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nimnim juice created a topic of Drug Devourer

I hate when cool characters get a harem when they don’t need one.And they never meet women who even match their personality type.It’s so aggravating.And 2 I thought he needed drugs to access his power?I understand their are nature drugs you can get from plants but it doesn’t seem prevalent to the story anymore! Lastly he didn’t need to kill his stepbrother.I’d have rather he tried to attack his dad.

nimnim juice answered question about question
I’ve wanted to say this for a while, when manga authors draw black ppl.It has gotten better though.I can’t stand when they make the lips look weird.I dislike when they give a clearly black character straight hair.If you want to create a quick and easy style for that character do dreads!

This isn’t shounen ai I can tell that the duke will even get Maythan .Any way I also wanted to mention is just like this ongoing character I’ve seen recently in romance isekai’s:

The fan girl of the book or game gets into the world and gushes over everything that is happening.They don’t follow the rules or try to adapt to the world but, want the world to follow the scenarios to the T.And when they don’t they try and force things to go how they originally supposed to never thinking the characters of having their own personalities/wishes.
What I wanted to get at is that ,Maythan has to watch her.She could easily ruin certain things by trying to make the characters stay “true to the story”.Her character archetype is truly selfish in my opinion.

I just wasted an hour of time in this.I regret so much. I can’t stand to see an Uke chasing someone one-sidely and the Seme is trying to do tests.Like he set up situations to see if he should really not get with Mimori, at the cost of dragging the Uke around. I sad that the Uke is chasing this kind of man .

nimnim juice created a topic of Jinx

I’m not surprised potato don’t say anything.This is the authors way of causing trouble for the Uke and making it seem like he betrayed the seme. As another comment or said even if potato does eventually say something it’ll be at a time where the information isn’t useful anymore. The author is never going to make things easy for Kim Dan.

nimnim juice asked a question

Does anyone know a prison yaoi where the Uke is actually smart.

nimnim juice created a topic of Waterside Night

I can’t stand the people in the comments trying to dub this the best yaoi redemption arc.
When all Taeju gave was a apology and explanation. The bar is low.

nimnim juice created a topic of Spectrophilia

I kinda still think Jaeha is an asshole.kicking someone sitting next to the one you like was over board.I think it would have been better if Jaeha made home “disappear”.

At first when they did it the first time it was ok. Because we thought he just accidentally rushed things.Honestly after that he started going to far cause he didn’t like what that the Uke didn’t want a relationship.Honestly the author should have let made the seme stay away for a longer time and actually form a relationship. I hate it when Seme’s try to have sex while the Uke is asleep. It’s weird. Honestly you could have:
-Had the best friend have a serious talk about how he’s been going about things
-Had him a large amount of clients ( so he could be apart from Uke for a while)
-Have the cat the seme is taking care of ‘accidentally’ get in his house

nimnim juice created a topic of Remarried Empress

I think I’m confused with how things are going. But is this what’s happening?
but so far…….Evely (the magician girl the empress used to take care of) might be the missing daughter of Rashta’s fake parents?Rashta knows that?Heinry has been ruining the magic department of the Naviers homeland?Therefore hurting Evely who Navier treats well?
—————>Rashta is also had her baby taken by Sovieshu? So that’s why she’s baby sick and practicing how to hold a fake baby earlier?And her last husband is trying to make it known Rashta had a child b4 this to get (status?(wealth? But at the same time as all this the reporter boy (who’s sister was framed by Rashta and killed) is seeking every opportunity to make her look bad in the newspaper?
—————->Also now the duke, (that’s on Heinry’s side based in Naviers home country) is going to now use everything he learned from pretending to be Rashta’s support?
——————> What’s confusing me is when did Rashta get sent to isolation by Soveishu? Cause he was still covering for her even after he felt sketchy that Rashta’s (new) kid, was his or not.And she was still harassing Evely.

Rowena is stupid.But I don’t blame her much for how things ended up cause she did try her best to get away.I’m just saying really,that why would you continuously try to get the help of Cecilia.She’s a kid who was in love with the ML not too long ago.Younger girls always hold grudges about not getting the men they want did you think she would be more mature???Why haven’t you told Cedric that the ML is holding you hostage for your sons medicine.It’s just her blind faith irks me, that’s how she got involved with her baby father!

This is so funny I have to laugh every time they mention he’s a cradle robber. But honestly he’s such a good guy it’s surprising, I thought he would be cold and stand-offish because that’s usually how authors make the ML’s these days.But he’s really sweet,I love that for her.And I find it funny how little interest she has in him most of the time,like he isn’t anything special .Anyways I like how their love is slowly growing.

nimnim juice created a topic of Believe My Sign


Of course Kang Eunchan beat that dudes ass and the zombie then rates the dud who kidnapped the Uke.As Kang Eunchan runs around with the Uke on his back they meet this weird police dude.

nimnim juice created a topic of Jinx

Listen if I was Kim Dan I would have kept that key chain so I could sell it later on.Why waste your money and throw it in the trash? Your already broke.Why be Broker?!

nimnim juice created a topic of Touch Up

Idk I just don’t feel anything for these two characters.O want to but I feel like I was rushed.Also what is the name thing about. I didn’t see any lore type chapter like you get in the beginning of an omegaverse.

nimnim juice created a topic of Omegaverse

I liked 7 and 10. Disappointed in 8 cause I liked that the omega wanted to be a lawyer.and that would have been cool.

Wild theory but I believe that the author set up chap 4 the way they did to prove Ao right in the situation where he should be wrong.Because consider this they were already thinking of kicking up the fees on the businesses in the town already.So eventually with how little their shop makes their windows were going to get busted in with or without Asuka being there.I hate how u was loving this plot and they made it into “not all situations need violence story”.When that’s exactly what the plot needed Asuka beating everyone one up. Or at least trying.I hate to be that person that says “this story need to be realistic!”.But Ao is very naive to the situation going on around him, or at least refuse to acknowledge it.

nimnim juice created a topic of Midnight Dweller

I’ve read this story in one go till chap 54.I have to say there is so much wrong with the Uke’s mentality,but I also blame his “mAsTeR” for that.

-Making excuses not to see his sick mom (blaming his master for not being specific, but true he is wrong for not being specific)

-Being forced to be honest with him when he refuses to be honest with you

-He’s ok with sleeping with others but dare the Uke do it,there will be hell to pay

So much of this is fucked up on top of the fact he raised you basically like a pseudo “father” of sorts

It’s weird how from the Sèmes view of things the Uke Hwan betrayed him and he did everything right by Hwan.But when we see Hwan’s pov we know the Seme shouldn’t be given a leg to stand on in an argument cause he never tells Hwan the truth of what is going on.Their sole problem being communication.

I feel bad for the Uke and the Seme.Seme was forced to have sex with omegas in heat at young age.Which warped his idea of love/sex .And Uke,just throw his whole family away. Children are not robots. I despite what I said previous to this line I do still think the Seme is horrible still. The sleep sex is deeply disturbing, and disgusting. They both need therapy and need to separate.

Further!? I know what this author is trying to do now.Cleary they’re either going to have him have sex with the brother or have one of those “he was saved just in time by his husband scenarios”. I just hope it’s not the former.