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XiomyReads created a topic of You Who Wants to Love

i need bl mangakas to unshackle themselves from this trope.

XiomyReads created a topic of Gokutora no Honey Bunny

this was definitely a story! no where near bad/terrible but i feel empty like the romance just did not connect with me

XiomyReads created a topic of Cry Me a River

fighting for my life trying to understand this story, why is there so much mystery /lh

XiomyReads created a topic of Our Sunny Days

itā€™ll be a happy ending because i said so

XiomyReads created a topic of Gokutora no Honey Bunny

Iā€™m so heavily frustrated with the message or theme this story is going with. Maybe itā€™s because I just see S.A. and any attempts at it as a crime permissible for death but I hate that he apologized.
I hate that heā€™s being scrutinized for beating on people that essentially S.A and human traffic others. I hate that heā€™s being shitted on for also beating on those who tolerate members like that too (yup the folk not involved can happily catch a stray too.)

side note: the build up to this little kiss is also ass cuz huh .

i justā€¦ i am feeling a lot of negative things but also donā€™t want to shit on it too much cuz it HAD a promising start

XiomyReads created a topic of Red Mansion

can any novel readers give spoilers, gen wondering how their relationship plays out

XiomyReads created a topic of Limited Run

ik the raws say fin, but yall do realize there hasnā€™t even been an authors notes released yetā€¦ there could very likely be a bunch of side stories planned & released later onā€” especially considering the storyā€™s popularity and the popular trend of bls releasing a bajillion side stories like theyā€™re a whole other season

XiomyReads created a topic of Bye Bye

while iā€™ve always felt this story ended way too short and wouldā€™ve loved way more, i donā€™t think the author is coming back to this.

raws ended literally two years ago in 2022 and nothing new till this day + their new series now, this is dead and done

XiomyReads created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

now we just wait for the whole season where he regrets it and is like ā€œi didnā€™t mean itā€¦ please date me and like me back again plzā€

XiomyReads created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

While Iā€™m not too interested in the flashback rn (cuz this whole past relationship just feels weird to me), I donā€™t think itā€™s crazy to have it now. The first season set it up perfectlyā€¦ so I think it makes sense here, but what i will say is I hope this doesnā€™t take up ALL of season 2 cuz then idk (ļæ£āˆ‡ļæ£")

XiomyReads created a topic of Rivalry

idk i canā€™t seem to connect with the second couple, like theres no actual faults i can find with them but idk

XiomyReads created a topic of The Man At Night

give me back the slice of life chapters!! ćƒ½(`Š”Ā“)ļ¾‰

XiomyReads created a topic of Dead man Switch

guys you actually donā€™t need to throw away your morales in an apocalypse, it might make it harder but it can still be done.

like it may be easy to SAY (i.e. kill someone, steal from vulnerable ppl, bait ppl out) but to actually do ik i couldnā€™t!!

XiomyReads created a topic of The Origin of Species

the anatomy stays killing me but still is still an enjoyable read so idrc itā€™s just funny

XiomyReads created a topic of Happy of the End

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

XiomyReads created a topic of Happy of the End

plz plz plz donā€™t let that maya thing reappear i just need these two to be happy and receive lots of therapy

XiomyReads created a topic of Limited Run

this wouldā€™ve been more angsty for me if the author ainā€™t reveal this story was gonna have a happy ending (ref. from old author note on the season finale thingys)

As much as a root for Penelope, love her character, and get how what Eclis will do if betrayalā€¦ good gosh is she manipulative and not in the sense of cool manipulative but in the sense of ā€œoh thatā€™s notā€¦ā€ ykwim?

Like if I wasnā€™t reading from her perspective & thoughts and didnā€™t know her circumstancesā€” everything about her relationship with Eclis, the way she creates it (slave and master?!), and how she basically manipulates him for her interests, while simultaneously not even seeing him as an actual person (because atp she evidently still views this as a game and everyone as just characters) is rather awful. Like genuinely, what wouldā€™ve happened had the author not created some ā€œjustificationā€ for disliking Eclis and the ML remained Callisto?? Just thinking about that alternative timeline and it kind of puts it into better perspective how awful her actions are.

Ironically this fault is also one of the many things I enjoy about her character and the story. So yeah, just my thought I had to share.