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sweety1997 created a topic of Contradict

how real this is. `The current arc. it is so relatable. shows us the whole human spectrum of emotions etc. I can relate a lot to both! I can empathise with both. and both are right. and I feel much more for the seme rn. it is different. yes, I empathise a lot for the uke. I understand him. I don't blame him either. but one person was preoccupied by his past and his fears of a what if scenario. the other was invested in the present. then he realised that his boyfriend wasn't even in the present with him, but living in the past and future. so he realised they were disconnected. and he didn't notice until strangers coincidentally created a situation that made him aware of the disconnect that went unnoticed for who knows how long.

it hurts to realise you were somewhere completely different than someone you thought you are intimate with on something (be it lover, friend or family). it makes you doubt a lot of things and doubt means uncertainty and that is very unsettling. very saddening. makes us afraid on a very fundamental level. dude just realised his boyfriend was projecting his ex on him, didn't feel on the same not as him about their relationship and level of intimacy, trust and commitment to the relationship (their "us") and heard from strangers first about something that has deep meaning between these two and is the pillar of their connection. Some people don't get it. But this is deep.

My mother is a very understanding and open-minded woman. But one thing she will not forgive is making her be in a situation like him. Where she hears about something important from strangers about me and doesn't know what to say. That feeling is something she asked of us very early to never ever make her feel. She doesn't ask much of us. But this was one of those. Loyalty is really big for us. Do whatever you want, but never put her in that situation where she feels betrayed. Even if it's not true. It happened. The situation is what it is.

He had so much time to tell him. I get a few days to digest things and calm down and sort out your head. But dude literally waited until they did a goodbye party for him....and was STILL contemplating telling his boyfriend about he took it to far man..

sweety1997 created a topic of Crush and Burn

but I can tell what is what and I hope they kill Ver. Fucking bitch. He is the human who betrayed the kindness the moon god (cain-ken) showed him, who made him fall and who is not manipulating him and brainwashing him in order to sexually assault and rape him. What a fucking bitch.

I am guessing Agia is actually the god of death maybe? I dropped this ages ago. Don't remember why. Was it to marinate cause things were to anxiety inducing? Anyway now that I read it again with much more life experience and experience as a reader on my back, I can tell, even without reading spoilers. Ver that motherfucker I swear....he deserves a painful death.

By the way, the comments scare me. Does it mean something is gonna happen and Ken is gonna all under this motherfuckers power again and become his mindless sex slave ?

I just started reading this and already am getting anxiety and rage from that creepy motherfucker (am at chap 7) what the fuck. man......and I know it's not simply fiction but men do this to women every day in real life. Every day around the world thousands of women experience things like this. Some get raped, som get physically hurt due to a mans rage for being rejected some get killed. Every single fucking day. I literally read about incidents on my insta fee every day. "Girl rejected classmate and was stabbed to death."..."Man raped and murdered girl for rejecting him."..."Woman burned with acid for rejecting a man."....."Woman hit with a brick in her face and permanently disabled for rejecting a man."

sweety1997 followed a list

>>>Recent Manhwa<<<
                                #Full Colored# 
  #Korean Art Style #SMUT# #Straight# #Mature#
            Some Scenes May or May Not Contain
                           》Rape《 》Abuse《
                     》Cheating《 》Dumb Plot《

If any of this u find discomforting, I advice to not
follow this list
If I repeated something, oops

16 05,2024
sweety1997 followed a list

๑ ⋆ ˚・─────ʚ ♡ STRONG ♡ ɞ─────・˚⋆ ๑
this list includes:
     ≫ strong women 
     ≫ romance
     ≫ revenge, isekai, reincarnation 
     ≫ beautiful art

                       Manwha ✓ 

If this list helped in a way, please feel free to recommend!
     `·.  happy reading ໒꒱

note: don’t steal my layouts!
๑ ⋆ ˚・─────ʚ ♡ WOMEN ♡ ɞ─────・˚⋆ ๑

13 05,2024
sweety1997 followed a list


=also mother
= she also has brothers
= she (or her father) has magic
= from an abusive household to a caring one-TW: for abuse the first couple chapters
= wholesome father daughter moments 
= annoying/dumb main character 
= bad art style/translations 
= personal favorite of mine!

 Check out the hidden gems on the later pages! Newer releases are there. 


13 05,2024
sweety1997 followed a list

"I feel strangely tired."

Clock: BITCH IT"S 2:30 AM! What else would a normal person feel???

sweety1997 created a topic of Regas

he ended up looking like a fucking pre-pubescent child after all......ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

sweety1997 created a topic of Regas

The part about "I thought only pretty BOYS..." really like upset me....reminded me of real history and how pedophilic men with authority forced little boys who looked good to be groomed into their toys. Ah goddamn. Anyway. Why do the imagined regas in his background all gotta look like they are 11-14? I prey rn that he won't ever look like that. I did read he gonna become a Twink somehow, so please I pray he won't look like a child omggggg

sweety1997 created a topic of Regas

of this on YouTube shorts. I read a comment that said "Why did they make him a Twink? He was so big and buff before!" haha

a novel to thisssss????? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

sweety1997 created a topic of Devil's wish

It feels so weird that she has no nipples! At least make it like censored so it looks like they glow white or what. Or make her not take off the bra. This looks so strangeeee

why I dropped this. She was so pathetic and disgusting before, that is why. And then just cause she died she did a whole 180????????? Makes no sense. Completely illogical.

sweety1997 created a topic of Shadowless Night

I just started this. Dafus is "house red dragon wheel" WHO COMES UP WITH SUCH NAMEEEEES ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

How the fuck are you guys reading and processing writing????

For those who seem to conveniently look over important key details of this story, let me recap you, so you understand why Philomels actions are the only ones that make sense:

She was treated like trash by her father until she was 9 in this life. she was so neglected that she had servants who were beating her as "education" and not taking care of her like they should for a royal heir. they were ridiculing her in her own palace, so much so she could hear them. lazing around and stealing from her.

for 9 whole years her father gave no shits so things became like this. he talked shit about her left and right and infront of people. he called her "a thing" and looked at her like she was a roach all this time. she had to heavily mask and act insanely mature and become a whole other person and butter her way up to this mojo to slowly show a bit less hatred towards her and warm up to her. with time he got used to her, cause she literally made her life revolve around him, so how could he not?

only with her fiancé she did not have to act to much and just spent their time together doing all the work she needed to do to be able to be in good regards of the emperor and be accepted by people.

look how frivolous, childish and immature eluncia acts now that she is a princess since a handful of weeks. she is dragging her around barging into an emperors room screaming "dad" as she pleases and demanding to play games or make a former crown princess her handmaid without batting an eye. nobody is doing anything about it. the dude ain't hating her or ever being in any way harsh to her nor is anyone else. and she is 16. still a teen. BUTTTT.......

When philomela was a literal CHILD people were treating her like trash because she was BEING A CHILD and didn't act enough like an ADULT at 9. the emperor was talking smack about her so much so he did that one time where she heard him talk so harsh on purpose KNOWING (as we know now) she was hearing him through the open door. Talking about how she ain't maturing or able to do shit. and how he wants her do live like a dead rat and just fulfil her duties as an heir properly, be mature and even come close to the excellence he showed as a child (who experienced hell as it seems and still dude has no sympathy for a kid in a situation similar to his, that he created for no reason)

so please. like how do people read??. like how do you guys read????? This is called cognitive dissonance you know. And I do not understand why you would chose to go through cognitive dissonance not for a real life distressing situation but for a mere fantasy story. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

I hope you ain't like this in real life. just cause someone is handsome and begs a bit and looks pitiful, you tell the victim they should reconsider and are being to harsh or something....dafuqqqqq....trauma ain;t a joke. especially as a kid. and the author did not even portray that authentically in her story enough.....just a little bit with how she fainted from extreme stress when she saw emperor come to get her and was sick for a few days and said all that stuff to his face throwing all those words that haunt her since she was 9 and ruled over her entire life since then back at him....

other notes: dude never hugged her, never kissed her, never showed any real obvious affection to her, never told her he loved her. he just got used to her presence and was comfortable with her and was looking for her when not around. a bit more intimate a relationship than he has to his aide. that is how their relationship was. kay we saw some scenes (she knows nothing about) where he was jealous when she had danced with her fiancé at debutant or what. or him picking her up when it was convenient. but that is all. look how shook she was when eluncia came and kissed this dude on the cheek. something she never even imagined doing to him, cause he is so cold and scary....even when she hugged him by accident when she was happy for getting the ring or what was it? she drew back instantly and looked at him to see if she pissed him off....that is their relationship. she never got any proper sign from him (cause he never expressed himself!!! it is on him!!!!) that he cares for her. she thought that she was successful in being someone he is happy with to inherit his throne and that is useful to him and not to bothersome to be around and that is why he rewards her with gifts etc. cause he royal and she his heir so that is custom for royals and shi. that is all this ever was. as that is all it ever seemed. to which is why she thought he wants to look for her cause he wants her dead. (it was not just cause of the book, she thought she did it all perfect so he may not look for her, then he did and she thought fuck he must still want me dead after all. nobody who thinks they are being loved thinks this way okay)

phew. I just binged this now that it marinated enough from the beginning again with better quality translations, and felt all that empathy again. then I read these bullshit comments....couldn;t keep this in....adios (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

I am happy that the parents reconciled.

But they literally just discovered what Aiden went through. Just realised they isolated their son. The little 10 year old who was alone for all his life until he married a stranger who turned out to be his angel.

And then they decide to leave forever again and leave it all to those children. Instead of staying there to get to know him more. Spend more time with him, at least for like a few months.

Like dafuq....

my mouth is still open wide cause of the shock that prim is betraying her. Wow. I did feel a bit odd about her, but I didn't know why. It felt like she was not really with her full heartedly. Which I thought might make sense, as she apparently only worked for her for a year. Is not that long. And then lost everything so quickly. So she must be traumatised and miss home and what she could have had for a future there.

But this was shocking...

I left this early to let it marinate and wait until FL and ML are in a proper relationship. Like when Ines gave in and loves ML and starts to heal and think of life with him. Are we anywhere close to this right now? Cause I cannot handle it if not...

cause everyone says such good things. But the art is too ugly for me. (Personal opinion). This is so annoying. But well, what can I do. Gotta do what I gotta do. Ahh. Wish you guys all the best enjoying this story!