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Daemon June 13, 2019 11:50 pm

Ok so basically the seme and uke used to go out for mixers together with some really attractive ladies but their recent one were for failures. They were both really drunk so they ended going to a hotel and sleeping with each other. Only thing is that they both enjoyed and the uke had some problems with the seme the next day because he fooled around with another chick. Don't remember much because I just read the first chapter.

Daemon June 12, 2019 11:13 pm

Does anyone know of a yaoi/shounei-ai manga where the seme is some sort of shape-shifter (I think a wolf or a fox) and saw uke when he was a newborn after his pregnant mother came to his kingdom (of demons I think) and gave birth there? He grows quite attached to the uke and they meet later on. Pretty sure that the seme has white hair and the uke has black. Also, when the uke goes to the alternative universe he meets some sort of demon who is obsessed with the seme and constantly takes his clothes off and scares him. Pretty sure they never have sex and they might kiss. Also, the picture of the exhibitionist demon is often used by scanlation groups as meme material. If someone could find this manga I'd be very grateful.

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