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Sachi April 25, 2020 5:40 pm

How does anything that the redhead said can be translated as him not knowing how to date? He is in the right for wondering about his lovers' attitude towards him, from what I've seen he is acting (redhead) exactly as you would expect from someone in a relationship, Uncle is the one who isn't serious and doesn't seem to be really dating him... So I don't understand why Yu yang said that and I hope redhead isn't going to be the one who has to work harder once again...

    Yaoifanatic000101 April 25, 2020 6:28 pm

    I mean, he said all his past girlfriends demanded answers so for them to ask questions means there was no mutual trust in the relationship... he wasn’t doing the best he could... but I haven’t dated so what do I really know??

    simigang April 25, 2020 6:47 pm

    this entire time he’s been coming on way too strong,,, him n uncle r both complicated characters it’s obvious if they want to get along they have to communicate what’s best for them

    Sugakookie April 25, 2020 8:15 pm

    You spoke my mind lol I was like - wait Yuyang how did you come to that conclusion? XD

    maychan April 25, 2020 10:08 pm

    redhead rushing things is not really seem serious. you can't rush things in a relationship. and they burly know each other, if he had a clue on how to date he won't even ask to move in with him out of no where.

    kasahara April 26, 2020 1:15 am
    redhead rushing things is not really seem serious. you can't rush things in a relationship. and they burly know each other, if he had a clue on how to date he won't even ask to move in with him out of no where. maychan

    I think it depends. Some people rush things and move in together pretty quickly, others don't. I honestly don't think the issue here is Red knowing how to date or not. The problem is that there's no communication between Red and Uncle, and mostly because Uncle doesn't want to talk about serious matters. He never answers Red in a serious way; he takes everything as a joke. He should properly communicate to Red how he (Uncle) sees their relationship (which is as nothing serious) so Red wouldn't be wondering about things.

    maychan April 26, 2020 2:26 am
    I think it depends. Some people rush things and move in together pretty quickly, others don't. I honestly don't think the issue here is Red knowing how to date or not. The problem is that there's no communicati... kasahara

    well, to be honest, I don't blame him for not taking him seriously. and the age gap is huge, you can't really fix that in a day. not even talking about uncle commitment issues, that you can't blame him for having. but at least he let him stay by his side, it a good change for someone you claim do not take it "seriously" he actually thinking very hard on their relationship while redhead like "let's live together" despite we don't know shit about each other.

    kasahara April 26, 2020 9:47 pm
    well, to be honest, I don't blame him for not taking him seriously. and the age gap is huge, you can't really fix that in a day. not even talking about uncle commitment issues, that you can't blame him for havi... maychan

    Well, Uncle himself said (while Red was sleeping) that he wasn't taking that relationship seriously, so... What I was saying is that there's no serious communication, so problems won't be solved regardless of how much time passes. I am not blaming Uncle for not wanting to have a serious relationship - that's his choice and no one has nothing to do with it. I am just saying he should communicate his preferences so the other would know what's going on.

    maychan April 27, 2020 2:36 am
    Well, Uncle himself said (while Red was sleeping) that he wasn't taking that relationship seriously, so... What I was saying is that there's no serious communication, so problems won't be solved regardless of h... kasahara

    that only proves that he does thinking about it seriously, a man that didn't care about the relationship won't even think about it at all, while Pan does think about it for a long time. at least that how I see it.
    someone like Pan that can't let himself admit his own feelings to himself, how do you think he could communicate with someone else?
    I think both of them can be blamed for those problems, no one is innocent here since they both humans with problems, Readhead and uncle both have issues. I just hope they get over their issues and try to be better to each other or at least friends at the end of this. but if they break up I won't hate or blame any of them.

    kasahara April 27, 2020 4:54 am
    that only proves that he does thinking about it seriously, a man that didn't care about the relationship won't even think about it at all, while Pan does think about it for a long time. at least that how I see ... maychan

    We can agree that they are both humans and shouldn't be blamed if there's a break up. Whatever the outcome, I hope this relationship can help both of them grow. In the end, guess that's one of the best things all of us can get from a relationship. Hopefully one day they will communicate well (not only with each other but with whatever person they might meet in the future).

    maychan April 27, 2020 11:39 am
    We can agree that they are both humans and shouldn't be blamed if there's a break up. Whatever the outcome, I hope this relationship can help both of them grow. In the end, guess that's one of the best things a... kasahara

    totally agree (⌒▽⌒)

Sachi April 23, 2020 5:12 pm

Please let this be only a massage and not go farther... I'm tired of seeing rape in yaoi and it being brushed aside because the guys are hot... I love the characters here and don't think Sys is someone who would rape someone else but with the direction in which this is going... I'm starting to have my doubts... Please I think the black-haired guy (I'm bad with name sorry) just need someone to take care of him and love him for him, not someone to tie him up and force himself on him...

Sachi April 9, 2020 7:39 pm

I love this manga but why does it have to go down this trope too ? You don't have sex with someone who can't give clear consent even if it's your bf, and you especially don't start new thing close to bdsm (which seems to be the case with this "punishment" thing). I mean, I love their relationship and I'm sure they would both be down for it but that's not a reason to do it in such a way... :/
And I'm tired of seeing those tropes in yaoi tbh... He only went out to have a drink with someone and came home drunk, that doesn't merit to be "punished" imo... Gosh I'm pretty sure that he is going to spank him too when he is already hurt...
I love these two idiots but sex is not the answer to everything...

    Yahweh April 9, 2020 8:03 pm

    EXACTLY. Ugh. What happened? I can’t bring myself to drop it yet though ;-;

    Sachi April 9, 2020 9:51 pm
    EXACTLY. Ugh. What happened? I can’t bring myself to drop it yet though ;-; Yahweh

    Same... I just hope that this will be addressed later on but honestly, I doubt it... :(

Sachi April 7, 2020 12:12 pm

Are we supposed to like the doc? I seem to hate him more and more and my interest in this webtoon is decreasing accordingly, the doc is a manipulative jerk who doesn't care about hurting people if that means he will have fun. I know it won't happen but I would love for the brother to fall in love with someone else and for the doc to be left alone and realize that he missed his chance... But as I said, that will never happen and that jerk will have everything he wants in the end, the brother will probably even pass for the one in the wrong. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    hopel133 April 7, 2020 12:57 pm

    aw no, keep reading! I’m guessing when the doctor sees him cry his perspective will change and he’ll feel bad, or something along those lines, and he’ll end up, like, comforting him? you just have to keep reading. if it does turn out how you think, then just wait until this part of the story is over (which should only be a few more chapters, if I’m correct) then get right back to the main story. again, I’m sorry!

Sachi April 2, 2020 12:11 pm

But now that I've seen this, it's just a big no. I don't know how the author is going to redeem him, or if that will even happen since the doc doesn't seem to think that what he did was wrong (it even seemed like he was blaming the victim with his "do you feel better blaming the alcohol or me?"). The doc doesn't appeal to me at all as a character, he just wants to play around and doesn't care if that means raping someone. Sure, in yaoi consent is often overlooked compared to reality but this seems on a whole different level compared to others... I will probably skip the chapters with this couple if nothing changes in the doc's attitude. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Sachi February 27, 2020 4:54 pm

Am I the only one who wish there was more story between each "sex round" ? I mean don't get me wrong I love the sexy part too but I feel as if we barely see anything happening between the characters before they start having sex again and I'm starting to get a bit bored of it... Again I still love the story so I don't know... I just wish they wouldn't have sex every two chapters (or less)...

    mad February 27, 2020 5:22 pm

    Guys are always horny so they can’t help it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Sachi November 29, 2019 6:53 am

I hope Gyoon isn't going to be blamed for what he is doing when the others learn about it, he is sacrificing himself for all of them after all so if they get angry at him for it it would be very unfair, he needs to be helped...

Sachi November 7, 2019 7:09 pm

I really, really hope Gyoon is not going to go along with that blond guy, the way he is trying to manipulate Gyoon by using the ones he cares about disgusts me and I don't understand how you could ship them...
If Jihe (I'm sorry I probably misspelled it) learns about their relationship he is probably going to misinterpret it and think Gyoon was lying to him and I don't want to see that :/

    Loyce November 7, 2019 8:02 pm

    omg saaaaameee!!

Sachi August 31, 2019 10:43 am

At least now she will know that he is taken and won't ever be interested in her like that lol
I just hope that she won't do something terrible like out them to everyone...

    Arenin August 31, 2019 12:10 pm

    Except that absolutely what she'll do.

    Sachi August 31, 2019 4:04 pm
    Except that absolutely what she'll do. Arenin

    Yeah sadly that's also what I think... (/TДT)/

Sachi August 29, 2019 10:11 am

I've read the first couple of chapters again and now I feel bad for Jian yi because I had forgotten that in the future, Zheng xi and he are going to be separated for a long time and after they reunite Zheng Xi is going to treat him really coldly compared to how he is acting towards him now... I mean in one of the "future" chapter he said, "this guy was my best friend but he disappeared and I don't really want to see him now". Plus he seems to want even less physical contact with him which is a bit sad since he seemed to finally be reciprocating Jian Yi's feeling... I guess Jian Yi going away might have hurt him so he doesn't want to go through this again but it's a bit sad since Jian Yi always appears as the most lonely one out of the two and the one who loves the other the most...

    Asuka Nikiforovna August 29, 2019 11:10 am

    Omg wait which chapter is it? I totally forgot about this (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Sachi August 29, 2019 12:13 pm
    Omg wait which chapter is it? I totally forgot about this (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Asuka Nikiforovna

    Chapter 45 is when he said this but in nearly all the chapters that shows the future he is acting really distant and cold with Jian Yi and doesn't want him to touch him at all and beating him up as soon as he gets too close to him (which he doesn't do anymore in the recent chapters so it's sad to see that he will act like that again in the future...)

    FYEAHH August 29, 2019 12:21 pm

    honestly I wouldn’t dwell on it if I were you, you have to remember that when zhan zheng xi said “don't really want to see him NOW", the author showed a shot of jian yi grossly digging into his underpants LOL, hence him only saying it cause he was really grossed out at the moment aka the author used for humor considering the context of what was happening. there are many chapters there where you can also see zheng xi being caring, taking care of jian yi whose drunk, worrying he disappeared again when jian yi used his shower etc. hence showing he doesn’t want him actually gone and he does love him but it’s scary to put himself out there again and fully trust.

    also the author wrote those chapters before she even had the story fleshed out in her head at the time, she didn’t even know where she was going with the story, if she would continue it etc. it was just a story of comedic gags to her at first with no real plotline. hence why their characters act differently from now, zheng xi was written a bit more tsundere and she clearly changed that along the way when she started taking her own story more seriously and now mo guan shan is the tsundere with more of those characteristics etc.

    so zheng xi may act a bit stand offish / occ in those chapters than what he does now but only because she hadn’t know she was going to write their past and write how their characters personality truly was, currently she has clearly fleshed out how she wants her characters to be and act more now. however it also important to note she ignores some key parts in those beginning chapters, for example when jian yi first says he was kidnapped, it’s said in a very humorous way where it’s really hard to believe which ultimately doesn’t make sense considering zheng xi already knew about jian yi nearly getting kidnapped twice so far now that she has written their middle school days — my point in this is to say, there are clearly plot holes and that the author seems to ignore a bit of some of her writing in the past/those chapter cause logically it makes no sense as to why zheng xi wouldn’t believe him. so I wouldn’t be surprised if the author were to ignore more bits of those chapters. plus zheng xi was heartbroken when he left, so it’s natural he’d feel a bit betrayed being left, feeling extremely hurt over it but it’s not something that lasts long. he’s way too in love with jian yi to let that hurt last.

    which is also shown where the author draws them in other future chapters that weren’t in the beginning chapter / stages of her writing, such as the chapter specials during christmas or valentine’s day, which are more recent chapters in the recent years that the author takes more seriously. zheng xi and jian yi are hanging out and doing just fine in the future. he’s not ‘cold’ to him, spoils jian yi, even gives him an indirect kiss etc. they’re clearly doing just fine. and those are future chapters. not to mention the author has drawn many future illustrations of them officially together where they are french kissing and being sexually intimate. they’ll be just fine in the end. :)

    Sachi August 29, 2019 7:40 pm
    honestly I wouldn’t dwell on it if I were you, you have to remember that when zhan zheng xi said “don't really want to see him NOW", the author showed a shot of jian yi grossly digging into his underpants L... FYEAHH

    That's very true. I guess re-reading the beginning of this story kinda made me anxious and I forgot about the most recent "in the future" chapters, I will try to find them again to see them being all lovey-dovey with each other haha
    And yeah, that was one thing I was wondering about, if the author was conscious of the differences between how she had first portrayed the characters and how they are acting now and if she decided to just ignore her "first" chapters and continue with how she is picturing the characters now or if the story is going to change and will lead to the characters acting that way with each other without it seeming ooc... I really hope it's the former haha!

    Thank you for your long reply, I was really unsure of how I should think about them since they are my favorite pair from this webtoon and your reply really helped me! (≧∀≦)

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