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GiadaL93's experience ( All 0 )

GiadaL93's answer ( All 1 )

I’d love to join a group of this kind! Italian is my mother language (idk if it can be written this way, but in Italian the meaning is “my language of origin” or something like that!); I’d like to improve my English, French and Spanish ️ I’m also trying to learn by myself Japanese, but kanji, hiragana and katakana are actually really di......   2 reply
02 08,2019

GiadaL93's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do going to concerts

I wanna see Ateez so bad

32 minutes
did going to concerts

when i think of how much money ive spent on tickets in 23/24, a tear trickles out </3

5 hours
did ate with chopsticks

TBH I didn't find eating with chopsticks very hard when I was little I'd try to pick things up with a pair of sticks or pens and so on

6 hours