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Leilei created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Honestly, I'm not sure who to feel bad for at this point lol

Leilei created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

Betting my left tit seme is not gonna change after this one bit

Leilei created a topic of Cry Me a River

What's with semes getting mad when MCs are reminding them of their own deal.

Like, it was ur fucking idea!

Leilei created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

Sir, please chain me up as well

Leilei created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

That La-hee guy or whatever his name is, is too funny.

He's literally the embodiment of "ew this tastes disgusting but I keep eating it."

Leilei created a topic of Bite marks and Fluorite

The author's other works are all on the verge of rapey.
Let's hope this will be different because the start was interesting.

Leilei created a topic of Vanilla flavour, please!

Ngl this confession was one of the best, sweetest and also most realistic I've ever seen

Leilei created a topic of Lady Baby

I hope next season will focus more on the actual story again.

I felt like half of what happened until now has not moved the plot along in ANY way, so it was nice to see it get back on track a bit again towards the end of the season.

Leilei created a topic of Turning


Leilei created a topic of Cry Me a River

Well good for you. I don't sympathize with him one bit tho. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Like I've definitely seen a hell lot of worse semes but you can't expect me to be all "oh poor boi" just because he's suddenly in pussy mode.

Nothing worse than people who make themselves out to be the victim after being absolute assholes.

But now the title of the story really resonates with me at least

Leilei created a topic of Double Trap

Please how do you go from fucking like rabbits to this awkward virgin behavior.
I get you wanna be gentler now but for the love of God just FUCK ALREADY

Leilei created a topic of Touch X Practice

The 1st chapter looks so Ai written lol.

The start was soo weird and random, like the author started adding all kinds of tropes but stopped halfway. There's no connection or coherence between the two chapters, either.

1st chapter was completely pointless somehow, too. The seme being an annoying bitch right from the start with literally no info was so dumb and pointless

And the way the characters are acting...
Ho boy... ( ̄∇ ̄")

Leilei created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Fucked as in fucked?
Or fucked as in fucked?

If u know what I mean.

I'm a bit lost what he wants from him right now. Is he in love with him or is he not?


Is Etienne still taking the meds?

Leilei created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

I feel like they could've had such an amazing dynamic together. So much wasted potential.

They're taking WAY too long with character development from the seme.

They should've taken the opportunity when he was poisened by the brother. That was a perfect setup for the seme to start changing but instead he kept doing 180 turns that just pissed me off more and more until I dropped this completely.

Came back after a while and I see nothing has changed. Sad.

I don't think I'm gonna keep track of this the ML is just a lost cause in my eyes.
I like possessive MLs but this is not it fam. His character is just pure trash.

Desperate to save his father from crushing debt, Mi-eum is compelled to accept a risky offer from a ...

  • Author: Majjip
  • Genres: Yaoi / Drama / Mature / Webtoons

- Create art
- Uncensored
- cliché trashy sub-human seme

Leilei created a topic of Cry Me a River

I can already tell that the seme has zero reason to be this much of an asshole no matter the backstory.

Why are all seme like 26 in appearance but a 5 year old mentally.
Makes me feel like a pedo ngl.

Tops like him are always sub-humans for the sole reason that the author can't come up with any other way to create conflict and slow burn.

I guess this will get the same treatment from me like all other dumb ass stories:
Skip everything but the sex scenes because the only thing this seems good for is porn.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Leilei created a topic of His Biggest Fan

Are authors too dumb to write relationships?

Why is it ALWAYS blackmailing the one you "love". Raping the one you "love". Get a fucking punching bag or a quietschy ball or something and let your frustrations out on that.

Communication does almost never exist. Not even in the form of arguments like normal angry people. It's always just PENIS.
And way too many times the characters behave like they're anything but human.
NO human being talks like that just to create conflict because the author doesn't have a clue how to create conflict any other way so they make the characters either right out stupid or talk like FUCKING CAVE MEN.

The stories itself are just copy paste.

And don't get me started on the fucking bottoms that are always all blushy while getting raped as an excuse to romanticize it and show the reader "look it's not that bad he liked it" GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE BRO.

And before anyone argues with "it's just fiction ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭"
YOU are just fiction. My dude I'm reading this shit for my entertainment and I am NOT entertained by garbage written stories and characters that are literally just a copy of all the other garbage. GET SOME STANDARDS.

Jesus christ. I feel better now (⌒▽⌒)


  • Author: Uni miura
  • Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Smut / Comedy / Drama / Romance