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solar created a topic of A Trace Of Margins

thank god this ended

solar created a topic of Honey Bear
solar created a topic of A Trace Of Margins

they got over the mc's death in the past life way too quickly
so underwhelming
i wanted character development but they all the same

solar created a topic of Touch Up

guys controversial take, there's not chemistry between them hence why the author throws in stuff like amnesia and kidnappings to keep the plot going

like when it's just them two, there's personalities seem so under developed
just me???

solar created a topic of Regas

this is so rushed compared to the novel
n I'm so sad knowing what's coming ugh

solar created a topic of A Trace Of Margins

so he just miraculously appeared as our mc was falling out of the car??

solar created a topic of Love Strongly, Surprise!

the first time fucking in the car
also the tattoo literally gonna piss myself but cute regardless

solar created a topic of Gentle Forest
solar created a topic of Solo For Two

I love how EVERYONE in the comments are praying simultaneously for their happiness

solar created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

this is how long chapters should be
other authors take notes

solar created a topic of Spilled Blood

I'm just getting second hand embarrassment
art was wasted

guys this is called character development, no one is saying to forget about it but we can appreciate that's he's willing to change

solar created a topic of Waterside Night
solar created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk
solar created a topic of Bird Cage

I love how everyone is equally as confused

i hope he stands his ground when he says stuff like this

how am I still so exited being 145 chapters in omg I'm hooked

solar created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity
solar created a topic of Night of London

Why doesn’t the London I live in not look like this

solar created a topic of Hero VS. Villain