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satan's spinach lover created a topic of Sketch

oh no…why is he in the cover…im bout to crashout

satan's spinach lover add manga to list favies

Seung-chan is stressed. He has enough on his plate with the long hours at work, and now he can&rsquo...

  • Author: Re-run
  • Genres: Yaoi / Webtoons / Smut

not even batman could make me do the shit he did in the first fee chaps humiliation ritual fr

satan's spinach lover asked a question

is the guideverse or esperverse new? ive read a lot of recent mangas/manwhas where theyre esper and guide related, is that a new trope? who made it? let me know if u know

NIGGA YES U ARE SLUT …WHY R U MAD naui has good friends who care for him and u get possessive as if the whole block doesn’t know ur name? reflect bop ass nigga

satan's spinach lover created a topic of Home

nah yall got me fucked up. first of all fukami thinks he cant fall in love HE DOESNT KNOW HOW IT FEELS…Yes what he said abt wanting to meet w other people is so messed up but fukami is def on the spectrum imo

satan's spinach lover asked a question
satan's spinach lover asked a question

HELP ME FIND THIS BL its relatively recent?? it started with a guy who was about to jump off a bridge (its a manwha) and this guy crashes his car and “saves him” and the guys older brother doesn’t believe that he saved someone thats why he crashed his car and long story short the guy that was gonna commit suicide falls for the guys older brother.

satan's spinach lover created a topic of Overclock


satan's spinach lover created a topic of Brotherly XX