentai that involved fictional minors? Or achieve stories that involve characters using mystical powers to... CaiChiCat


    Persephone December 26, 2023 5:35 am
    Then you must not like furries then right? Or yaoi? Or yaoi that'd a part of the omega verse? Or fanfic hentai that involved fictional minors? Or achieve stories that involve characters using mystical powers to... CaiChiCat

    Just bc I read them doesn’t mean I liked them. I put them on my read bc I read them, I didn’t give them a review. + most of the stuff I still read all the way through if I’m far enough into it bc I’m bored and may as well. Like I said in my first reply on this to you I’m giving my opinion of the piece at hand, I’m not “triggered” by it I said I was giving a TW for other people just in case.

    Persephone December 26, 2023 5:43 am
    LMFAOOO BRO WAS GUILTY AS CHARGED I TOOK A PEEK u still not cool tho SleepyBean

    To be fair tho some of the stuff on my read I haven’t actually read. I put it on the completed one bc I don’t revisit most of the things I’ve already read once. So if it’s something I don’t like that I know if I see it I’ll prob click it again I put it under read so I go “oh shit I already read it” and move on. Obv not the case for all of them but some of them yeah. I also didn’t start leaving reviews until recently.

    フレディヤ January 7, 2024 5:49 pm

    i think it's purposely drawn that way since they are the devil of taboo and sexualization of minors is the highest form of taboo - at least that's what I'm hoping, though the drawer could also just be a lolicon so.. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    CaiChiCat February 19, 2024 6:57 pm
    LMFAOOO BRO WAS GUILTY AS CHARGED I TOOK A PEEK u still not cool tho SleepyBean

    I'm guilty of not being cool lol, can't even make a joke so I'll accept that. It's just that 9 out of 10 times someone rants about the sexualization of fictional "kids" they do the same thing ESPECIALLY male characters (for some reason idk) like that Vaush dude on YouTube. He kept calling people who likes lolis pedos and it turned out he had a whole folder of them PLUS ai art of women getting fricked by horses.

    TLDR: when an anime fan constantly shames an anime fan for something check what they have on drive

    CaiChiCat February 19, 2024 6:59 pm
    Just bc I read them doesn’t mean I liked them. I put them on my read bc I read them, I didn’t give them a review. + most of the stuff I still read all the way through if I’m far enough into it bc I’m bo... Persephone

    That diamond no ace one has literal high schoolers having sex on the cover, you ain't fooling me bro

    Persephone February 19, 2024 7:41 pm
    That diamond no ace one has literal high schoolers having sex on the cover, you ain't fooling me bro CaiChiCat

    I didn’t know ace of diamonds was based around high school aged characters. I thought they were just teammates when i started reading it, but okay

    CaiChiCat February 20, 2024 1:25 pm
    Just bc I read them doesn’t mean I liked them. I put them on my read bc I read them, I didn’t give them a review. + most of the stuff I still read all the way through if I’m far enough into it bc I’m bo... Persephone

    "I saved this porn I read....No I didn't like it.....I just saved it after I finished reading it." Stop lying your nose is growing.

Persephone July 9, 2021 7:58 am

I feel bad for astalieu(? Idk if I spelled that right) like he’s not doing anything directly to harm anyone he just is shy and doesn’t feel he can stand up to his brother. And sometimes I honestly feel bad for Balzac, SOMETIMES, mainly because his parents most def drilled narcissism and pride into his head and he doesn’t know how to handle embarrassment. I hate his dad for surrreee and do I think Balzac should be punished for what he’s done and do I think he’s a brat, of course. But like I said I don’t think hes fully to blame for his actions since hes literally what like 9? I don’t think he has full on malicious intent when it comes to physical things towards tia I think it’s just extreme anger issues (I’m not excusing anything, harming someone is still harming them, I’m just saying.)

Persephone's questions ( All 2 )

Persephone June 3, 2019 8:55 am

I’ve been searching for more manga/manhwa that has similarities to Mei-Chan’s Butler, if you know any please let me know!!

Persephone June 3, 2019 3:19 am

Hi guys! I’ve been reading a lot of manga/Webtoons/manhwas, and I’ve wanted to try and become a typesetter/cleaner (I can do either). I’ve practiced on a few files and such, but I wanted to know if anyone knew of any groups looking for typesetters or cleaners (or even both) it would give me something to do over the summer, and if the group likes my work/I’m happy with it I may continue.

Thank you!!ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

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