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AcornaHL August 19, 2019 2:27 pm

Its a BL that mostly takes place at a cafe/restaurant.

Seme has no manners, strength control, or any concept of how to deal with people in general. Mostly because no one taught him / cared, or just stopped trying. He comes into the restaurant and rudely just says "feed me".

Uke recommends food and the seme likes it. Thus begins their weird puppy & owner relationship. Uke finds seme adorable, like a large 5 yo kid. He even hates carrots.

Seme ends up trying to propose to uke (after their first night) with a fist full of cash... because he didn't have a ring on hand. LOL.

AcornaHL April 15, 2019 8:23 am

Can't remember what yaoi this is....

Leads are the local mafia/yakuza head and the bartender of his preferred hangout.

Bartender is 100% certain that the yakuza bought the bar and installed him as the bartender so that he (bartender) could remain a shield to the stoic yakuza. Why? Because, way back when the yakuza was going though his super depressed, rough patch (where everyone was trying to kill him... possibly during his transition to power???) the bartender helped the yakuza escape assassination, completely unasked. Then BOOM: bartender is suddenly running his own place.

Fast forward to now --- again there are assassination attempts. (I think another higher up died, and the power ladder was again shaken up.) Yakuza has bartender hidden away in a hotel and guarded. Bartender is super upset as his entire reason for existence (protecting the yakuza) is called into question. 'If I'm not here to protect him, why does he keep me?'

Blah, blah, blah... Bartender finds out things he didn't know. (Sweet and touching, blah, blah, blah.) Finally the yakuza finishes consolidating everything and admits that he's in love with the bartender, but had planned ..... either to take things reeealy slowly... or not say anything at all. IDK, can't remember. Yay, sex!

Ends with the bartender happily back at his bar serving his regulars, with his favorite yakuza sitting quietly at his usual seat. Everyone is happy.

I *THINK* it's one of those books were the author creates a single world and has multiple books based in it. So I think there were other books centered on some of the bar's patrons.

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