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Rayassour created a topic of Nomi×Shiba

So what business a university student got with a 14 y/o….. uncomfy!

Rayassour created a topic of Slammer Dogs
Rayassour created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

I wanted to see his bullet torn corpse

Rayassour created a topic of Chirijiri Yuku no

Haven’t they known each other for one day?

Rayassour created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I refuse to read if it isn’t a cosmic cats upload

Rayassour created a topic of The Hole is Open

“My vagina will change its shape to fit your dick”

Rayassour created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I love this story and I’m happy with the slow burn but I wish just a little bit more development would happen in some of the chapters or they were at least a fraction longer ToT

Rayassour created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

I hate hate hate constantly watching this bloke get raped

Rayassour created a topic of The Hole is Open

Yeah he’s home… boning his aunt… while she’s wearing kids swimwear

Rayassour created a topic of Pond with flowers

“Please.. fuck me more brother” god save us

Rayassour created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

He stands out cause he’s fucking gorgeous bro

Rayassour created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Still so weird that they’re brothers

Every time the stomach bulges like that I think of the scene in alien

Rayassour created a topic of Be, Be

Are they gonna bone in the hospital T^T

Rayassour created a topic of Secretary to Stage

Is he ever gonna shag the other guy

Rayassour created a topic of The Hole is Open

The kind of art men make when they swear they aren’t ped0s

Rayassour created a topic of ARTS MANZ