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sweety1997 created a topic of I'm Stanning the Prince

so i started reading this again. I remember some of the reasons I stopped and waited to later maybe skip to scenes with only angela and rayburn....cause everyone else is fucking annoying dafuq outta me....

This is so exciting! I love court dramas!

sweety1997 created a topic of I'm Stanning the Prince

to wait for everything to get somewhere. Especially their relationship.

So where we at?

Are they now together? Official? Love each other and confessed? And had kissed and maybe even more than that?

If all answers are Yes, I can finally read this...(● ̄(エ) ̄●)


is this worth reading? I don't like stupid stuff...hhh

I love Karen so much. OMG. He is so precious. Fuck! He gone convert her entire family! I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THAT HAPPEN PUHLEAAAASE!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Please. Learn. Never EVER change yourself for a dude! Be you. Unapologetically, authentically and fabulously you. Always. And if they don't worship you for that, fuck them. You don't need such a man. Keep them away. Stick to yourself and if you attracted sister goddesses like yourself, then stick to them. Always be loyal to yourself. The moment you are disloyal to yourself is when you fuck around and find out in the most ugliest ways. The biggest sin of a human, of a woman, is to be disloyal to her body and her self. That is when we curse ourself and will inevitably suffer greatly and maybe even die as a consequence. Never ever ever EVER! Especially if it's for a man! Never! And if you don't find that man who worships you in this life, then so be it. You are loyal to you and happy and fulfill your every dream and have your family born or built or both. Maybe your soul is not meant to go through this life ina union with another, but enjoy it single and with all your love, attention and focus on yourself. Create your dreamlife and live it always. Do not live anothers dream for them! EVER!


i just started this and I cannot get a handle at how fucki-di-ducking fabulous that witches nails are! NIGHT SKY GLITTER NAILS? EXCUSE MOI? ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

sweety1997 created a topic of Over The Paradise

gray hair blue eye hunk is a dick...what a very sad surprise....i wish he wasn't. I hate when they make espers a dick or when they make beautiful people this creepy kind of pathetic dick character. Like if you want to fuck, just be mature about it? Why does he have to create some fucked up elaborate story to get the guides to sleep with him? Disgusting narcissistic sociopathic bitch...

sweety1997 created a topic of Secondo Piatto

after years. Now that it is completed. And even has r18 come out. Now I am 26. And to my lovely girlies, please do not ever do what that female friend of the seme did. Do not kinda sorta date a guy and then marry him cause he kinda sorta mentioned how nice marriage would be and if they moved in together within 3 months. Never ever. NEVER. Do not say shit like " that kinda girl" or whatever. Life isn't a joke. We have enough extensive history and us women have enough generational traume in our genetic memory to know how we cannot fuck around with the freedom we have now thanks to women fighting to regain this for hundreds of years of small rebellions that grew into a big movement and freed us from the fangs of hardcore patriarchy. Get to know yourself. What do you need to be happy? What do you love? What makes you feel loved? Love yourself like that. Your body is your baby, your child. You need to listen to it, honour and love it. And with that comes everything else naturally. If you do it long enough, you will learn what you like and dislike. You realise that certain negative feelings to things are your body telling you "I don/t like that." That way I learned how I dislike when men curse around me. I want them to be mindful about their language. How I like when men open doors for me and are courteous in other ways towards me and just smile when I say thanks and are good with it. How I love when a man is attentive to me. When men can speak the language of emotion. How I need to feel eye to eye with a man in terms of intellect. How I need acts of service, attention to detail and presents to feel loved. Etc. pp. So I set basic standards. And any man I meet must meet them to be even considered. And if they can be considered, I will go with whatever flow they set and observe, while I look like I go with the flow. Which I do. I collect information about myself in every situation. How do I feel? How do I like this? What is he saying and how does it make me feel in the second I hear it? etc. Many notes. That way I realise if he is it or not. Listen to your body. Take yourself seriously. Love yourself and be your own guardian. Know that you deserve the best. You need to do that for yourself. Do not settle for some bullshit like this. It is just a story. Just fiction. But it happens so often in reality and we all know how it most often than not ends....please stop repeating the same mistakes others made thinking you are somehow special and it will end differently. This is called insanity. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

sweety1997 created a topic of Rivalry

the way he got jealous about the teenager would have made me so pissed. Like dude, you think I am a pedophile? Dafuq?

is this worth reading? I don't like toxic stuff or when seme is a bastard and is forgiven cause of no fucking is this truly a good story? I don;t wanna be disappointed again today. I read all the possible good stuff so now I keep looking for new things but am so scared to get scarred.....(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

sweety1997 created a topic of Lucky Paradise

after ho-in calmed down a bit. When they both done and are lying in after-glow, I hope they talk and uke tells seme that he actually had a change of mind and felt bad for his fucked up thoughts and actions and actually decided to stop and never do something like this again because he doesn't actually like seeing ho-in hurt and that he came just when he was about to go to him due to all these annoying coincidence accident thingies that came on top of each other. Please. Like it would be different with a couple that started healthy and was always healthy, but these two had already a fucked up start and uke was just about forgiven for the shit he made seme go through, which is why this is SCARY and nothing else that he wanted shortly...after all that... ┗( T﹏T )┛

sweety1997 created a topic of Worth the Wait

I had to to a triple take to make sure I wasn't triping. Like dafuq was with that shower-head. Or shower-heads? Like 3? or 4? and out of a mini one in the middle is coming out a giant spray of water. haha...brah...the poor artist must have been tired af drawing that background.

sweety1997 created a topic of Beyond Memories

because some say it wasn't seme who raped uke, but the brother. But seme was still an asshole to him and that is why he committed suicide. Some say it was all seme, he bought the uke and just tortured him and then regretted when he committed suicide, which makes no sense. Why would someone clearly psychopathic like that care and regret and want to make amends? I am so confused. I dunno if I should just continue reading this urgh

sweety1997 created a topic of In the Nane of Bai Ze

THE COVERRRRRR ლ(´ڡ`ლ) ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

sweety1997 created a topic of One Summer Day

but I keep hesitating. Because the art makes them look like babies. And I am not really keen to see people who look like middle or elementary school kids have coitus. Urgh. I feel like the authors style became worse in the sense of trying to become more cutesy and why not make it shounen ai then? Who wants to read a smutty yaoi and then have "adult" characters (or one that is even much older than average adult humans) and they both look like 12 year olds doing it. Like EW.....i know the story must be good, cause this authors is good at story telling. But damn gurl....ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

sweety1997 created a topic of Perfect Buddy

I usd to just read chapters here and there, because I wanted to wait till their relationship became like real (bf/bf) I started....and I find it so funny how he started hating him just cause he thought he fucked some random waiter in the hahahaahahh how wrong can you be and how funny as well ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

sweety1997 created a topic of This is the Law

Case about the old man who died and the kid who is accused.

I don't need psychometric abilities to know it was the homeroom teacher who wants the kid to take the case, but go as Scott free as possible. He did it, or someone he is trying to protect by letting the kid take the blame.

What a bitch.

i lost interest in chapter 2...dafuq she sold all that shit for a dumb ass love stone..i know its supposed to be funny...but bruh...too braindead for my liking rn

I am so happy for her.

Yes girl, you became a billionaire at 25! YAAAASSS (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

(just started this)

Reading this sort of plot with a woman as an MC is so cool man!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧