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ari created a topic of Single Not Ready to Mingle

Damn, when I started reading this BL, I didn’t think it’d actually have plot. A twist where the original hero is not actually dead but has become the secret final boss isn’t something I thought I’d see in a BL where the sacred artifacts are dildos.

This author gets paid to publish their kinks and they did it twice. I admire that, tbh.

ari created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

The manhwa: “Wait for me.” “I will.”
My brain: Wait for Me (Reprise) from Hadestown

ari created a topic of My Suha

Another thing I’ll add as I was looking at the raw ending is how Siwoo does NOT seem to even be interested in that random guy LOL

Being with another man because you can’t admit to yourself that you’re falling for a crazy wildcard… I will miss what a mess these two are.

ari created a topic of My Suha

Ohhhhhhh the author chose chaos. Good for them.

Editing to add that as I was reading the story, I was wondering how the hell the author would get these two together considering how crazy and messy they are. Turns out they’re not going to be together at all! LOL

ari created a topic of Our Sunny Days

These two make me believe in love and romance….

ari created a topic of Castehate

It’s okay guys, I’m the snake’s husband now. He’s my wife and we’re happy with our three snake-hamster children. We have a dog and a lakeside vacation home that we go to on the summer.

ari created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

I can’t tell if the dead guy is actually related to the uke or if he’s just brother as in his “hyung” as a term of endearment.

ari created a topic of Jinx

Sorry to the fans of the doc but the way the author draws him is like he’s just head empty up there lol which I guess is why he’s able to get fucked like a ragdoll. The man has no personality

ari created a topic of The Man At Night

“You need me more that I need you” goes hard af, props to you depressed rich lady.

ari created a topic of My Suha

This is what happens when a guy so rich he’s never had to actually work for what he wants like a decent human being meets a guy who knows he shouldn’t stick his dick in crazy but is just inexplicably attracted to the crazy.

Me after watching the new Scott Pilgrim show: I’m getting some Wallace Wells vibes from this uke.

ari created a topic of CUFFED!

That brown haired hyung was literally so perfect — why is he not the main lead?

Oh, Alpha deserves a punch to the nuts.

ari created a topic of Profundis

Damn, I’d just let him bleed to death tbh

ari created a topic of Wuthering Heights (Ppang)

Saw the raws for this. Black hair with the middle part is the bottom, for anyone that wants to know. I still like it but I was hoping for the other guy to bottom lol

ari created a topic of Full volume

I like to pretend they live in an alternate universe where sex is an actual love language that can substitute for talking.

ari created a topic of Our Sunny Days

The baby falling asleep to her dad’s heartbeat is so sweet, I’m getting cavities!! ╥﹏╥

ari created a topic of My Suha

I read this like a car crash about to happen — you know it’s messy and people will get hurt but you can’t look away. Narcissistic people who can’t understand how their narcissism is actually hurting others AND themselves are always fascinating to watch.

ari created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I think an older person actively rejecting the younger person trying to get with them is the exact opposite of grooming. He’s literally being a responsible adult.

And I think what’s the challenge here is for Hyo Un to make a case to Taehyuk that he’s not a child because he’s not even human — he’s a dragon and he doesn’t want to be treated like a human child. The question is will the story be able to convincingly pull off changing the way Taehyuk sees Hyo Un?

The comments section is going through extremes in opinions right now on if this is grooming or if it doesn’t matter since it’s just fiction. For me, even if it’s just fiction, a good romance story should be able to convince me that a relationship can still happen despite the odds. I can read taboo smut just fine but if the story is actually trying to have plot and character development, and it introduces complications like “one character has essentially raised the other character who has now declared love for them”, I need to be able to be won over by the storytelling on how this will be resolved in a way that isn’t out of character for anybody.

So yeah, I don’t think this manhwa has grooming, but I also think this manhwa has set up a situation where the uke fucking the seme as they are now would be bad character development, unless it’ll be able to somehow do a miracle shot of writing it believably.