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sleep created a topic of Can't get Caught! XXX

i saw some ppl say the pacing was too fast and ngl, i don't rlly see how. like the plot is pretty simple and it's kinda perfect for a short story and we know both of the mc have feelings for each other so i feel like it's kinda given that both of them will immediately get together once they know each other's feelings. idk i just don't see how the pace can be dragged any slower when the plot in itself isn't anything too complicated

sleep created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

okay ignoring that random girl, i am actually so glad that his relationship with the guild member isn't so bad and tense anymore

this manhwa rlly filled me with rage everytime i see that bitch of an empress, "paying the price to be born". bitch you're the one who gave birth to him, if anyone should pay the price, it's you. he doesn't choose to be an omega, he doesn't choose to be born, why tf does he need to pay a price for something that he never had control over

also, as much as i feel bad for the emperor because like getting raped is definitely traumatizing and i understand looking at the child that is like the product of those action is tough, it still doesn't excuse how he had neglected etienne, how shitty he treated him bcuz that is a child who never even asked to be put in that position

okay i have to be honest, while i think the main couple is fine and all, i don't really love them like they're cute but not that cute. if there's anything that i love the most abt this manga is the fact that all of the reincarnated girls group up together and supporting each other, i fucking love that, i love the fact that there's no girls fighting girl for one guy lmao

idk why i don't rlly vibe with the main couple, ig i just feel like their dynamic is kinda odd

sleep created a topic of Pick Me Up

iirc velkist will beat aaron in this duel, i don't rlly remember how tho. idk how i rlly feel abt aaron losing the duel, its like in one hand im excited to see the new dynamics that team 1 will have with this new members and on the other hand i am sad seeing aaron having to leave the team, i am already so attached to him

sleep created a topic of Jinx

i fucking knew it that heesung and potato gonna end up together the moment he called him ugly lmao, i always noticed that there's this trend where your true love doesn't fit your typical usual taste

okay while i realized the story is not that good and have a lot to be criticized abt, it's kinda of a guilty pleasure just because he end up with both of the guy and that is such a rare ending to see like finally, a love triangle manga that doesn't have the mc pick which one because i have always hated that

sleep created a topic of Trash of the Count's Family

okay litana look so fucking gorgeous wtf and cale, oh cale no wonder so many ppl fall for you

sleep created a topic of Girl That Can See It (Pixiv)


love this actually, it's pretty funny and kinda cute in a demented kind of way lmao

sleep created a topic of Jinx

atp i wonder if there will actually be a redemption arc for jaekyung, it would be pretty interesting if instead of jaekyung being redeemed, it's dan who got 'corrupted' by jaekyung, make it as toxic and unhealthy as possible

i fucking hate that bitch of a mother who keep on bitching abt how weak etiene supposedly is for not being able to fully suppressed his pheromones like bitch, you never even have gone through what your son go through which is basically get on supression since birth, how tf do you have the audacity to call your son weak for something that you have never even go through. istg i need someone to kill that empress asap, i can't handle her anymore and she's not even a smart villain tbh, just dumb and straight up devil. like why tf would you want to kill someone that rishar like?? just for him to get revenge on you??

and that emperor,, that useless emperor. i HATE him. i hate how his hatred towards the empress was also projected onto etiene. AND why the fuck does he seem to like blame etiene for what his mother had done?? istg if you actually care, if you actually focus then maybe you would've realized that etiene is also a victim. like a spoiled child that received love and affection does NOT act like how etiene would act and the empress isn't even that subtle either so really, it's just the emperor being blinded by his hatred toward the empress that he can't see how etiene is also hurting

sleep created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

the thing abt slow burn that i personally hate is that, most of the time, the story spend so much time showing how they pined for each other but once they get together, you barely get any content after that. like pls as much as i love the pining and falling in love phase, i rlly want the established relationship phase is also as long

sleep created a topic of Bad Contact


oh god i love all of them so much, my least favourite is probably tokiwa? just because he doesn't really stand out that much. even then i still love him very much, he is your standard gentlemen and you could never have enough of that.

hagi's bi panic is very funny, him being confused and panicking is so funny and honestly just so relatable while kohaku is just so cute but also a little bit frustrating with how she always misinterpreted things.

fuji and asagi is my favourite couple out of all definitely, fuji is just so cool and asagi is just so cute and such a pure ball of sunshine

ANYWAY, girl that look like pretty boy paired with a guy will always be one of my most favourite thing, i wish we had so much more of it

sleep created a topic of Youchien wars

it is so cool that i have seen this artist actually drawing this manga on tiktok live, the idea that i could see mangaka working on their manga live is still so wild to me

sleep created a topic of Jinx

guys, yall need to read this manhwa with your brain switch turned off and just read for the art or for the porn because the plot will just make you mad lmao

im betting right now that the purple kid will accept eirin not being adopted into his family by people convincing him that he won't get to marry eirin if she got adopted into his family

sleep created a topic of Guiding Hazard

okay first off, taegun is really freaking pretty, i just want to say tho that if i were in his place, high chance is that i would've done the same

like i am a sex repulsed asexual so maybe that's why i can understand his aversion to the whole guiding experience. but like imagine having to be that vulnerable to someone you don't even know and have them possibly take advantage of you when you're in a state where you can't even think rationally

people first thought of esper and guide is them fucking each other, everyone clearly know this and kinda expected this. taegun obviously don't want sex but how is he supposed to trust just random ppl telling him that they won't do it

and clearly taegun have had bad experience of it before so like, it's not like he doesn't even try it but it's the fact he have tried it and it has traumatized him. idk i just feel so bad for taegun and i would hate anyone who doesn't feel sympathy for him

sleep created a topic of Pearl Boy

wait, why are ppl so mad at the ending and said they died?? i thought it just meant that the uke has regained his memories since he said "it's good to see you again"