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I.need.a.short.coma March 18, 2021 5:23 am

I like homegirl maxi, but I don’t like the lying. its the cause of literally all her problems and will make her seem untrustworthy and incompetent if shes caught in a lie. shes the lady of the house and ik she wasnt raised for the job and shes doing what she thinks is expected of her but it just doesnt sit well with me. I hope it gets resolved in due time and she gets some major growth because she really has the makings to be a boss bitch

anyways #riftansupremacy

    Little-one March 18, 2021 6:28 am

    I understand what your saying but it's a part of the extreme anxiety, trauma and shame she hones from her past. She thinks that the moment she says it she won't be able to keep riftan and everyone happy with her and to keep her calm we see that she needs to feel like no one is burdened with her. Plus it's prob gonna be part of the climax when she tells him and she realizes that there is nothing wrong with her stuttering and that she is a victim and that he will love her no less. It'll probably change the way she thinks about herself as well as the way she views her family and the people around her .

I.need.a.short.coma March 9, 2021 6:39 am

I just kept thinking of the incriminating nature of like half of the panels. like imagine having to explain wtf that shit was to someone who saw it out of context lmao

    SaltyOmelette March 9, 2021 7:07 am

    I first saw the "I want to bite her" panel in photos of the manga and Let me tell you I was fcking screaming cuz I thought they progressed so fast in just one chapter

    I.need.a.short.coma March 10, 2021 3:05 am
    I first saw the "I want to bite her" panel in photos of the manga and Let me tell you I was fcking screaming cuz I thought they progressed so fast in just one chapter SaltyOmelette

    felt this lmaoooo
    I was dead ass yelling as well

I.need.a.short.coma March 4, 2021 4:59 pm

bitch she looks at him like hes the whole world and only asks for honesty so shes not blind sided and his ass is like "she must think im trash" like you dumb whore? and he had so many chances to be clear, like specify that youre content with her you fucking overgrown tree. or idk maybe just confess ?? whats the worst that could happen? a genuine heart to heart conversation? how scary

and her too. like her man is a serial whore and hes told her over and over he won't cheat and that divorce is out of the question and her ass thinks nothing of it ? like girly read between the lines he heart eye emojis you. but tf is he gon do if you confess ?
divorce ? he said he'd never.
get other women ? he said he'd never.
ignore you again? hes a whore and couldn't do that.

what ever I guess they’re both dumb bc ~~Plot~~

    Sayua March 4, 2021 5:01 pm


I.need.a.short.coma February 10, 2021 7:17 pm

im so damn confused, like one sec its her birthday party the next they’re all 12+ and talking bout getting jobs and shit
and what the hell is going on with her wanting to sing and how music is gonna stop the temple or what ever
also how in gods name is she out in the middle of the night like this without her parents or anyone she knows aside from her teacher and dressed so scantily clad, like shes 12 ?
home girl looked like a heroine groupie from the 80s, they could have just dressed her up in poor people clothes she didnt need to have cocaine cheeks

anyways this was so damn confusing im gonna go do drugs to cope <3

    Kookie :3 February 10, 2021 8:18 pm

    so what u are saying is u wanted 365+ chapters on her daily life? Girl nobody has time to not skip ages

    I.need.a.short.coma February 10, 2021 11:14 pm
    so what u are saying is u wanted 365+ chapters on her daily life? Girl nobody has time to not skip ages Kookie :3

    ?? hell no lmao, ive been waiting for a time skip since chapter 50.

    im saying the abrupt change in storyline is confusing. they never mentioned that kids can have careers nor the importance of being 12 and instead of getting everyone used to the new setting, they jumped straight into a new arc. the flow is off and the lack of background information makes the arc unclear.

    idk where it seemed like I wanted another second of the barney and friends routine lol

    Kookie :3 February 11, 2021 12:19 am

    lol I thought u were very confused as to how or why it changed the age

    IceCreamCheeseCake February 11, 2021 10:24 am
    ?? hell no lmao, ive been waiting for a time skip since chapter 50. im saying the abrupt change in storyline is confusing. they never mentioned that kids can have careers nor the importance of being 12 and inst... I.need.a.short.coma

    Her Birthday was the end of that arc. And now another arc began where she's trying to find a way to make her dream career come true, which is singing. Since there's no song that would be welconed in the society aside from church songs which she refuses to sing because she knows somethings shady about them. They're also the start of her demise so she really doesn't want tk and she never will. And then there goes her teacher, a commoner beaurocrat. She suggested about her going to the slums since they sang songs and are accepted, unlike the high society where she comes from. Since she wants to know what kind of song they sing and wants to learn, she starts going on incognito with her teacher and that man and boOm! She got invited to sing, she saw Callisto, He supported her and she sang. There goes those freaking old man wanting to trap her. But ofcourse, our loverboy won't let that and starts to save her out of there

    Hmmm it was explained tho hahahahahaha. The starting point of nobles is when they're 12. That's when they should think about what they want and get educated about those things. While commoners work at the age of 10. Since she's a noble with a business and a modeling career, it's kinda insulting that Cretianne told her to be her Maid. And that's when she started to educate that fcking lunatic that led her to insulting the little btch.

    I.need.a.short.coma February 11, 2021 12:37 pm
    Her Birthday was the end of that arc. And now another arc began where she's trying to find a way to make her dream career come true, which is singing. Since there's no song that would be welconed in the society... IceCreamCheeseCake

    thank you for the play by play, its very appreciated and through !
    I pretty much gathered what you said but I guess it was just the direction the plot was taking that had me a little bit like ???

    my confusion is mainly because they are saying all this information now, like it wasnt explained before the skip (aside form he music and the conspiracy stuff) so like first chapter info dumps are kinda random to me
    and I got that they do jobs at 12 and commoners do it at 10, what I meant was that it wasnt a thing in advance. like time skips pick up on important points so if they said this earlier id probably have been more like "oooh this makes sense"

    and yea I understood the drama as soon as a saw it tehe ;))
    that Cretiannenasjeuihf girl is such a skeez ball, like she was a weirdo at first but like shes straight up vindictive and so ignorant at the same time. idk who dropped her as a baby but she gives me antagonist vibes. I feel like shell play a vindictive role.

    anyways thanks again icon !!

I.need.a.short.coma February 10, 2021 12:46 pm

he basically insinuated that they be doing the devils tango and that she ties him up when they haven't even kissed yet I-
imagine being her family members, I would simply pass away <3

I.need.a.short.coma February 4, 2021 12:26 pm

ive said so much shit about this man but now that we have been presented by the facts, lets not act like he was out of pocket. yall don’t need to love, or even like him, but yall do need to realize him being easily swayed by dollar tree Nilla is because she has been his single confidant for years. homie was traumatized his whole damn life and found respite and safety with another trauma victim, its reasonable for him to act the way he does with her. they had no body but each other and bonded because they were both traumatized, its obvious he would give her endless passes and side with her, but as we have all seen he never lets his bias towards her cloud his judgement and he was always fair. even now its so indicative that his feelings are changing and hes seeing her in a new light. hes also kind to Patrizia and hes not letting things slide anymore because rose's behavior had begun to hurt other people.

and yall being mad bc he has a wife and mistress ?? like rose was there first (not that I like her ass but I get it from his end) and he was pressured into a political marriage its not like he asked for a wife or that he was trying to pit women against each other. he was also super upfront about how the nature of their relationship would be and its not like he ever lead on Patrizia or made it seem like he was two-timing scum.

this is coming from someone who has called this man sumn along the lines of a "quarter inch bitch boy", so this is really sayin sumn and he really has grown as a character so its not fair to continuously vilify him for his actions, which don’t hurt anyone (in this timeline at least) and make a whole lot of sense.

    tea123 February 6, 2021 5:20 am

    most people don't hate him they just think the female lead deserves better

    Alenira February 6, 2021 5:58 am

    Ehm.. his actions have hurt someone.. FL.
    His ignorance of his "girlfriends" personality and the suport he has given her even after he learned she almost caused a politial war. And the fact that he knows his Gf tried to kill FL and himself yet alowed them to sweep it all under the rug by bringing forth a falce scapegoat is also hurting FL. Thanks to his actions FL's reputation among the nobels she rules over is ruined and his GF is making way to become queen. ALso do not forget he married FL under the thought that him and his GF could kill her off at any time... Isnt that also hurting FL?
    Now take into acound all the ppl whom his GF has injure, harmed politicaly or all the servants she has gotten rid off over the years. Do they not count? And yet i count him as responcible for all of this because he is The Emperor so unless he alowed it, his Gf wouldnt have been able to do all of that!
    Yes he is broken, but that only justfiec so much..
    So what if he is learning or opening up to FL, the only reason he is doing that is because his GF gave him the cold shoulder and FL was there to be his stand in MAMA.
    He is broken beyond repair and should under no sercumstances be Emperor.

    tea123 February 6, 2021 6:04 am
    Ehm.. his actions have hurt someone.. FL.His ignorance of his "girlfriends" personality and the suport he has given her even after he learned she almost caused a politial war. And the fact that he knows his Gf ... Alenira


    Flinn Ryder's baby mama February 6, 2021 6:12 am

    dollar tree Nilla

    Natsu February 6, 2021 10:29 am
    Ehm.. his actions have hurt someone.. FL.His ignorance of his "girlfriends" personality and the suport he has given her even after he learned she almost caused a politial war. And the fact that he knows his Gf ... Alenira

    Actually I disagree with what you say. He an alright emperor. Act least he better then the emperors in “Remarried Empress” and “The abandoned Empress”.

    Also he wouldn’t be able to do anything to the mistress even if he wanted to without concrete evidence. If he doesn’t have any significant evidence then he can’t punish the Mistress. As you can see they tried to behead the mistress and punish her for the crime of almost killing the emperor and empress. But the duke save her. The mistress is playing her cards well and she getting strong allies on her side.

    I understand why the emperor is the way he is especially when it involves the mistress sure it may make him seem like a weak and shitty guy but i pity him and understand why he did what he did I don’t agree with his actions but it’s understandable.

    ホータン February 6, 2021 11:38 am

    as someone whos read the novel, i love this insight.

    Alenira February 6, 2021 12:26 pm

    Oh hes and alright Emperor but you a bringing up sympathy for his childhood witch has left him broken.
    Also he hates his father because of his childhood but wants to be nothing like his father.
    His father was a great Emperor who married a infertile woman who was Empress in name only and had no say in anything els and had a mistress on the side whom he favord over his wife, he would prance the mistress around pouplickly and lave the Empress at home unless needed. See anything fermiliar there? Despite hating his father for his childhood he is cooppying his fathers action to a T.... and yet you are saying to have sympathy when he is coppying everything that made him broken despite having everything neede to not do so.
    Also the Emperor in Remarried Empress is better than this Emperor and thats saying alot.
    The reasons the Emperor in Remarried Empress is better is:
    1. The Empresses honor reflects on the Emperors honor so he dosnt alow her to be pouplickly humiliated and sides with the Empress over the mistress in pouplic!
    2. The Empress has a say and can influenece and halt the Emperors actions.
    3. The Empresses words are taken into acount and are to be followed, servants cant ingnor her and are punished if they do.
    4. The Emperor made sure that nobels playing fawors know the Empress is above the mistress.
    He may lack at his job but his wife makes up for the slack, where as this storys Emperor his only keeping FL as Empress in name only. He didnt expect her to do any duties and only married her because him and his mistress could kill her off when they saw fit!

I.need.a.short.coma January 26, 2021 6:54 am

the teller didnt say that she would be romantically involved with the four men, just that her fate is tangled with theirs.

the people I think are obviously the duke, her ex husband bc he knows her identity, the evil blonde man and probbaly trigger

    diveien February 1, 2021 11:16 pm

    Trigger is out I'm thinking Jorge, or George? the Medicine guy she's writing letter of herbs to.

I.need.a.short.coma January 24, 2021 9:20 am

I couldn't help but think of pride and prejudice when he said she had bewitched him, like heck yea man she has bewitched you body and soul

now please continue to be the slow burn with realistic build up that we all deserve

I.need.a.short.coma November 9, 2020 12:56 pm

like I totally get that the emissary dude just showed up out of the blue and is an inconvenience but for them to include a very clearly muslim character and have them act as a vain villain to make yet another arc where Marie saves the day is so annoying.
like them being all like "seems like he values his religion more than his own life, hes so annoying" like what ??
that shit was just disrespectful and they even used the terms haram and halal
like ive seen so many versions of the turban wearing desert dwellers or what ever but this was so so clearly a weak attempt to make a problem for Marie to solve at the expense of an islamic value.
being disrespectful of a person or religions values is so out of pocket and the way the author picked and chose which things the character was serious about showed a lack of research.
muslims aren't meant to show up at other people houses because its seen as rude and disrespectfu towards the other person. and if they’re given a meal while being a guest, its actually good manners to eat what your given if your host was unaware of it being taboo.
again ik this is off topic but like the image the author created is just so gross and I had to say sumn

    just-lurking November 10, 2020 2:16 pm

    i find these stereotypes in all mangas that have Muslim/ Arab based characters it's a very toxic stereotype to portray especially for ppl who don't have the opportunity to interact with these individuals often in real life

    I.need.a.short.coma November 10, 2020 7:54 pm
    i find these stereotypes in all mangas that have Muslim/ Arab based characters it's a very toxic stereotype to portray especially for ppl who don't have the opportunity to interact with these individuals often ... just-lurking

    EXACTLY !!! shits fr so problematic especially when most viewers aren't muslim and may take the way the muslim characters are portrayed as face value. the misrepresentation is, like you said, so toxic and honestly its so disappointing to see Korean authors glorify white christian type characters as well

    just-lurking November 10, 2020 8:26 pm
    EXACTLY !!! shits fr so problematic especially when most viewers aren't muslim and may take the way the muslim characters are portrayed as face value. the misrepresentation is, like you said, so toxic and hones... I.need.a.short.coma

    Honestly the same can be said about other ethnicities but I've seen it mostly with muslim/Arab ethnicities and it is fucking rampant in harliequuin mangas like omfg

    I.need.a.short.coma November 10, 2020 9:01 pm
    Honestly the same can be said about other ethnicities but I've seen it mostly with muslim/Arab ethnicities and it is fucking rampant in harliequuin mangas like omfg just-lurking

    DAMN STRAIGHT. and don’t even get me started on the way they portray indigenous people or tribal religions and cultures. shits straight out of a John Smith handbook like sis I-

    just-lurking November 11, 2020 8:59 am

    they fetishize it so bad i always cringe i just. pul never read it

I.need.a.short.coma October 1, 2020 3:28 am

what we are witnessing is hereditary mental illness.
just smile, don’t make eye contact, and pray they leave <3

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