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Rayassour created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I swear to fuck if his avatar ends up looking like the neighbour

Rayassour created a topic of Slammer Dogs
Rayassour created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Rayassour created a topic of Secretary to Stage

Always such a shock when you open a new chapter and they’re in the middle of a bone sesh

Rayassour created a topic of ARTS MANZ
Rayassour created a topic of Slammer Dogs

What did happen to his eye I forget

Oh beom gunwoo the man that you are

Rayassour created a topic of The Hole is Open

I would beat a man to death if he tried to lick my armpit

Rayassour created a topic of Jinx

I hope you and your weird eyebrows suffer for a long time

Rayassour created a topic of Secretary to Stage

Adam’stone is genuinely the stupidest fucking band name I’ve ever heard

Rayassour created a topic of BJ alex

okay. 3rd read. subtle and promplty forgotten disordered eating from jiwon???? the excessive working out when he got stressed? same king

Rayassour asked a question

Is there a yaoi that’s from the semes POV?

Pretty subtle change from “yearning for another man’s cock” to literally giving birth