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Jkpop's experience ( All 0 )

Jkpop's answer ( All 3 )

about penpals
25 03,2020
Hey I’m down to Be your friend do u have an instagram   6 reply
25 03,2020
Hey id like to be your friend do you have an insta?   reply
20 03,2020
Hi! I’m a 15 and a boy and I like bl not really yaoi though and I like anime too. I’d like to be your friend i don’t have discord but I have Instagram?   1 reply
19 03,2020

Jkpop's question ( All 1 )

Hi I’m a 15 year old male and I like bl and anime I’m not really a fan of yaoi though and I want some friends who share the same interest any of you wanna drop your instagrams so we can be friends?
19 03,2020

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