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Ok did I miss some chapters.. when did she meet this kid? I feel like there's a gap. Did I just forget? Ahh.

Otakusoul created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Does anyone know if there is a novel?

Otakusoul created a topic of Jinx

Yes Jaekyung has an asshole personality. However, hes helped Doc Dan a lot. Paying off his bills, saving him from the thugs, being nice to his grandma, gave him a place to live and a job. It's not like hes beating up Doc or forcing him to stay against his will. It was a mutual agreement. Doc could have said no and Jaekyung could have found someone else to do it with. Like do yall really think an MMA fighter can afford being a softie, and Jaekyung has a lot on his plate as well.