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Lenni's experience ( All 0 )

Lenni's answer ( All 2 )

about question
Only you can really figure out your sexuality. Find what you think feels right, sexuality is fluid and subject to change. Doing research first would be a good option. Omnisexual is oddly specific for this, as it means you like all gender identities as those identities. Basically, being omni would mean you like all genders, but you're not "gender bl......   reply
01 06,2021
about question
People are so dumb istg- I never understood the "pre-pride month" thing, pride has its own month (not saying I'm against pride month either, I'm all for it, personally I'm genderfluid and pansexual, but the fact that AAPI month was so silenced is just nauseating) People only think Asia is made up of people from China, Japan, and Korea, like no swee......   reply
01 06,2021

Lenni's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

currently in one, its been 5-6 months, I dont think honeymoon phases exist bc this girl makes me feel like this all the time

8 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

Safe to say we are exes now lol.

12 hours
want to do fix sleep schedule

woke up incredibly early today just so i could reset it. also, if y'all still can't sleep, rain noise or ocean wave sounds slumber my ass sq

12 hours