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amazing plot idea and great art but it just felt like it needed a couple more chapters to take its time, still lovely read tho

shouncn created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!


shouncn created a topic of Raou-kun Notices Me

I keep on rereading hoping for new chapters to magically appear

ngl coming back to see it already finished makes me think this story and art got super rushed. someone let me know if its still worth reading or not.

shouncn created a topic of High Clear

I have 1!!!! mental break down and the next time in check up on this its already finished ayo

shouncn add manga to list you gave me so much joy

From Exiled Rebels Scans:Tachibana Yuuichi, who lost both of his parents and sister in a traffic acc...

  • Author: MINADUKI Yuu
  • Genres: Romance / Yaoi
shouncn created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

I was genuinely so ready to read this just bc of the author but then the comments saying he calls him dad until the end.... how much of a father that stepped up are we talking about here yall?

shouncn created a topic of Open at Night

damn it really ended with a banging huh.... get it

shouncn add 1 photos to to read
shouncn created a topic of Houkago no Etude

genuinely dont get how that pedo got away with all that, ESPECIALLY the last meet up they had one on one, wasnt that rape???? in love with the story tho but its deff gonna get angsty again soon