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Saya April 26, 2020 9:51 pm

Everyone keeps saying how much of a douche the prince is but y'all aren't mentioning how much of a b**** the princess is. The first time she met the guy she pushed him in a pond he almost drowned! So his first, well rather his second impression of her is not a good one, and then she pushes him out of a tree! So he never really got the time to analyze his feelings and since she was little, she just kept pushing and pushing and pushing! He loves her but he doesn't even get the chance to realize that, because she just keeps pushing and reinforcing the bad feelings. I understand she mixed up her feelings of missing her mom with him but that's not his responsibility!
Could he have sympathized with her, yes! but he doesn't even get to know anything about her and she just keeps pushing her love unto him! Does he not get a choice to love her back or not?!
She needs to learn how to express herself and deal with her own feelings before she can really love someone. She's more obsessed than loving him I hope she changes in the future because right now she's only obsessed she doesn't love him and he might love her but he's not given the chance to find out if he loves her or not. They both need emotional growth, he needs to not be childish abt things too

    San April 26, 2020 10:03 pm

    (●'◡'●)ノ totally agree! I skimmed through the raw and yes, she is kinda obsessed and both need to grow EQ. Seeing them together, it is sad more than happy. They both dont have the patience and brave enough to learn about the other sides. Although it is understandable due to their circumstances, :(. Awee. Wish they are both happy. (/TДT)/

    RedCherry April 28, 2020 9:27 pm

    I think you forgot to add that the reason why she pushed him into water because he said "Wild Flower", which have a bad connotation. It's not 100% her fault for that one...

    QueenFairy May 1, 2020 12:35 pm
    I think you forgot to add that the reason why she pushed him into water because he said "Wild Flower", which have a bad connotation. It's not 100% her fault for that one... @RedCherry


    Saya May 2, 2020 7:05 pm
    I think you forgot to add that the reason why she pushed him into water because he said "Wild Flower", which have a bad connotation. It's not 100% her fault for that one... @RedCherry

    How does that excuse ever pushing him into the water?

    Saya May 2, 2020 7:06 pm
    I think you forgot to add that the reason why she pushed him into water because he said "Wild Flower", which have a bad connotation. It's not 100% her fault for that one... @RedCherry

    You go where you're not supposed to go and if someone says something bad you immediately think imma push him into a lake please

    RedCherry May 9, 2020 5:28 am
    You go where you're not supposed to go and if someone says something bad you immediately think imma push him into a lake please Saya

    Then, if someone said something shit about you, what would you do? Keep quiet? Let them step on you?

    She just want to prove that no one can mess with her, no one can step on her. But, I agree that she shouldn't push him, she should've just slap him.

Saya February 10, 2020 6:38 pm


Am I the only one that did not want that b**** to die. I want her to get hit by the truck and I wanted her to be crippled and be in jail for the rest of her life with all she put her sister through and put her nephew through. I wanted her to really suffer for the rest of her life. dying is just a quick way out. She doesn't feel any pain. No nothing. I wanted her to suffer with like a broken leg or broken back or something just in prison and ugly clothes all day since she loves the Finer Things so much.

Saya February 10, 2020 5:32 pm

Girl after the first time someone spiked to drink. Okay, maybe the first time you could say it was to your evil step-sister and you know, but after the second time someone's spikes to drink you would think I wouldn't drink anything from anyone ever again that I don't know but you just go around drinking every freaking day and eating everything people put in front of you and then your drink is spiked and you get drugged stop being so freaking gluttonous and greedy. What the hell it doesn't make any sense. You've no caution in your bones. What the hell?

Saya February 8, 2020 7:35 pm

I know everyone keeps saying how Joel is a bad person cuz he doesn't love his son and blah blah blah, but think about it, Joel was with an older woman when she got pregnant. She didn't tell him about it instead. She dumped his ass, then years later. She shows up with a kid and drops it on him like a bomb and just bounces. Everyone is thinking like, oh then Joel should just be this great dad?
It's just like 1. he didn't know he had a kid and 2. Jesse didn't even give his father a chance to be a father to him because he's angry about his mom leaving him.
And what does he do? He takes it out on his dad that is there and he's acting as if his dad should have known that his mom was pregnant.
Every little thing that is Joel does whether it's good or bad he blows it out of proportion. He's so mad that his mom didn't tell his dad and that he didn't grow up with a dad. He's so mad that he doesn't even know how to deal with his anger. Look how many fights he was in before Andy, because he's so angry and he doesn't know what to do with his anger. of course as parents. I'm sure people say you can always do better. But if Jesse isn't giving him a chance, what is he supposed to do? I don't get all these comments about how Joel is a bad dad. He didn't know he had a kid. He got the kids dropped on him, kid is so angry about his mom leaving him in about not growing up with a dad and he finally gets a Daddy doesn't know what to do with himself. It's a shitshow. I don't think anyone is to blame. They're both adults will basically adults so they can sit down and talk about their issues. And then that's about as much as they can do.

Saya January 28, 2020 4:15 am

Kill the king kill the king it's the only way to kill the king

Saya January 25, 2020 9:41 am

I am a tired of all these mangas with these princes. When a woman devotes all their love for them, they're so indifferent but the minute she's interested in another man who's worthy and rightfully ignores their ass! all of a sudden! "Oh my God she's so beautiful I didn't notice it before"
I'm so tired of it!! And these females are they brain dead? The man rejected you you to the point of execution when u gave him everything. He acts like a decent person for once and u mesmerized?! WTF!? listen you don't have to hate the prince but you gotta take note of who was with with you in the dark times, treasure them and fuck everything else! Know your worth!

    7DeadlySins January 26, 2020 7:50 pm

    It's fun watching them squirm though lol

    Saya January 26, 2020 7:53 pm

    Oh for sure let them know what they're missing! !

    Ellyyy January 27, 2020 8:41 pm

    Tbh I adore stories like that!! It's my guilty pleasure lol where the main character finally starts to realize their own worth and the fact that they deserve better. It's a joy to read about characters and their journey to self-love and improvement

    Fudanshiii February 9, 2020 4:59 am


Saya January 17, 2020 9:12 pm

One the female characters are annoying AF and two they trivialize slavery as if it's as if it's nothing and I know it's a manga or whatever but I feel like there's just some things you don't just play around as if it's nothing

    bogum January 18, 2020 4:07 am

    Slavery is as planned,.. The other worlder set it up for the sake of our beloved mc so he would be safe in any harm coz he find him to be kind and honest guy..
    Read between the text they did not trivialize slavery with just the simple debt.

    Saya January 18, 2020 7:04 am

    Uh there was no need for either of them to become a slave. Furthermore the MC kept rejecting the offer of her being a slave and she was insistent on being a slave as if it was something great also those two girls did not break the potions so if you were talking about compensation then one of those guys that actually broke the potions can pay for it or work it off or a part of their pay could go towards paying it off no one needs to become a slave and they kept throwing around the whole slave slaves slaves I'll become a slave oh I'll become a slave

Saya January 16, 2020 7:42 am

She didn't break anything in fact she squash the beef so y tho?

Saya January 13, 2020 7:44 pm

Come on girl marry them all and unite the continent that's your role as an empress

Saya January 8, 2020 9:31 pm

I know everyone keeps saying that it was the past prince that hurt her not the current, but after reading further and finding out the history between him and her mother what he did to her in the other life is so much worse. Her mother and her were the only ones who loved him, her mother asked him on her deathbed to take care of her only daughter and he did that to her? I mean if they live their live by oracle there is nothing to say about him marrying the other girl, but he treated Tia with such contempt! All he can think about is how much better at stuff people perceive her to be, even though all that she did was for him. He forgot how she loved and accepted him from she was a little girl and to let's outline it here
1. Rape her for over a year
2. Push her and cause her miscarriage
3. Have her give up her pride and lick his boots in futility
4.kill her ever loyal to the crown father
5. Kill her unjustly
Make no mistake this people stop saying it was not the current prince because it is him! If she had continental loving him he would have done the same. THE ONLY REASON HE GIVES A SHIT NOW IS BECAUSE SHE IGNORED HIM AND HIS HUNTING INSTINCTS WERE AROUSED AND HE LOOKED OUTSIDE OF HIS SELF PITYING AND NARCISSISTIC HOLE, THAT HE IS "MAKING A CHANGE"!

    bibachoro-ok January 8, 2020 10:28 pm

    That's a theory alright, but Aristia herself states how people affect each other's changes, which is clearly meant to be the author's intended point here, even if you disagree with the execution.

    There's also many years still left to go between the prince now and the prince of the future, and taking away the development the prince has already had since Aristia timetraveled, it's very likely that the years between were vastly different, creating a much more terrible person by the end. Personally I think it's clear that her increased self-respect, agency, and sincerity is what's causing the world around her to change.

    Aristia has changed so much from who she used to be, and changed the world so much, and you think the prince is somehow the same? Even with how unlike his original self he's acting?

    It's perfectly fine to dislike the reason he started changing, but unless you think people's character is determined at birth, and not by the circumstances of their growth, then the person kidding themselves is not the readers who admit that someone shouldn't be held accountable for actions they haven't taken and, for all we know, wouldn't take in the future.

    Saya January 8, 2020 11:21 pm
    That's a theory alright, but Aristia herself states how people affect each other's changes, which is clearly meant to be the author's intended point here, even if you disagree with the execution.There's also ma... bibachoro-ok

    Oh I'm not taking away his development I can clearly see that he is on a new road and that is commendable and I can see what the author is trying to say about if we change ourselves we affect change in those around us. All that is correct but only up to a certain point. In saying that her self confidence and growth may change her fate with him is basically saying she caused all of what happened to her in the past. That is very NAIVE! Should she holds a grudge against this prince NO!, because this one is making different choices and is becoming a better person. However, even in her darkest moments and she went through a lot, she still tried her best in caring for others and only in a moment of despair for her father's un just murder did she harm someone. Him on the other hand made choice after choice to deliberately hurt her, and I know this new prince seems nice but she should not forget. She should forgive to ease her heart and soul but she should not put herself in the hands of someone whose base character is so selfish and vile. If it was me I can accept that he's changed and I would forgive him but I would enter into a relationship with that person again

    Saya January 8, 2020 11:21 pm
    That's a theory alright, but Aristia herself states how people affect each other's changes, which is clearly meant to be the author's intended point here, even if you disagree with the execution.There's also ma... bibachoro-ok

    Oh I'm not taking away his development I can clearly see that he is on a new road and that is commendable and I can see what the author is trying to say about if we change ourselves we affect change in those around us. All that is correct but only up to a certain point. In saying that her self confidence and growth may change her fate with him is basically saying she caused all of what happened to her in the past. That is very NAIVE! Should she holds a grudge against this prince NO!, because this one is making different choices and is becoming a better person. However, even in her darkest moments and she went through a lot, she still tried her best in caring for others and only in a moment of despair for her father's un just murder did she harm someone. Him on the other hand made choice after choice to deliberately hurt her, and I know this new prince seems nice but she should not forget. She should forgive to ease her heart and soul but she should not put herself in the hands of someone whose base character is so selfish and vile. If it was me I can accept that he's changed and I would forgive him but I would enter into a relationship with that person again.

    Saya January 8, 2020 11:22 pm
    That's a theory alright, but Aristia herself states how people affect each other's changes, which is clearly meant to be the author's intended point here, even if you disagree with the execution.There's also ma... bibachoro-ok

    Oh I'm not taking away his development I can clearly see that he is on a new road and that is commendable and I can see what the author is trying to say about if we change ourselves we affect change in those around us. All that is correct but only up to a certain point. In saying that her self confidence and growth may change her fate with him is basically saying she caused all of what happened to her in the past. That is very NAIVE! Should she holds a grudge against this prince NO!, because this one is making different choices and is becoming a better person. However, even in her darkest moments and she went through a lot, she still tried her best in caring for others and only in a moment of despair for her father's un just murder did she harm someone. Him on the other hand made choice after choice to deliberately hurt her, and I know this new prince seems nice but she should not forget. She should forgive to ease her heart and soul but she should not put herself in the hands of someone whose base character is so selfish and vile. If it was me I can accept that he's changed and I would forgive him but I would enter into a relationship with that person again.(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Saya January 8, 2020 11:23 pm
    That's a theory alright, but Aristia herself states how people affect each other's changes, which is clearly meant to be the author's intended point here, even if you disagree with the execution.There's also ma... bibachoro-ok

    Oh I'm not taking away his development I can clearly see that he is on a new road and that is commendable and I can see what the author is trying to say about if we change ourselves we affect change in those around us. All that is correct but only up to a certain point. In saying that her self confidence and growth may change her fate with him is basically saying she caused all of what happened to her in the past. That is very NAIVE! Should she holds a grudge against this prince NO!, because this one is making different choices and is becoming a better person. However, even in her darkest moments and she went through a lot, she still tried her best in caring for others and only in a moment of despair for her father's un just murder did she harm someone. Him on the other hand made choice after choice to deliberately hurt her, and I know this new prince seems nice but she should not forget. She should forgive to ease her heart and soul but she should not put herself in the hands of someone whose base character is so selfish and vile. If it was me I can accept that he's changed and I would forgive him but I would enter into a relationship with that person again. YOU MUST BE WISE IN CHOOSING WHO TO GIVE YOUR HEART TO!

    Saya January 8, 2020 11:24 pm
    That's a theory alright, but Aristia herself states how people affect each other's changes, which is clearly meant to be the author's intended point here, even if you disagree with the execution.There's also ma... bibachoro-ok

    Oh I'm not taking away his development I can clearly see that he is on a new road and that is commendable and I can see what the author is trying to say about if we change ourselves we affect change in those around us. All that is correct but only up to a certain point. In saying that her self confidence and growth may change her fate with him is basically saying she caused all of what happened to her in the past. That is very NAIVE! Should she holds a grudge against this prince NO!, because this one is making different choices and is becoming a better person. However, even in her darkest moments and she went through a lot, she still tried her best in caring for others and only in a moment of despair for her father's un just murder did she harm someone. Him on the other hand made choice after choice to deliberately hurt her, and I know this new prince seems nice but she should not forget. She should forgive to ease her heart and soul but she should not put herself in the hands of someone whose base character is so selfish and vile. If it was me I can accept that he's changed and I would forgive him but I would enter into a relationship with that person again. YOU MUST BE WISE IN CHOOSING WHO TO GIVE YOUR HEART TO!

    bibachoro-ok January 9, 2020 12:28 am
    Oh I'm not taking away his development I can clearly see that he is on a new road and that is commendable and I can see what the author is trying to say about if we change ourselves we affect change in those ar... Saya

    Now I see your point. I agree that I don't want her to just fall into his arms - best case scenario, he somehow finds out what that version of him did to her, maybe sees a magic vision about it or smth, and does what he feels he has to to make it up to her. I'm hoping he'll prove himself to her properly regardless, though. But then someone in the threads below mentioned a spoiler that implies maybe his vileness in the first timeline was not under his control after all - which wouldn't surprise me either, with how desperate the Aristocratic faction seems to be to get rid of Aristia, and matches the few random moments of humanity he had. Either way, I'm holding out hope that the journey will make the ending make sense.

    But I don't think saying she has the power to change her future means her earlier fate was her fault or caused BY her. Just that cause and effect are not a straight line, but more like a weave of tiny decisions that all affect each other, constantly being made by everyone on the planet. Her actions changing her fate now does not mean that she was responsible for her first one - it's closer to rows of dominos. She's making decisions right now that end up creating big changes in other people simply because the choices she makes have consequences, and end up affecting the choices other people make as well.

    Saya January 9, 2020 12:42 am
    Now I see your point. I agree that I don't want her to just fall into his arms - best case scenario, he somehow finds out what that version of him did to her, maybe sees a magic vision about it or smth, and doe... bibachoro-ok


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