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jaiiekekw May 4, 2021 5:51 pm

Overpowered MC with no harem or romance

jaiiekekw May 4, 2021 3:03 am

A little girl is the protagonist. She was sent to live with a (rich) family by her father at birth, but that family was abusive and disowned her, there was also a little boy in on it. I forgot exactly what happened, but I think she ran away and found her way to a house of some sort that had a butler that was a fox??

Turns out this house was owned by her father. The plot begins to focus on their father-daughter relationship. I know that the father had black hair and had some sort of curse, preventing him from attacking the family that was disowning his daughter. It's a fantasy comic.

jaiiekekw April 26, 2021 9:27 pm

Any recommendations where BL isn't the main point of the story. Something like Mo Dao Zu Shi; where "gay" "bottom" and "top" aren't their personality.

It doesn't even have to be BL, just something with a good plot and no harem.

jaiiekekw April 23, 2021 10:36 pm

Wishing all people who ship any minors in mha a fucking horrible no good very bad day.

I say this because there's a comment on my feed on a Bakugou doujinshi trying to justify it and bashing people that are pointing the problem out. Go touch some grass and seek help.

    Vampirediarrhea April 23, 2021 10:39 pm

    Omg minors cant be in relationships it’s completely different if they’re sexualizing them obviously but shipping isn’t even bad lmao

    LordGayChickenTheSixth April 23, 2021 10:40 pm

    who’s right?

    This person right here.

    LordGayChickenTheSixth April 23, 2021 10:40 pm
    who’s right? This person right here. LordGayChickenTheSixth

    Not the person above me LMFAOOOO, I MEAN OP, DAMN

    mudonmyrug April 23, 2021 10:46 pm

    lmao don't care they an't real

    xiaomo April 23, 2021 10:48 pm

    ion watch bnha so i thought all of em are already adults, cause they got those damn deep 8 packs

    jaiiekekw April 23, 2021 10:48 pm
    Omg minors cant be in relationships it’s completely different if they’re sexualizing them obviously but shipping isn’t even bad lmao Vampirediarrhea

    Maybe if you read the second part, you would know I was talking about a Bakugou doujinshi which clearly sexualized him.

    You should also know that a majority of the "fucked" side of that fandom (which is a lot) is shipping these minors in a way meant to be sexualized. Literally, just search for two MHA characters together on google, go to images, and within 5 minutes tops you'll find some NSFW art of them

    xiaomo April 23, 2021 10:48 pm
    ion watch bnha so i thought all of em are already adults, cause they got those damn deep 8 packs xiaomo

    but based on their looks, ig not

    jaiiekekw April 23, 2021 10:55 pm
    Maybe if you read the second part, you would know I was talking about a Bakugou doujinshi which clearly sexualized him. You should also know that a majority of the "fucked" side of that fandom (which is a lot) ... jaiiekekw

    The fact that I don't even watch BNHA and don't associate with the fandom, but still see a lot of porn of them in itself is fucking crazy.

    jaiiekekw April 23, 2021 11:03 pm
    ion watch bnha so i thought all of em are already adults, cause they got those damn deep 8 packs xiaomo

    I watched it back in 2019 but stopped from the lack of interest. Still, MHA NSFW fanart is everywhere despite my lack of association with this fandom and anime in general.

    They're first years in high school which is around 15-16. Even if their bodies are mature, they're still minors /nm

    Howl April 24, 2021 12:02 am

    Maybe this is controversial, but it really rubs me the wrong way to see people shipping children, regardless of whether or not the ship is overtly sexual. While I agree that a platonic ship is clearly not as malicious nor dangerous as a sexual ship, the idea of adults thinking of children in that sense just kinda gives me the chills.

    I think of it as parents that ‘ship’ their toddlers with other toddlers like “oh look at my son be all flirty with their classmate!” when they’re literally in like kindergarten or smth. Just let kids be kids and stop putting them in situations where, as a full-grown adult, you’re consciously thinking about their romantic relationships.

    I get that these are cartoons and we shouldnt get too bothered by them, but as I mentioned in my example, these thoughts are usually the kind that bleed into irl tendencies which is kinda yikes. And as you said to someone else, most of these ships ARE sexual, and not just platonic, so ppl should just recheck themselves a bit.

    jaiiekekw April 24, 2021 2:38 am
    Maybe this is controversial, but it really rubs me the wrong way to see people shipping children, regardless of whether or not the ship is overtly sexual. While I agree that a platonic ship is clearly not as ma... Howl

    I agree with this, especially since the mangaka isn't even hinting in the slightest that ANY of these minors are involved in that way. Sadly shipping is a huge culture that goes even outside of anime, so I wouldn't be surprised to see actual toddler characters being shipped based on "suggestive" interactions.

    If they exist, 99% chance there's a ship of them

yeetusthefetus April 6, 2021 8:27 am

Does anyone know of any manga similar to:

I’ve already read Moriarty the Patriot which is something similar to that

yeetusthefetus March 3, 2021 10:38 am

Does anyone have any manga/manhua/manhwa that's similar to Moriarty the Patriot? I'm raring for some sick mind games and rivalry. I don't mind the premises being around Sherlock like this manga. The only thing I don't want is the mystery being solved by "luck", and actually have logical explanations.

Please don't recommend me:

Detective Conan/Case Closed
Death Note
Black Butler

Since I've either already read and enjoyed them, or dropped them because I didn't care for them.

yeetusthefetus December 5, 2020 12:28 am

Does anyone have anything similar to Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for an Otaku? I don’t mind what gender the pairings are. I’d just like the couple(s) to be mature—meaning no whole arc dedicated to clearing some shitty misunderstanding that could’ve been solved through communication— and the said suggestion to be cometic.

Like 19 days or tamendegushi yeah

yeetusthefetus August 18, 2020 6:34 am

I really really enjoyed Noblesse and reread it a few times, I’d like to find something similar to it. Any recommendations?

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